Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

449: Tomorrow's story will be more exciting

449: Tomorrow's story will be more exciting

Tu Tu is definitely racing against time now.

If she leaves for a while, she may be brought to justice, so she cannot be in a hurry.

But the villagers blocked her way.

And kept insulting her.

next second.

In the exclamations of the water friends.

Tu Tu actually took out a gun directly from the co-pilot's storage box.

Aiming at a villager's chest and pulling the trigger.

"Bang" a gunshot sounded.

Everyone else was stunned.

He was so dumbfounded as he watched the villager slowly fall to the ground.

Tu Tu took advantage of the moment when everyone lost their minds, and regardless of how many people were still in the front of the car, he directly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

With the roar of the engine, the car jumped out directly.

The villagers were also knocked out of 757 and fell to the ground.

The water friends in the live broadcast room clenched their fists in anger.

Tu Tu, this woman, was extremely delusional.

It's not enough to defraud the villagers of the money, but now they are still committing such atrocities!

But since the line of sight was just blocked.

In addition, the speed of the car was too fast, and she directly crashed into the big tree on the side of the road.

Fortunately, the distance was not too far, and she only suffered a little collision.

Then immediately shift gears, ready to pour out first, and then quickly leave.

But in this gap.

It feels like a tight neck when you apply it.

Looking down, it turned out that a big hand full of calluses was firmly grasping her clothes. (acej)

No matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get rid of that hand at all.

In the next second, a huge force came, forcibly dragging her out of the window.

The moment of landing.

Tu Tu's head is dumbfounded.

In a trance, she only saw countless people surrounding her.

But then, severe pain came from his body.

Water friends can see clearly.

It was the angry villagers who rushed over with various "weapons" in their hands.

With a slap in the face, he greeted Tu Tu.

Tu Tu's actions just now made the villagers completely lose their minds.

No one knows how to act.

So that Tu Tu's screams became weaker and weaker until they disappeared.

A few minutes later, she was even more motionless, and blood was flowing directly on the flat ground...

The screen disappears.

The water friends looked at each other.

After all, Tu Tu paid the price he deserved for his evil deeds.

But soon.

Some water friends noticed the difference and asked on the barrage: "Master Ye, do you know this ending?

"That's why I told her just now, don't do the fearless struggle?

Ye Xuan smiled noncommittally and did not answer.

But the water friends agreed that it was her fault that Tu Tu was beaten to death by a wheel stick.

If you are honest and obedient, you will take the initiative to surrender in the room and wait for someone from the relevant department to pick you up.

Maybe she can live for a while.

Although the end result is the same.

But at the very least, you can suffer a lot less.

Through Tu Tu, the water friends also understood a profound truth.

That is the sin of its own kind.

Not counting Zhang Jiajun alone, how many innocent villagers have she harmed?

If you think about it this way, if you can understand her with just one peanut, it will indeed be a bit cheaper for her.


Ye Xuan has also been live streaming for a whole day.

So he opened his mouth and said: "It's getting late, let's go here first today."

"Everyone also rest early. 99

The water friends also suddenly realized.

It turns out that time flies so fast, and in the midst of all kinds of emotions, the time of the day disappears.

They said goodbye to Ye Xuan: "Master Ye, see you tomorrow!"

"Go, go, see you tomorrow, we Master Ye see you every day! 35

Ye Xuan smiled, waved his hand, and said, "Everyone, rest early, tomorrow's story should be more exciting."

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