After taking a closer look, Leng Xuan cupped his hands and said, "Dare to ask what this immortal friend is called?" The middle-aged man replied, "Xiyuan is the deacon of Xilan Valley, responsible for all affairs of Xilan Valley. The owner of the valley learned that a VIP came to the door today, and specially asked me to come to greet you." Leng Xuan said, "The way you welcome guests in Xilan Valley is really weird." Wen Xiyuan smiled slightly, and then said: "Friend Leng Xian, please come with me. I'll enter." After a pause, he looked at Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming not far away, and continued, "Fairy Zi Yuan and Friends Zhuo, please." Following Wen Xiyuan, Leng Xuan finally entered the Xilan Valley.

At this time, Zi Yuan, who was only listening to the side, asked: "Friend Leng, I don't know where you learned from?" Leng Xuan said casually: "I don't have a master." Zi Yuan was slightly surprised: "I don't have a master? That friend Leng is really A talent in the sky, just relying on his own hard work can actually have such strength." Leng Xuan smiled: "I can't say that, although I don't have a master, but many seniors have pointed me. Without their help, I wouldn't be able to. With my achievements today."

   Having said this, he asked, "I don't know where the two of you are from?" Ziyuan replied, "We are the disciples of Hundred Gardens."

   "Hundred Gardens?" Leng Xuan was slightly surprised, but he didn't expect Ziyuan and the others to be Bai Garden's disciples. When he came to the Half Immortal Realm, the first place he went to was Bai Garden. It was also there that he met Zhuo Shimin, and he didn't know how well she had come in. Thinking of this, he was about to speak, but he heard Wen Xiyuan's voice coming from the front: "Friend Leng, the owner of the valley will be waiting for you in the hall, please come with me."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately put away his thoughts, followed behind Wen Xiyuan, and walked slowly into the hall. Entering the hall, Leng Xuan raised his eyes, and saw a person sitting on the main seat of the hall. Seeing that person, Leng Xuan's heart couldn't help being taken aback. In his opinion, the valley owner of Xilan Valley should be the same kind of elderly person as Song Qi'an of Feixian Valley. But at this moment, what appeared in his eyes was a young man. Just by looking at it, he seems to be about the same age as him. Although he knew that his age could not be judged by his appearance, the man in front of him was too young, which gave him a strange feeling.

"Gu master, someone has been invited." Wen Xiyuan gave a salute to the young man on the throne, then turned to Leng Xuan and said, "Friend Leng, this is the Valley Master of our Xilan Valley, Zhao Chen. ."

   "Leng Xuan has seen Zhao Guzhu." Leng Xuan cupped his hands and saluted. Zhao Chen smiled lightly, raised his hand and said, "Friend Leng Xian, don't be polite, you have the Zhantian Order of our Xilan Valley, and you are our honored guest of Xilan Valley. In the future, this kind of custom will be waived, and I can't afford it. ." After he finished speaking, he looked at Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming, and said with a smile: "Fairy Zi Yuan, Immortal friend Zhuo Ming, it's been a long time since I saw you, is your teacher okay?"

   "I'm worried about the owner of the valley, Master is all right." Zhuo Ming replied respectfully. Zhao Chen nodded and said, "Deacon Wen, you take Fairy Ziyuan and the others down first, and they will be entertained. I still have something to tell my friend Leng Xian."

   "It's the owner of the valley." After that, Wen Xiyuan took Zi Yuan and Zhuo Ming out of the hall. Before leaving, Zi Yuan smiled and said, "Friend Leng Xian, if you have time, you may come to see us."

   handed the three of them to retreat, Zhao Chen stood up from the seat, walked directly to Leng Xuan's side, and said with a smile: "Leng Xianyou, don't be too restrained in front of me, the two of us are actually about the same age."

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