447: I finally got myself in

Tu Tu grabbed a handful of soil and sprinkled it on top of the soil bag.

Then he turned back to the resort.

The younger brother handed Zhang Jiajun's mobile phone to Tu Tu.

Tu Tu in it and found the account information.

But when she wants to transfer the money.

But suddenly his eyes widened.

This foreign account does exist.

It's just that there is only a mere 100,000 yuan in the account.

Not to mention the comparison with Tu Tu's savings over the years.

Even for Zhang Jiajun, who only took 30%, this is a drop in the bucket!

Tu Tu didn't give up on it for a long time.

But in the end, apart from the 50,000 yuan, there was no other discovery.

She could only confirm with her younger brother what Zhang 02 Jiajun said before.

Also did not find any clues.

The younger brother saw that Tu Tu was a little out of order, so he wanted to comfort him.

But Tu Tu slapped him on the face and said angrily, "Get out of here! 99

The younger brother was furious, but he just waited for Tu Tu and turned around and walked out.

But after seeing this look, Tu Tu seemed to suddenly think of something.

Immediately thought of the smile Zhang Jiajun showed when he lay at the bottom of the pit.

Because when he was laughing, he was looking at himself with this look.

"Quick, go and dig out Zhang Jiajun, speed!

Tu Tu understands.

I was deceived by Zhang Jiajun again!

He did not put the money in this foreign account at all.

Just say it out to deceive that little brother.

But I didn't expect to hit it by mistake, and I even wrapped Tu Tu in it.

No wonder he laughed, no wonder he was so relieved.

that is because.

Zhang Jiajun knew that after he died, Tu Tu would not be able to get money either!

This is clearly a lose-lose thing.

see here.

The water friends in the live broadcast room didn't know what to say.

Zhang Jiajun and Tu Tu turned against each other, which was already expected.

These two guys have wolf ambitions, and it is not surprising when conflicts break out.

But they did not expect that things would develop so tragically.

Did Tu Tu win?

No, because her money was gone.

After so many years of hard work, all became the moon in the water.

Did Zhang Jiajun win?

From a monetary point of view, he won because the money was with him.

But fundamentally, he also lost, because the money was in his hand, but his life was gone.

So in general.

Both are losers.

This also made the water friends send out a lot of emotion.

"Hey, it's all about money, why is this necessary?"

"One loses money, and the other loses his life after making money, what the hell is going on! 99

"If you want me to say, both of them deserved what they deserved, Zhang Jiajun is better, if they die, they will be miserable, and they will suffer!

"This woman deserves it, if she listens to the persuasion, she will definitely be extremely happy in the rest of her life.

"Good luck fooling people, fate is really unpredictable!"

When the water friends sighed.

The younger brothers have also dug the pit once again.

But as the water friends guessed.

Zhang Jiajun was already dead.

Tu Tu angrily stepped on his corpse.

But that didn't work either.

Not only did he not get the money back, but he was also charged with a murderer.

see these.

Tu Tu in the live broadcast room couldn't sit still.

Murder was exposed.

Need more to say about her fate?

Originally she wanted Ye Xuan to help find the money.

Unexpectedly, he took himself in.

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