Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

428: Building a hometown? This is just for exploitation, right?

428: Building a hometown? This is just for exploitation, right?

Regarding Tu Tu's remarks.

Ye Xuan just shook his head slightly.

Because she had verified this, she began to use chicken feathers as arrows.

I have to admit that this woman's ability to climb down the pole is not ordinary.

Since she had to hold on to this matter.

Ye Xuan wasn't going to say anything more.

Just said lightly: "In that case. 55

"Then let everyone see how you contribute to your hometown."

The voice fell.

Don't wait for Tu Tu to open.

Ye Xuan has already motivated the Red Dust Pearl.

in the screen.

A business car parked in the village in a dusty manner.

It attracted a lot of onlookers.

The people who got out of the car were Zhang Jiajun and Tu Tu.

The villagers whispered.

They are remote and remote, and few outsiders come here.

Now seeing a handsome guy, a beautiful woman, will naturally feel very novel.

But Tu Tu took off his sunglasses and walked straight to an old woman.

He also grabbed the old woman's hand and said excitedly, "Grandma Zhao, how have you been these past few years? 35

The old woman was stunned.

After looking at it for a long time, I didn't recognize who the person in front of me was.

He could only ask curiously: "Girl, who are you?

In one sentence, Tu Tu's eye circles turned red.

She hurriedly said: "Grandma Zhao, it's me! My father is Tu's second child!

Hear Tu Tu's father's name.

Grandma Zhao finally reacted.

He was also immediately excited.

Touching Tu Tu's face, he said tremblingly, "Girl, it's you~||.

"I haven't heard from you for so many years. 39

"Why don't you come back to see Grandma.""

"My old bones won't last long.

The old woman finished speaking.

Tu Tu's tears seemed to burst.

It was hard to stop, and another familiar villager came right away.

A few words came, and she burst into tears.

The village is so big, and these households know each other.

On the way home, I cried all the way.

So that when I got home, my eyes were swollen like walnuts.

Chatted with the family for a while.

Only then did she return to the small brick house that belonged to her.

After so many years, this place is still the same as it was when we left, nothing has changed.

But the room was very clean and there was no odor.

Apparently the people in the house are cleaning all the time.

The water friends are still very emotional.

Especially those who leave their hometowns to fight in other places.

He also unconsciously felt homesick.

But just as people thought.

Tu Tu really didn't have any bad thoughts this time.

Zhang Jiajun walked in with his luggage.

Then close the door tightly.

Tu Tu turned his head and asked him, "Is there anyone else outside?"

Zhang Jiajun shook his head.


Under everyone's attention, Tu Tu even pinched the little clay figurine in half in half.

Then it was thrown to the ground at will.

As if he didn't care at all.

After that, she touched the kang with disgust.

Then I took out a few sheets of paper and put them on it, and then I sat down with peace of mind.

At the same time, he said: "After so many years, these people really have not made any progress. 99

"I don't know what that hand has touched, it's sticky and nauseating.

"There is also a strange smell on my body, which almost made me spit it out!""

See Tu Tu's face.

Zhang Jiajun was not surprised at all.

Instead, he joked: "You did a good job just now. 35

"I almost thought you were really moved.

Tu Tu rolled his eyes at him impatiently.

He murmured, "If I hadn't heard that the village was going to be developed, the ghost would have wanted to come back."

"Hey, have you inquired, whether the news is reliable or not?

Speaking of business.

Zhang Jiajun also stopped joking.

Instead, he said seriously: I have already inquired.

"The exploration team has also come.""

“It is said that the land around the village has good geology. 39

"We're going to build some vegetable farming greenhouses here."

"This can not only increase vegetable production, but also boost the village's economy."

"Does two birds with one stone."

Tu Tu stared at Zhang Jiajun who was chatting, his eyes were a little indifferent.

Zhang Jiajun immediately shut up.

After a while, he continued: "Okay, I know that's not what you care about.

"I've let go of the relationship."

"We only need to buy all those lands within half a month."5

"The subsidy for the development at that time will be all ours.

"The only difficulty is that those (Zhao's) lands were handed down by the villagers' ancestors.

"Would it be difficult for them to sell?"

Tu Tu heard what he needed.

I stopped going to see Zhang Jiajun.

Whispered: "Difficult?

"Just a bunch of ignorant hillbillies.

"If they can't figure it out, then what kind of money is there to make, just go head-to-head and die.

"Starting tomorrow, I will buy all the land in a week.

"When the time comes, there will be more dreams in the night."

"And you, go and check up and down, don't make extra troubles, understand?"5

Look at the two people who are in a state of misery.

The sailors were simply furious.

Tu Tu, this woman, is really hopeless!

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