897: T?

Under the influence of the fox demon, Zheng He's face became gloomy:

"Tao Xiaoxiao, I am the boss of the company, no one has ever dared to reject me, if you dare to reject me, you are doomed.

He stepped forward and pulled Tao's small hand.

Tao Xiaoxiao screamed: "Let me go!"

The surrounding staff finally found out what was going on here and walked over to see.

After discovering Zheng He Latao's small hands, all of them showed surprise:


"How is this going?"

"Isn't it because the boss saw that the new female employee was rejected by others?"

"Didn't you say the boss doesn't like women?"

"Boss, that woman is not interested, you come to me, I promise to satisfy you.

Enthusiastic male employees ran past:

"Boss, let it go, people don't agree."

"Yeah, boss, working hours, you don't do it well."

Zheng He said with a cold face:

"I don't care, I want this woman."

"You help me subdue him, and I will give you 100,000 each!

The surrounding employees are confused. They are accountants, and their monthly salary is less than 50 million. 100,000 is their salary for two years. It is false to say that they are not interested, but let them do illegal things and help the boss to force a woman. They can't.

An employee speaks:

"Boss, if you want to find a woman, look for the one who agrees. Don't find a woman who rejects you. If you want us to help you commit a crime, we won't agree."

After someone took the lead, other employees also said:

"Yes, we will not sell our conscience to make money."

Zheng He is jealous:

"If 100,000 is not enough, then 1 million! One person will give you 1 million! 99

After speaking, the female accountant quickly stood by Zheng He's side: "Boss, I will always stand by your side.

She also pointed at Tao Xiaoxiao and said, "Little girl, you are so stupid. The boss doesn't want you to be the wife of the boss. If I can be twenty years younger, I will kneel down and beg the boss's favor."

Tao Xiaoxiao tried to pull his hand out of Zheng He's, and scolded the female accountant leader: "You shameless woman, if you want to sell yourself, sell yourself, don't pull me."

The surrounding employees also disliked the face of the female accountant:

"Why are you like a dog.

"This old woman is mortally disgusting and licks her boss every chance she gets. 99

"This company can't save having this kind of person as a leader.

0・・For flowers.....0

"It was very uncomfortable to see her long ago.""

"You are a woman yourself, and you actually help a man to force a woman.""

"Women are more vicious than men.

The female accountant leader completely released herself: "What to look at, what to say, one million! A bunch of stupid dogs can't make money even if they have money, no wonder they are still a small employee after being an accountant for a few years.

"Everyone is so poor and has the face to talk about me. 35

Netizens in the live broadcast room also scolded the female accountant leader:

"This woman is crazy.

"If it wasn't for her old age, she would definitely find a man to support her."9

"Vicious woman. 35

"Expose her so that she can't get along anywhere.

On Tao Xiaoxiao's side, she struggled several times but couldn't get her hand back from Zheng He's hand, she said angrily, "Boss Zheng, I'll call the police if you keep doing this.

Zheng He was completely controlled by the fox demon at this time, he smiled evilly: "As long as you sleep with me, you will not think about going to the police. 99

Tao Xiaoxiao slapped Zheng He's face with his other hand.

"You hit me?" Zheng He had a strange expression on his face, and even the leaders above spoke politely to him.

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