Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

429: What kind of skill is it to make your own m1y?

429: What kind of skill is it to make your own money?

Through the dialogue between Zhang Jiajun and Tu Tu.

Everyone also knew what the two were going to do.

What to repay your hometown.

What to develop the village's economy.

It's better to say than to sing.

At the end of the day.

These two vampires came all the way back, in fact, to make money.

Early the next morning.

The two started to act.

The people in the village are self-sufficient.

Therefore, men, women and children of all ages will be busy when it is dark.

But Tu Tu had already laid the groundwork yesterday.

Tell the people in the village that I am going to put on a water table to invite the whole village to eat today.

They brought back enough meat and vegetables in their car.

Relatives at home also started working in the kitchen early in the morning.

After all, in the village, it is a very face-saving thing to be able to put on a water table.

Even in weddings, funerals and marriages, few families can do this.

It was after the villagers were all gathered together.

Tu Tu gave Zhang Jiajun a wink.

The latter got up and said, "Everyone, be quiet."

"Tu Tu and I have something to tell everyone.

The villagers looked over curiously.

Although Zhang Jiajun is an outsider.

But after learning that he is Tu Tu's boyfriend.

The villagers are also very enthusiastic about him.

Eating people is short-mouthed, and sees that the master has something to say.

Everyone was very quiet for face.

Zhang Jiajun nodded to Tu Tu.

Only then did Tu Tu get up and said, "In these years, I have made some money in the city. 55

"To tell you the truth, I have always missed our village."

"I have seen the prosperity of the big city, in contrast, the conditions in our village are really too bitter.

"So I came back this (acej) time, on the one hand, I wanted the leaves to return to their roots.39

"On the other hand, the idea is to develop the village so that everyone can live a better life."

The words came out.

The villagers all applauded spontaneously.

Many old people also praised Tutu repeatedly, saying that Tu Tu is a good boy.

After going out for so many years, I have not forgotten the place where she was born and raised.

He also mentioned a few people who never came back after leaving the village.

Said that those people are wolf-hearted.

There are also old people who persuade Tu Tu, they are used to this kind of life.

There is no need to develop anything.

To put it bluntly, I just don’t want Tu Tu to spend money.

The villagers are not ordinary.

I feel that it is not easy for Tu Tu to work hard in a big city alone.

Although it looks like a fortune now, it can't be wasted.

Life is all about living, there is no need to pursue a better life.

see this scene.

The mood of the water friends is extremely complicated.

Most people have lived in cities since childhood.

Saw more of those intrigue and stuff like that.

So I have great respect for these honest villagers.

But when he thought of who Tu Tu was going to lie to them.

Immediately, he was out of anger.

Even these kind people are going to cheat.

Is there a bottom line to this?

So the crazy ranting started.

"I've seen what it means to hide a knife in a smile. It's so nice to say it, but it's not a hidden evil."

"How to make money outside, that's all you can do, what's the point of coming back to deceive the villagers?

"You can even do extortion and extortion, which is enough to show that these two people have no bottom line at all.

"The people in a village add up to a thousand hearts, and excluding the villagers, there are still one thousand and one.

"Although what I said upstairs is a bit exaggerated, it doesn't seem to be wrong..."

Just when the water friends complained.

Tu Tu in the picture has begun to brainwash the villagers.

Those heartfelt words were spoken.

The old people cited couldn't help wiping their tears.

They all said that there was such a good boy as Tu Tu in the village.

is the blessing of all.

under this agitation.

Tu Tu also successfully bought everyone's heart.

Immediately afterwards, it started to get to the point.

Hearing her say: "Before I came back, I had already found someone to explore."

"The soil near our village is fertile. 35

"Very suitable for planting.

"So I'm going to get some vegetable greenhouses nearby."

"In this way, the income of our village can be increased.

"As long as it develops smoothly, everyone can definitely make a lot of money."

hear these.

Immediately, some villagers thought of those people who came to the village before.

They just walked around the village and left.

So the villagers don't know what they are here for.

But now that Tu Tu said that, it was completely right.

In fact, those people have nothing to do with Tu Tu at all.

It's a pity that the simple villagers don't know it at all.

Now she is fooled for a moment.

They all believed her nonsense.

It's not over yet.

Tu Tu continued: "But there are many places around here for everyone.

"Since I want to build a greenhouse, I can't let everyone suffer.

"So I'm going to pay directly for these lands.""

"As for the price, it will definitely satisfy everyone!""

The villagers who were still a little concerned heard this.

They were finally relieved and expressed their support.

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