"Yan Ping is Emperor Hunyuan's mount?" Hearing this, Leng Xuan immediately understood, it seems that he is really good enough, and he can meet all of this, "Senior beggar, do you think... the demon emperor will not Will it be the reincarnation of Emperor Hunyuan?"

The old beggar nodded and said, "What you said is very likely. I think that Emperor Hunyuan had already arranged everything before his fall." Leng Xuan thought to himself, if the demon emperor is the reincarnation of Emperor Hunyuan, So... Could Uncle Zhang be the reincarnation of Emperor Tongtian? After all, they both look so similar. Just as he was thinking, the old beggar's voice suddenly came: "Boy, you are in more trouble than I thought."

Hearing this, Leng Xuan said, "I tried to abolish my right hand, but I failed." The old beggar said, "That's natural, as Yan Ping is the strongest immortal beast in the Immortal Realm, how can his methods be so easy to deal with? Yes." The voice fell, he suddenly raised his head, tapped Leng Xuan's body a few times, and shot rays of light into Leng Xuan's body. Seeing this, Leng Xuan couldn't help but ask, "Senior, you are..."

"You have a trace of Yan Ping's remnant in your right hand. It can communicate with you or control your body through this trace of remnant. I have now sealed its remnant, and within a short period of time, it will I can't sense your actions. However, Yan Ping's strength is very strong, and my seal can't last for too long, so we must solve this trouble as soon as possible."

Leng Xuan asked: "What good ideas does the senior have?" The old beggar pondered for a while, "If you go to Xianyu, there are many ways to solve the problem. But now, those people in Xianyu are busy dealing with you, if we Going to Immortal Realm is equivalent to throwing yourself into the net." Leng Xuan said: "That thing is no longer with me, and it is useless for them to arrest me, otherwise I will make it clear to them."

The old beggar shook his head and said: "You are too naive, those guys in Xianyu are cold-blooded and ruthless, how can they listen to your side of the word. Okay, don't disturb the old man, let me think about it and see if there is anything else. Method."

   After a while, the old beggar's frown slowly relaxed. Seeing this, Leng Xuan asked: "Senior, is there a way?" Lao Wei shook his head and said, "No. However, although there is no way, I know someone who may know what to do." With a smile, "Just in time, I went to his place to prevent people from Xianyu from looking for you. You take a day off, and we will leave tomorrow."

   After living in a thatched hut on the top of the mountain for a day, Leng Xuan set off with the old beggar early the next morning. The destination of their trip was not the Immortal Realm, but the Half Immortal Realm. With the old beggar leading the way, the two of them were fast, not even half an hour before Leng Xuan was led into a vast green forest. Standing outside the green forest, the old beggar did not directly enter the forest, but shouted: "Old lady, the old friend is here, haven't you shown up yet?"

As his voice fell, a cold and impatient voice came from the forest: "Old beggar, I don't welcome you here, hurry up and don't bother my old lady." After being scolded by the other party, the old beggar His expression remained the same, but he still had a smile on his face, "Old lady, if you don't come to welcome us in again, be careful that I will chop down your forest."

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