Hearing the words, Leng Xuan replied: "The owner of the valley is being polite, Leng Xuan dare not lose his courtesy."

   "Oh." Zhao Chen waved his hand and said, "It's okay, it's okay, Deacon Wen was here just now, and I didn't dare to break the rules in front of him. Now that he's gone, we don't need to pay so much attention to etiquette. Come, sit down."

   "Fellow Immortal Leng, this is your Battle Heaven Order, please keep it." After speaking, Zhao Chen handed the jade card to Leng Xuan's hand. "Zhantian Ling?" Leng Xuan took the jade piece and asked, this was the first time he heard the name of this jade tablet.

   "Why, doesn't Leng Xianyou know about the Zhantian Order? Did the person who gave you the Zhantian Order not tell you what it is?"

  Leng Xuan shook his head, "No, he just asked me to give this jade card to the owner of Xilan Valley, saying that you will know."

"It turns out that it is." Zhao Chen said, "Leng Xianyou, I just saw it, this War Heaven Token is engraved with the word 'begging', indicating that this War Heaven Token is given to a specific person. However, This Zhantian Token was sent by my grandfather, and I don't know that this Zhantian Token has no other meaning."

   "Your grandpa?"

"Yes, my grandfather is the real valley owner of Xilan Valley, but he is currently in retreat, and I am just acting as the valley owner." Zhao Chen said, "Friend Leng, since you haven't even heard of Zhan Tianling, I think you are not very clear about the role of Zhan Tianling." Leng Xuan nodded, "Please advise."

Zhao Chen said: "The decree of war is something unique to our Xilan Valley. Since the establishment of Xilan Valley, we have only issued five orders. The meaning of the decree is actually to fight against the sky. We I have always regarded 'heaven' as the limit, and the role of Zhantian Ling is to challenge one's own limits. More than ten years ago, someone brought Zhan Tian Ling to Xilan Valley. Like you, he has his own Zhan Tian Ling. It was passed down by the predecessors. However, when that person challenged, he failed to even succeed in the first level. Because of this, we later formulated a rule. Anyone who comes to Xilan Valley with a battle order must pass the challenge. The four-layer test can only enter the Xilan Valley."

   Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan realized that his experience outside the valley was for this reason. "Zhao Guzhu, you are talking about challenging yourself, I don't know what kind of challenge it is?"

"Sorry, I can't say this." Zhao Chen shook his head and said, "Also, even if I told you, it would be useless, because the way of challenge is not fixed. However, what I can tell you is that if you can pass the battle The test of the heavenly order will greatly improve your cultivation. I think this is the reason why the senior beggar let you come to Xilan Valley."

   "Master Zhao Gu, do you know when this challenge will start?"

   Zhao Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, you just came to Xilan Valley, you should rest for a few days. The challenge of Zhantianling is not so easy to complete. Let's talk about it when you adjust your state."

   came out of the hall, Wen Xiyuan was already waiting outside, "Friend Leng Xian, please this way." Following Wen Xiyuan, Leng Xuan came to his room after a while. After resting in the room for a while, Leng Xuan went out alone and wandered in Xilan Valley. There are many people living in Xilan Valley. Leng Xuan walked all the way and saw many people walking around in the valley. However, when he was about to go deep into the valley, he was stopped by several Xilan Valley disciples.

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