906: Who to choose to broadcast?

"Can I get on the air and sing a song?""

"Don't insult my Master Ye."

"Don't worry, everyone, I, Zheng, will never do anything to harass female employees."

"Upstairs, you are so funny, is this also called bad luck?"

"Tao Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry, I didn't know I would treat you like that.

What awaits her is not only huge fines but also jail time.

Zheng He smiled bitterly and said to these people:

Zheng He smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will never do that. All the employees here can prove it to me."


"So do we.

It's not that she doesn't want to leave her job to another company, but she's still a little scared. At least this Zheng He looks normal now. If she goes to a new company, what if she is harassed by the boss again?

"I won't go back to your company, I'll do it here first.

There is no sympathy for this vicious woman.

"It's still reversed, but we will continue to follow up. If Zheng He is the same person as before, we will still give up our cooperation with the Zheng Group."

Netizens in the live room:

"I bit my tongue at dinner today, who would be unlucky for me.

In the live broadcast room, eighteen company bosses who had harassed Tao Xiaoxiao before all came out and posted:

"6666, is this under the premise that if Zheng He harasses again, she will go to the live broadcast to find Master Ye?"

She added: "But I said, if you continue to harass me in the future, I will resign immediately."

"Master Ye, quickly choose me for the broadcast.

After a while, the live broadcast continued.

"Maybe it's because I'm afraid of changing. If it's like this again, at least this one has Master Ye's approval."

"I've long seen that this woman is not pleasing to the eye. She can do anything for money. If she had been leading the way a few decades ago."

"Get out of the way, I'm the most unlucky person.

Tao Xiaoxiao - read it carefully, and then replied:

One after another, netizens sent a barrage asking Ye Xuan to name him:

"That female accountant named Han Dahong is really dying.""

"Upstairs, the warranty costs extra."

No one but her knew about this, but she knew that once the legal department of the company came to investigate her, it would definitely find out.

Tao Xiaoxiao also made a decision at this time: "Boss Zheng, I think I can still stay and work, but with my ability, I'm afraid that I won't be able to take up this leadership position, so I'd better let a capable old worker 053 do the job. Bar. 39

Tao Xiao nodded.

Those companies that have previously terminated their partnership with the Zheng Group:

After the fox demon thing was over, Tao Xiaoxiao thanked Ye Xuan again and gave Ye Xuan a reward, and then the broadcast went down.

"It turns out that I was charmed by this fox demon at that time.

"Unexpectedly, Tao Xiaoxiao didn't change jobs?"

Han Dahong cried on the spot. She was finished. She once embezzled the company's public funds and greedy money into her bank card.

"Master Ye, I'm very unlucky today, maybe I'm going to be your fate."

"It's amazing to be able to offend so many people in the company. 99

"Tao Xiaoxiao, if you want to come back to work with me, I won't harass you.

"Crap, it turns out that if you ask Master Ye for help, you can still have a warranty? This is too perfect.

"I know this is caused by the fox demon, and it's none of your business.

"It turns out that things are like this, well, let's resume the cooperation with the Zheng (acfa) group.

"We are also doing business with the Zheng Group again."

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