"Of course." The old beggar said, "The Heaven-Defying Art is not as simple as you think. The reason why I deceived you was because you were not suitable to know too much at that time. At that time, you didn't even have a Mahayana cultivation base. They can't tell you too much. On the contrary, the more you know, the more you will mess up your heart. It happened that you had an opponent called the Demon Emperor at that time, so they made up a random reason to make you believe it."

Leng Xuanqiang resisted the surprise in his heart and asked, "Senior beggar, who do you mean by 'they'?" The old beggar said, "They...you will know about it later." Leng Xuan reluctantly grabbed it. He thought he would know the answer. Seeing his depressed face, the old beggar said: "I won't tell you, it's good for you, and it's good for them. If you know of their existence, it will pose a threat to their safety, because now you are not Have the ability to protect yourself. Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I came to you this time mainly to protect you. Those guys in Xianyu refused to give up, and they also wanted to design to **** that thing from your hands. "

Speaking of this, even the old beggar became curious, "What the **** did your kid find in that space, or they will deal with you relentlessly." Hearing this, Leng Xuan smiled bitterly: "I don't know that either. What is the thing for, but it's useless even if they catch me now, that thing is no longer on me." The old beggar asked, "Not on you?"

  Leng Xuan nodded, and then recounted his experience in the past few days. After listening to this, the old beggar's face changed suddenly, "What you said is true?" Leng Xuan replied: "It is absolutely true, the demon emperors have already come to the half-immortal realm."

At this moment, the old beggar's face has lost the indifference he had just now, and he said solemnly: "You said that a mysterious voice appeared in your mind, guiding you to do it?" Leng Xuan said: "Yes, it is Its strength is very strong, and Fang Han who killed Hong Zedian last time did it with its power." Hearing this, the old beggar grabbed his right hand and sent a force into it. Suddenly, under the invasion of external force, a faint layer of blood light immediately appeared on the surface of the right hand, resisting the power of the old beggar. "This is..." The old beggar's face sank, and a cold light flashed in his calm eyes, "You are in trouble." Leng Xuan hurriedly asked, "Senior, what's wrong?"

   "If this breath is correct, the owner of the mysterious voice you mentioned should be Yan Ping." The old beggar said slowly. "Yan Ping?" Leng Xuan asked curiously, "Who is he?"

"It's not a human." The old beggar said, "It's an immortal beast, and it is the most powerful immortal beast in the Immortal Realm. There is no one. The Great Emperor Tongtian and the Great Emperor Hunyuan you mentioned were all 100,000 years ago. The characters have long ceased to exist. However, as far as I know, Yan Ping was the mount of Emperor Hun Yuan back then. After Emperor Hun Yuan fell, Yan Ping lived with his kin in the Immortal Territory. Later, I don't know what The reason is that Yan Ping and his clan were besieged by the Sacred Snow Sect. As the strongest immortal beast in the Immortal Realm, the Sacred Snow Sect tried their best and failed to kill Yan Ping. However, since then, Yan Ping and his clan have not been able to kill Yan Ping. Disappeared in the Immortal Realm. I heard people say that Yan Ping and the others were sealed in one place, and that place was the Half Immortal Realm. The corpse valley you entered by mistake last time should be the place where Yan Ping was sealed. "

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