894: I don't want your stinky money

Tao Xiaoxiao couldn't see the barrage, she was nervous, and only hoped that the boss would leave.

But what frightened her most still happened, Zheng He said with a trembling voice: "What's your name? Look up and show me? 35

Tao Xiaoxiao exploded on the spot. She came to work and asked her to look up. What does this mean? It's the emperor's draft!

She was so angry that she slapped the table, stood up and stared at Zheng He coldly: "Boss Zheng, my name is Tao Xiaoxiao, I'm a new accountant, what's the matter with you, if not, please leave, I still have to work. 29

The female accountant leader who followed behind Boss 02 was wondering why the boss was so weird today, when she heard Tao Xiaoxiao's words, she was dumbfounded. Why is this new guy so rushing?

The female accounting leader has followed Zheng He for five years. She knows that Zheng He is a strict person. If an employee is not pleasing to the eye, she will immediately fire that employee.

"This newcomer is going to be fired. The female accountant shook her head secretly in her heart. This is probably the fastest employee fired in the company's history.

Unexpectedly, Zheng He was not angry and apologized: "I'm sorry, it was me who was abrupt."

He said with a tangled face: "Well, Tao Xiaoxiao, I think you are very capable at work, and being an accountant is overkill, so let me arrange another job for you, the pay is twice as high as you are now, you How does it look?"

The female accountant's eyes widened, what was the situation.

Boss, are you sure you are not kidding, you are the first time you see her, how did you come to the conclusion that she is capable of working well.

"Isn't the boss looking at this woman?"

The leading accountant's mouth is big enough to fit a big chicken thigh.

She looked left and right, well, this woman named Tao Xiaoxiao does have impressive capital, but it's not that there are more beautiful women in the company, anyway, she can't figure out what boss would like Tao Xiaoxiao.

Tao Xiaoxiao was not stupid, of course she knew what Zheng He meant, and she had heard the same words eighteen times.

She said coldly: "Boss Zheng, I left eighteen companies before I came to work in your company. Do you know why?"

"Ah?" Zheng He was startled, how did he know.

Tao Xiaoxiao snorted coldly: "Because I hate the kind of woman who sells my body the most, and I hate the company boss harassing me the most. Looking at your appearance, I think I can fire you.

Zheng He was in a hurry and continued: "Miss Tao, don't be in a hurry, don't leave your job at any time, it's not easy to find a job in the current economic situation."

"We can sit down and have a good talk.39

Tao Xiaoxiao was expressionless: "There's nothing to talk about, you are just like the eighteen bosses in front of me, promising me a salary of tens of thousands of yuan a month, and let me be your secretary or let my class not use it at all. Let be your lover. 95037

"Even if I am poor, I will never accept this condition!

Netizens in the live broadcast room applauded:

"it is good!"

"Young lady has guts!"

"It's great to give more money. We women have to support themselves, we don't want men to support them."

"Oh, this Zheng He turned out to be a beast with a human face. He was fired and his affairs were exposed."

"Tao Xiaoxiao, I support you.""

"Zheng He, get out of here, don't think that all women care about your stinky money.

The female accountant leader was surprised, this Tao Xiaoxiao was beyond her expectations, and if there were many beautiful female employees in the company, she would like to post it upside down.

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