Leng Xuan walked to the other side, saluted respectfully, and prepared to ask questions. However, before he could say anything, the old man reached out his hand to stop him, "Sit down."

   While Leng Xuan was seated, the old man put a teacup in front of Leng Xuan, picked up the teapot and poured it up. However, Leng Xuan noticed that there was nothing in the teapot, so naturally there would be no tea in the teacup. However, the old man didn't seem to know that there was no water in the teapot, and still pointed the spout of the teapot at the teacup in front of him. Seeing that the old man was looking at the teapot attentively, Leng Xuan swallowed back the words he was about to say.

   This old man is a real immortal, and it is impossible for him not to know that there is no tea in the teapot. The other party may have other intentions to do so. At this time, the old man put away the teapot in his hand and said, "Come on, try this tea."

   Hearing this, Leng Xuan seemed a little hesitant. He knew that there was no tea in this cup, how could he taste it? Facing the old man's gaze, Leng Xuan had no choice but to bite the bullet, pick up the cup of tea in front of him, and put it to his lips.

   Leng Xuan was shocked when his lips touched the mouth of the cup. There was clearly nothing in the cup, but his tongue could feel a cool liquid flowing into his mouth. He drank it in one gulp, and the cool liquid flowed down his throat into his stomach. Immediately, a refreshing feeling spread throughout his body, moisturizing every meridian and muscle of his body, making it extremely refreshing. "How is it?" Hearing the old man's question, Leng Xuan nodded and said, "Good tea."

"Just these two words?" The old man shook his head and smiled, "You need a state of mind to drink tea. If your mind is restless, you won't be able to taste the best tea. Okay, I know you have a belly full of doubts and want to ask. I, I will not force you. However, with your current state of mind, it is not suitable for you to taste this tea again." After speaking, he held up the teapot again. This time, the tea in the teapot became very ordinary. Leng Xuan looked at the old man and asked, "Senior, I don't know what to call him?"

"Didn't I tell you last time, my name is the old beggar. Besides, the name is just a title, is it so important?" Hearing what he said, Leng Xuan couldn't keep asking questions on this issue, he simply said: "Senior beggar, who are you?" The old beggar smiled and said, "I am the same person as you. Your name is Leng Xuan, right? I heard your name a long time ago. However, you are more than me. Faster than expected."

Leng Xuan asked in confusion, "What do you mean?" The old beggar said, "I thought it would take you at least a hundred years to come here, but I didn't expect you to come so soon. In fact, you are not suitable to come here now. Because you don't have the ability to protect yourself yet. And your presence will disrupt many things." After a pause, he saw Leng Xuan's dazed look, and continued, "Do you know the origin of the Heaven-Defying Art?" Leng Xuan Nodding: "I know, it was created by an immortal. I have seen him once, he..." Before he could finish his words, the old beggar sitting opposite laughed, "That's all a lie to you."

Leng Xuan was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the old beggar with a puzzled face, and murmured, "You lied to me?" He clearly remembered that when he was in the mysterious and independent space of Cangshan and Erhai in the foreign cultivation world, Having met the founder of the Heaven-Defying Art, and with Uncle Zhang to testify, how could he lie to him.

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