Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

895: You miss the chance to fight for a hundred years less

895: You miss the chance to fight for a hundred years less

Zheng He was scolded with blood, but he was still not angry, and said with a dry smile:

"I'm just saying, if you don't agree, then forget it. Nian

"Then can I treat you to dinner when you get off work?

Tao Xiaoxiao decisively refused: "Impossible!"

Zheng He touched his nose and was repeatedly rejected, and he was also a little angry:

"Tao Xiaoxiao, you have to understand, you are my employee now, I can ask you to get off work overtime after work to accompany me to socialize and drink, this is part of your job.

Tao Xiaoxiao doesn't want to do this job anymore, so she's even more rude to say:

"Go away, I never drink with men, why don't you let me sleep with you home? You can dream!"

She took care of herself to clean up the things on her desk and prepared to leave.

The female accountant's eyes rolled, no matter whether the boss could win the woman, she could take the opportunity to show her loyalty.

So she pretended to be kind and persuaded Tao Xiaoxiao: "Tao Xiaoxiao, how can you talk to the boss like this?

"The boss didn't force you, he just asked your opinion."

"Maybe you don't know how important the boss is in society, and how many female employees in the company want to be the boss."

"I can understand that, you are a college student who has just graduated for less than a year, and you have no idea how difficult it is for a woman to work hard on her own in society.

"I think back then, like you, I was as high-minded as you, and felt that those women who sold their bodies were bitches, so I rejected the kindness of a senior executive."

"After so many years of struggle, I also became a junior leader, but it's useless. I don't even have any spare time for my work every day. People seem to live for work."5

"Your chance now is better than mine back then. Do you know what you will miss if you refuse the boss, you will miss the opportunity to work for a hundred years less!

"If I could have seized the opportunity well back then, how could I still be working in the company at the age of 40 like I am now.

The words of the accounting female leader resonated with many netizens in the live broadcast room:

"It's too right, a woman who hasn't worked hard in society for ten years can't understand it.

"When I was in school, I thought that a woman could change her destiny by studying, but after working, I realized how ridiculous my original idea was.

"A woman's greatest asset is not her diploma or ability, but her own body."

"That's right, if you can't find a good man, it's useless for a woman to work hard. 35

'`"If I married a rich second generation, I would just go to play every day, how could I be like now, working all day long and turning into a yellow-faced woman.""

Many netizens sprayed:

"Say it's been a long time, you just want to sell but can't sell it."

"Oh, I'm also a woman, why don't I think women will be miserable if they don't sell?"

"It means that you women are not good women in the first place.

"Why do you have to have money to live a good life? Having a (good Zhao) husband who loves him and a child he loves can't be considered a good life? 35

"These people's three views are not normal."

"The social ethos is being brought down by these people, and they are still teaching young women to do this here.

"If you want to sell, sell it. If you are old, you can't sell it, or the price is lower."

"No one is stopping you, so don't be so angry."

Tao Xiaoxiao's face became even colder when she faced the female accountant leader.

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