
Facing the attack of the fox demon, Ye Xuan was not surprised but delighted: "It's a good time!"9

He stretched out a white palm to the fox demon.

In less than 0.5 seconds, his palm collided with the fox demon's claws.


After a loud bang, the fox demon was kicked ten meters away by Ye Xuan and fell to the ground, not knowing if he was alive or dead.

Everyone was shocked.



"Master Ye's magic is invincible in the world.

"The little fox demon is really no match for Master Lin. 35

02 "Master Ye is mighty."

"Haha, the little fox demon dares to come against Master Ye.

"Fuck it."

"The little fox demon also wants to harm the world."


The fox demon was not dead yet, it got up from the ground and looked for Ye Xuan with fear in its eyes.

Ye Xuan said indifferently: "Fox demon, since you are attacking me, I can't tolerate you.

The fox demon screamed: "Ye, you are forcing me to die!"

Ye Xuan: "If you didn't do anything to me earlier, I can spare you."

The fox demon sneered: "I don't believe it.

Ye Xuan: "Believe me or not, in short, I am like this. If you didn't do anything to me before, I can let you go, let you follow me, and let you atone for your sins and do good deeds."5

The fox demon smiled: "Atonement? Fuck your mother, Laozi never does good deeds!"

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly: "Then I can't tolerate you."

I saw Ye Xuan stretched out a white finger towards the fox demon and pointed it far away.


A red light passed through the endless void through the screen and attacked the fox demon.

"Do not!""

The fox demon only felt that he couldn't move, and even the surrounding time slowed down. In this slowing time, it didn't have time to escape, but it could keep thinking about its past.

"What kind of magic are you?

The fox demon is frightened and frightened, it is obviously a short second, it can think for thousands of seconds in its mind and recall everything in the past.

"Master, spare your life, let me go, I have lived for a thousand years, and I don't want to die. 35

The fox demon thought of his last face of despair, and wanted to beg Ye Xuan for mercy, but he couldn't say a word.

At this time, the red light finally hit it.

Under the red light, the fox demon's soul disappeared with a single blow, as if it had never appeared before.

Ye Xuan said lightly: "The little fox demon doesn't follow the right path, it will be a disaster!"

People were shocked:

"Big... Master?"

"What is the red light that kills the vixen with one move? 35

"The words of the master can be put on the bad guys, let it go, I have done bad things, the master will not kill me with one move.

"I...I'll go to the police station and surrender.

"Master, I was wrong."

"What a terrible method, what a powerful magical power. 99

Among the people who saw this blow, many 053 people who had done bad things had the idea of ​​turning themselves in at the police station. If something happened, the police station in the entire Xia Kingdom would be overcrowded, and all the bad people came from the head.

Ye Xuan smiled slightly: "Don't worry, my magic only works on those monsters and kills them. For humans, I will only use magic to catch them and send them to the police station."

The prisoners were relieved when they heard the front, and they were relieved when they heard the back.

If you are not killed, but are sent to the police station, you will be imprisoned.

After a lot, the talents on the scene became bold.

The boss, Zheng He, was the first to regain his senses and thanked Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, thank you for saving my life, otherwise I would have been killed by that fox demon."

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