Live Fortune Telling: Girl, Your Girlfriend Made You Green

430: The purpose is not to make m1y while lying down

430: The purpose is not to make money while lying down

Actually, according to Tu Tu.

She will give the villagers financial compensation, which is a fair approach.

And the vegetable planting greenhouse is really covered up, and the villagers still need to work.

This way they also get a part of the profit.

Therefore, all the villagers unconditionally chose to support her approach.

But how do they understand the twists and turns here.

After Zhang Jiajun took out the entrustment agreement, they signed their names without any hesitation.

Even pressed handprints.

This means ~, from this moment on.

About the construction of vegetable cultivation greenhouses around the village.

Tutu will be the sole agent.

The screen turns.

Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun sat in an office.

And the people responsible for receiving them.

It is the person in charge of the development of the village this time.


The person in charge is looking at the joint entrustment agreement of the villagers in his hand.

After confirming that it is correct.

Then he smiled and said, "Not bad."

"After leaving my hometown for so many years, I know to come back to help when the village needs it.""

"This innocent heart is really rare.

"In fact, we are also worried about unnecessary misunderstandings when communicating with the villagers."

"But with you in the middle, things will be much simpler."

"Then we will connect with you for this development project. 35

"I will also hand over the compensation to you. After all, you know the situation in the village better than we do. 35

The person in charge in front of him said a lot.

But what Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun are most concerned about is actually the last sentence.

Zhang Jiajun had already inquired about it.

This development is actually to aid remote mountain villages.

So the compensation amount is very high.

All policies are favorable.

The compensation paid by Tutu to the villagers was less than one-tenth of the compensation amount.

That is to say.

In this business, she is making steady money.

But that alone is not enough.

The person in charge continued: "Though these vegetable greenhouses are all handed over to the village to take care of.

"However, because of the inconvenience of transportation, the vegetables grown will be purchased directly from our side."

"You don't have to worry about selling.

The compensation amount is just a one-shot deal.

But the vegetables that were planted later were a long-term business.

0.. ask for flowers ·

Tu Tu's ultimate goal is precisely this.

As long as you control these vegetable greenhouses.

That means, she doesn't have to do anything and will have a steady stream of income.

As for those poor villagers, they were just tools to help her make money.

She and Zhang Jiajun held the big heads and gave the villagers a very small amount of income.


But the villagers would still be grateful to her.

I have to say, her abacus is really jingling.

But no plan is seamless.

In the village, there is more than one Tu Tu who goes out to work.

Others have stayed in the city for a long time, and their knowledge will naturally be wide-ranging.

After hearing about these things.

Those people felt that something was wrong and rushed back immediately.

And found Tu Tu for the first time.

Want to be sure of the truth of things.

So when Tu Tu and Zhang Jiajun came back from the person in charge.

There were a few people sitting in the house.

Their faces were not good, and they made it clear that they were not guests.

When Tu Tu saw this, he gave Zhang Jiajun a look.

The old gods were there to receive these people.

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