Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

898: Boss Zheng with a human face and a beast heart?

898: Boss Zheng with a human face and a beast heart?

Zheng He could never imagine that he would be beaten at all, and this person was still a woman.

He is a big boss who solves the employment problem of thousands of local people.

Zheng He really made his move, and when Tao Xiaoxiao was dead, Ye Xuan made his move.


As soon as Ye Xuan pinched the magic trick in his hand, Tao Xiaoxiao, Zheng He, and the female accountant leaders at the scene were locked in place by the immobilization spell, while the accounting employees at “037” farther away were not affected.

Accounting staff:

"what's going on?'

"Damn it?"

"Why are the three of them not moving."

"No way, how can there be ghosts in broad daylight.

"It's Master Ye using spells, you should watch Master Ye's live broadcast.

Many accounting employees turned on their mobile phones to enter Ye Xuan's live broadcast room.

Ye Xuan said lightly at this time: "I have already used magic to immobilize the three of them."

Netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked:

"My God, what happened?"

"Is this the immobilization spell?"

"Amazing, Ye Da still has such a spell.

"Master Ye, do you accept apprentices? It doesn't matter if you don't, just teach me this immobilization spell.

"Upstairs, what do you want to do with the immobilization spell?"

"I want to subdue the bad guys.

"Bah! Must be used for bad things?"

"Be bold, you want to learn to make time-stop series of small movies in the future."

"The big brother above is so evil, I like it."

"Report, Yao Yao Zero, someone is driving. 99

A sharp-eyed netizen pointed out: "Master, why do you seem to have their eyes still moving with your immobilization spell?"

Ye Xuan said lightly: "Yes, I just made them unable to move, their eyes and thoughts are still there."

Wolf friend:

"Damn, this spell is really evil.

"Master, can you teach me? I'll help you educate those female prisoners.

"Brother, add me.

"If it's a brother, let's go together."

Ye Xuan interrupted their fantasies:

"I have no plans to accept apprentices, nor do I plan to teach others spells.""

"The conversation goes back to the three of them.

Netizens weren't disappointed either, they also knew that Ye Xuan couldn't teach them:

"Master Ye, this Zheng He turns out to be such a shameless boss, call the police."

"I didn't expect, ah, I didn't expect that Zheng He and I have been in business for decades, and he is actually such a person. I announce that I will no longer buy Zheng Group's products in the future.."

"So is our Sande Group.

"So is our Quartet International.

For a time, the long-term customers of Zheng's Group publicly announced that they would give up buying Zheng's Group's products.

The executives of the Zheng Group were in a hurry, and one by one posted a barrage in the live broadcast room:

"I'm the vice president of the Zheng Group, Boss Zheng may be drunk today, he's not usually like this.

"Maybe it's because Tao Xiaoxiao and Boss Zheng's deceased wife look alike, so Boss Zheng is so special.

"Everyone knows what kind of person Mr. Zheng usually is. Maybe there is something hidden in today's affairs."

Those long-term customers don't buy it:

"I've seen Zheng He's deceased wife, she doesn't look like Tao Xiaoxiao at all. 5.0"

"Don't argue, maybe the previous Zheng He was a disguise, just like those stars, the secret character is the real one.

"Until there is clear evidence to prove that there is a hidden situation, our company will not resume cooperation with your Zheng Group."

"So is our company."

"We must never forgive a man like Zheng He with a human face and a beast heart. 35

"I can't tell what bad things Zheng He did behind his back.

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