Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

448: It's better not to do useless struggles

448: It's better not to do useless struggles

Seeing that everything about him was revealed.

Tu Tu's face changed greatly.

He scolded directly, "Bastard!

"I asked you to help me find money, who asked you to do those superfluous things!

"I tell you, if something happens to me, you can't run away, and I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

Tu Tu is not the first to scold Ye Xuan.

It's not that I haven't heard anything worse.

But Ye Xuan doesn't care about these verbal attacks.

Just said indifferently: "If you are going to run away, I advise you not to do that.

"Struggling is useless, your fate is already doomed.

"To be honest, maybe I can live a little longer.

Hear Ye Xuan's warning.

Tu Tu did not care at all.

As he packed his things, he said, "Keep these nonsense words to fool the fool.

"If I don't run now, I'm getting water in my head.""

"Bye bye!

After speaking, Tu Tu even hung up the connection directly.

It was obvious that she was going to leave the resort quickly, and she didn't want anyone to know her whereabouts.

After all, killing is a matter of life.

But when she did this, the water friends were not happy.

They scolded: "This bastard doesn't dare to resist when he gets into trouble? Don't run away~||!

"Heh... Now I know I'm scared, what have I done earlier, I thought she was just greedy for money, but I didn't expect her to be so bold! 39

"Fortunately, she was exposed by the Great God Ye, otherwise, she might have done many evil things in the future!"

"Ah! I'm not reconciled, I haven't seen her pay for her actions!"

"Master Ye, what will happen to her? Can you tell us?"

"Yes, Master Ye, talk about it."

Some water friends coaxed together, and other water friends followed.

Hope Ye Xuan can tell them the ending of Tu Tu.

See the barrage of Qi Brush.

Ye Xuan smiled helplessly.

He opened his mouth and said: "Okay, then you can take care of yourself.

After speaking, Ye Xuan directly urged the red dust beads.

A figure of Tu Tu appeared on it immediately.

It's just that this is not the same as connecting, because Tu Tu doesn't know that he is being watched by millions of people.

Everyone saw her frantically sweeping things.

But all the valuables were stuffed into the bag, and then walked out of the door impatiently.

Just drove off to leave the resort.

But a large group of people walked over.

Taking a closer look, it was the villagers who had been driven out before.

But the difference is that these villagers have red eyes.

This can and is what pink eye, look at their faces full of anger.

I know it must be caused by anger.

Tutu sat in the driver's seat and honked his horn in dissatisfaction.

But instead of giving way, the villagers surrounded the car.

Without any choice.

Tu Tu had no choice but to lower the car window and scolded: "`"Bastards, what do you want to do?""

"Hurry up and get out of the way, otherwise, it's not my fault that you hit me!

Tu Tu just finished speaking.

Some villagers directly patted the car body and immediately startled Tu Tu.

Then I heard that (Zhao Lizhao) villager say: "Because of you, we don't even have a place to stay.

"Now my mother has a high fever, and she has no money to buy medicine, she is about to die, just give me the money back!

The other villagers also shouted, with a lot of ugly words mixed in.

hear these.

Tu Tu did not feel any guilt.

Instead, he said angrily: "What does that have to do with me, I blame you for your own incompetence."

"I'll say it again, get out of the way, or I'll be rude!"

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