In another room.

"A bunch of rubbish!" Director Giggs angrily slammed the quilt he was holding on the ground, his face had already lost the calmness and grace he normally had. "With such a group of people watching, he actually let him run away?"

A subordinate standing in front of him had an equally ugly expression, and his expression was a little puzzled.

"This... Director, we don't know what's going on, anyway, in a blink of an eye, that kid disappeared..."

"Disappear ass!" Giggs furious cursed. "Unless he's a Star Level Martial Artist who can just break through the space and run away, why would he disappear? It's not on the fucking planet! In this place, tell me how he disappeared? Huh?"

"How do I know..." The subordinate muttered in his heart, but he did not dare to show any impatient expression on his face, and bowed his head obediently, knowing that he could not contradict Giggs at this time, otherwise he would definitely There is no good fruit to eat.

After swearing a few more words, Giggs waved at the man.

"Find it for me! That kid is impossible to get out of this ship, he must have found somewhere to hide. Find him and catch him at all costs!"

"Find him for me! p>

The subordinate finally couldn't help it, opened his mouth and asked: "That... Director, with that kid's strength, we're afraid... I'm afraid no one can catch him..."

"I didn't expect you bastards!" Giggs scolded him again, turned his head and looked towards a middle-aged man who was still sitting on a chair and remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs. , his expression immediately became much calmer, said resolutely: "Master Luo Wei, I'm afraid you need to do it yourself this time."

The middle-aged man known as Master Luo Wei gently nods his face. With a relaxed smile.

"Don't worry, that kid just condensed the nebula, and it is impossible to escape. As long as I find his trace, I can easily deal with him."

Speaking of this, The expression on his face became a little more cautious, and he said to Giggs: "Of course, it is difficult for me to guarantee that I can capture him alive. After all, his strength should not be underestimated. Do you understand what I mean?"

The muscles on Giggs' face twitched for a while, and he gritted his teeth hard, and then he responded with difficulty: "Well, if it really doesn't work, then we can only kill this kid. Although it's a pity, it's better than being beaten by this kid. It's good to break our major event."

Master Rowe was nodded and was satisfied with Giggs' answer.

"Okay, let's go." Giggs waved the subordinate back, sat back in his own seat, pondered for a moment, and then said, "Master Rowe, at this time, Can you reveal the next arrangement?"

Master Rowe glanced at Ziggs and looked the head.

"Dear Director, since you have walked out of this step, you don't need to worry so much. When you arrive at the place, there will naturally be a safe arrangement."

Giggs coldly snorted: "I gave up my great future and everything in Orion's spiral arm this time. If you still refuse to admit it to me, it will be very difficult for me to continue working closely with you."

"What? Director, are you threatening me?" Master Rowe squinted at Ziggs, and a dangerous light shone through the gap of his eyelids. "Since you have done this step, you have no right to regret it. Whether it is the countries of Orion, or the Chamber of Commerce of Nogentum will not let you go, do you think... can you go back?"

"hmph! Do you think I'll leave a little way for myself?" Giggs showed no signs of weakening. "Master Luo Wei, I tell you clearly, you are not the only ones who want to get these young talents. If you are still unwilling to express your sincerity, then I have to make other plans."

The dangerous light in Master Rowe's eyes was a bit better, and his face became cold.

"Director Giggs, I advise you not to have any other thoughts. You should know very well that with my strength, one person can destroy all of you. So you'd better cooperate obediently, otherwise If so, don't blame me for being impolite."

"Really?" Giggs sneered, but he didn't continue to entangle with Master Rowe on this issue, he just looked at Rowe coldly Master, his eyes kept rolling, and he didn't know what was going on in Dao Heart.

The Master Luo Wei also remained unmoved, still remained calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, as if he was not afraid of Giggs' plans at all.

For a while, the room fell into a strange silence again.


Somewhere less than 300 meters away from the room in a straight line, Chu Nan stood quietly under the light, looking at the countless clothes in front of him. The people in uniform came and went back and forth, bustling back and forth, and couldn't help but feel emotion in their hearts.

The Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique is worthy of a special cultivation technique that even a powerful Star Level Martial Artist like Quediro Venerable admires. The abnormal fluctuation of space energy in the surrounding space allowed him to avoid the perception of the few Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists not far away, and at the same time, he used the precise manipulation of space energy to distort light, sound... and all other information media. Spread, so that people close at hand not only can't see him, but also can't hear any sound he makes, it's almost like a perfect invisibility.

Now he is standing here so generously, but the guys not far in front of him seem to be blind and deaf, without paying any extra attention to him at all. As if he didn't exist at all.

"No wonder Quidiro Venerable confidently gave me this cultivation technique, and let me go to the Imperial Palace in Declan Empire to sneak. This cultivation technique is really magical enough, and it seems that it will really look like Kui As Dilo Venerable said, unless the Star Level Martial Artist actively investigates, it will be difficult for anyone to find me."

After confirming the magic of this cultivation technique, Chu Nan began to think about the next step.

In fact, if it was just himself, he could now sneak away with the help of the Metal Gear Solid culture technique, and then with the space travel skills he mastered beyond his level, he could easily get out of trouble. out.

But after rescuing the girl and Thiago, he felt that he couldn't just leave alone.

More importantly, he couldn't just run away in such a confused way.

It's unfathomable mystery that Ziggs got caught in an unfathomable mystery place, and he wouldn't be reconciled if he ran away in such an unfathomable mystery.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan used the Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique to shuttle through the crowd and began to explore the environment where he got up.

With the powerful cultivation technique and super fast speed, Chu Nan quickly explored all the places he could go, and then combined the places he explored with his powerful data ability. Together, they finally discovered a surprising fact.

The place where he is now is of course not the laboratory in the Chamber of Commerce branch in Tomrell that he was in when he was captured by Ziggs, nor is it anything. A special hidden place.

Judging from the size, structure, etc. of this space, where he is now is clearly inside a spaceship!

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