Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

896: Marry me, I will give you hundreds of billions of property

896: Marry me, I will give you hundreds of billions of property

Tao Xiaoxiao responded with a cold face:

"That's just what you think, I don't. 35

"I don't need to work hard for many years, I'm quitting this job.

The female accountant pointed to Tao Xiaoxiao:

"Tao Xiaoxiao, don't be shameless."

"Our boss's energy is not what you can imagine. Believe it or not, our boss will make you unable to find an accountant job in this city with a single word."

Tao Xiaoxiao didn't lift his head:

"Then I'll go to another city to find a job."

The accounting female leader added:

“According to the contract you signed with the company, if you leave now, you will breach the contract and you will have to compensate the company for its losses.35

Tao Xiaoxiao: "It doesn't matter.

The female accountant wanted to say more, but Zheng He had already interrupted her: "Don't say it."

Zheng He smiled at Tao Xiaoxiaowen 037: "Xiaoxiao, don't rush to leave, we have something to discuss.

"I think you are very similar to my deceased wife. You marry me. I will love you like her. I will give you all my money. After we get married, we will have a child, and the company will belong to the child."

The female accountant took a deep breath, the boss is really here?

It's crazy that hundreds of billions of companies are all giving away to this woman.

The live broadcast room is also noisy:

"A rosy smile is worth a thousand dollars."

"I know why there is such a thing as a beacon fire show. If Zheng He was the emperor, I would have done something like that."

"Do men's minds only think about women all day long? Speechless.

"Damn, it's good to be a woman, and I must be reborn as a woman in my life.

"What's wrong with me, I've worked in the Zheng Group for ten years, and I can't even be a junior leader. With a salary of 5,000 yuan a month, others can be the boss's wife on the first day they come to the company. The 100 billion yuan is all hers. Is there any reason? already."

"It's useless to fight."

"It's nice to be a woman. 99

Only Tao Xiaoxiao was disdainful of Zheng He's kindness. She took out her mobile phone from a hidden corner and said to Zheng He: "My mobile phone has been streaming live, Boss Zheng, I advise you to pay attention to your image. 35

The female accountant stared at her: "When you go to work and broadcast live, bring your mobile phone!"

Tao Xiaoxiao was expressionless: "I have resigned and am no longer an employee of the Zheng Group. (acfa)"

Zheng He's face was startled when he heard the live broadcast, and then returned to his original state.

Ye Xuan took a look and knew that Zheng He had been fascinated by the fox demon on Tao Xiaoxiao's body and lost his former temperament.

Sure enough, Zheng He said:

"Tao Xiaoxiao, I'll give you everything, why don't you look down on me? I'm not joking with you, we can go to get the certificate immediately. 99

Tao Xiao is stingy: "You are crazy, you!"

It was the first time she and Zheng He met, and Zheng He said he wanted to marry her.

She is a face control, and only catches a cold with young and handsome men. A middle-aged uncle like Zheng He, no matter how rich or good, she doesn't look down on her.

Zheng He was angry:

"Tao Xiaoxiao, believe it or not, I can't get you out of the company's door with a single word?"

Tao Xiaoxiao stopped.

She was harassed by those company bosses before, and she had never encountered such a threat. What happened today. Zheng He wouldn't want to force her.

Thinking of this, she grabbed her phone and said:

"What do you want to do? I warn you, I'm on Master Lin Xuanlin's live broadcast, Master Ye has magical powers, if you dare to do something wrong to me, Master Ye can kill you with a single lightning bolt.

The female accountant leader was obviously frightened, and took a few steps back and did not dare to speak.

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