905: The End of the Flatterer

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly: "No need to thank you.

Zheng He still said: "Master, I will give you a big reward, and I will donate the money to the society. 99

When it was over, he turned to look at Tao Xiaoxiao again.

Tao Xiaoxiao's face was still pale at this time, and when she saw Zheng He, her heart tightened again. Even though she knew that Zheng He could return to normal now, after what happened just now, she still didn't feel bad about Zheng He.

Zheng He apologized to Tao Xiaoxiao: "Ms. Tao, I'm sorry that my behavior just now caused you trouble."

"If you don't want to stay and work, I can give you a year's salary and you can look for work elsewhere. 35

"If you're willing to stay and work, I can make you head of the accounting department."

The female leader of the accounting department on the side glared: "Boss, what about me?"

"You?" Zheng He turned his head with a sullen face. "You know what you did just now. You are a low-quality flatterer. You were fired by me. If you propose to fire yourself, I won't give you a penny."

"Why!" The female accounting leader refused to accept, "I was talking to you before, you look at these people, there is no one to help you, I will help you and you will fire me?

Zheng He: "The company doesn't need people like you.

The female accountant leader: "I won't retire anyway, if you want to fire me, you can fire me yourself and pay me a few months' wages according to the law, which is as much as the law says.

Zheng He: "It's better for you to stay. I won't drop your job, but I'll arrange a new job for you."

"What kind of work?" The female accounting leader felt bad.

"The company's toilet will be cleaned by you in the future." Zheng He sneered.

"You deceive people too much!" The female leader of the accounting blushed with anger.

The employees next to her all gathered around and pointed at her and scolded:

"Han Dahong, a person like you should have gone to clean the toilet long ago."

"You have no ability at all to sit in this position because you know how to flatter your superiors."

"Old woman, you know how you usually treat us."5

"Boss, you can't let this woman go, and there is also a problem with the leader who promoted this woman.

Zheng He patiently listened to the lecture, and then made a decision: "Han Dahong, go or stay to clean the toilet, it's your choice!"

"And who is the person covering you, I will slowly understand and clean up together."

Han Dahong was anxious: "No, you can't do this, I am a woman, you are bullying women.

"`" You group of people, together you bully me, a weak woman. "

A female employee walked up to Han Dahong, raised her hand and slapped Han Dahong: "Han Dahong! You have been targeting me since I arrived in the accounting department, just because I am prettier than you and you still have a face. Say we bullied you? 99

Another male employee walked up to Han Dahong: "Old woman, you often harass me at work, implying that I am your lover, and I will endure you for a long time.

Another female employee walked up to Han Dahong (of Li Hao): "Just because I am popular in the company, you deliberately deduct my performance score and make my monthly salary less than a few hundred yuan, you are shameless!

One by one male and female employees came forward to accuse Han Dahong of the crime.

Zheng He's face was black. There was such a number one moth in his company. He, the boss, didn't even know.

He concluded: "It seems that my punishment just now is too light for Han Dahong. I will let the legal department investigate Han Dahong's affairs and send her a lawyer's letter."

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