The discovery made Chu Nan startled, but immediately relieved after the words Giggs had just said flashed through his mind.

Obviously, after Giggs caught him, he slipped him into the spaceship and was transported away with Thiago, who was also caught.

Judging from what Giggs revealed just now, if you guessed correctly, this spaceship might have left the Orion spiral arm.

As for the Sagittarius arm currently controlled by the Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, Chu Nan is not sure.

After all, with the strength and consistent style of the Chamber of Commerce Nourytham, they It shouldn't be to suddenly do such a thing.

It is by no means a trivial matter to hijack and capture such talented Martial Artists as Chu Nan and Thiago, who are extremely famous in the various countries of the Orion Arm.

In the event of exposure, the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham will inevitably bear great pressure.

Although the strength of the Chamber of Commerce is not afraid of these pressures, it is not in line with their usual purpose of making money by harmony.

With the strong financial resources of Chamber of Commerce, if you want to use young Martial Artists such as Chu Nan and Thiago, you can directly use the money.

Chu Nan doesn't think he's important enough for the Chamber of Commerce to use such tactics to get him arrested.

But that's the end of the thinking. Given the serious lack of intelligence, Chu Nan can't draw any more conclusions.

After judging that the place he was in should be the interior of a spaceship, the first thing Chu Nan thought of to do was to stop the spaceship from moving forward.

It will be harder for him to get back if the spaceship takes him farther.

After thinking about it, Chu Nan flashed the structure diagram of spaceship in his mind, quickly determined the position of the power core of spaceship, and quietly stealth in that direction.

With the powerful Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique, and more importantly, with the lightbrain-like brain's precise control of space energy, Chu Nan met several people along the way. The Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist with a strong aura and the energy of the surrounding space naturally surrounded it, but with no difficulty avoided the opponent's perception, and successfully sneaked into the power furnace at the core of the spaceship.


At this place, Chu Nan no longer hides his figure, shows up, and punches the thick protective wall around the power furnace , the huge punching power instantly blasted a huge pothole on the protective wall that was enough to withstand B-Rank energy-level attacks, exposing the fragile power core inside.

Chu Nan didn't take any further action, but looked blankly at the crowd who heard the sound from all directions, and then said loudly: "Giggs, stop the spaceship for me. !"

A moment later, Giggs' both shocked and angry voice really rang out.

"Chu Nan! How did you brat get over it?"

"This is not something you should be concerned about now." Chu Nan said coldly: "Be obedient, and immediately Stop the spaceship or I'll punch this furnace right now."

"You're crazy!" Ziggs yelled angrily. "Do you know what will happen if the power furnace explodes? Even you, it's impossible to survive in this situation!"

"Would you like to try?" Chu Nan opened his mouth to reveal a trace With a cold smile, the raised fist swung out like lightning, and punched the last layer of protection around the power core, just blasting a few cracks on it, but not hurting the core inside.

However, this action has already made a group of people around him frightened the soul flew away and scattered, and they all looked horrified, and took a step back involuntarily.

Giggs' voice becomes more surprised and angry.

"Boy! You're crazy! Stop it! What do you want?"

"It's easy, just let me go..."

"No problem!"

Giggs' answer so quickly without the slightest hesitation made Chu Nan stunned.

Why did this guy agree at once and look impatient? Could it be that his threat to him is so direct?

Chu Nan frowned, continued: "And let go of Thiago... well, let go of the other people you caught and let them go back with me."

"That's impossible!" Giggs roared. "You brat can escape by yourself, that's your ability, what do you care about them?"

"I'm happy." Chu Nan looks like I just like to see you unhappy. "How? Promise quickly, or I'll do it."

Giggs was silent for a while, then suddenly laughed.

"Ha, boy, didn't think you wanted to be a hero. You wanted to save them, didn't you? Then you can try attacking the power furnace? This spaceship exploded, you might have a chance to survive, but Those guys' bodies are worse than the ordinary person, do you think they can survive?"

Chu Nan shook the head, sighed, and the backhand was a punch, hitting the outside of the power core.

The force on this fist is completely different from the punch with a deterrent nature just now. With one punch, the outer layer of the power core is immediately completely broken, and the dazzling inside bursts out, but it is full of destruction. The energy light looks extremely terrifying.

Those who were originally surrounded by Chu Nan were even more horrified, Qi Qi showed a horrified expression, turned around and ran outside, not even the two powerful Martial Artists who clearly possessed the Voidbreak Grade. exception.

You must know that if a cosmic spaceship power furnace explodes, the minimum formidable power is the explosion of B-Rank energy level, and with the scale of this spaceship, it can even be called A-Rank energy level , not to mention the ordinary Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, even the low-level Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist can't resist.

"Fuck! Boy, you're really crazy!" Giggston, who saw Chu Nan's actions through the surveillance screen, calmed down and became more flustered and exasperated. "You really don't want their lives, and you don't want your own?"

Chu Nan shrugged: "Anyway, it's not going to end well if you catch them, it's better to be in this situation now. It's easier to die without knowing it. I think even if Thiago and the others knew, they would definitely agree with my choice."

"Fart! You brat is crazy, they are not crazy! ' Giggs cursed angrily. "Boy, we can talk slowly under conditions, but you must not destroy this power furnace. Tell you, the power furnace has now reached the alert level. If you attack again, this spaceship will be finished!"

"Ha..." Chu Nan was overjoyed.

Isn't this guy clearly telling himself that he is guilty of conscience?

"Then you must agree to my terms quickly, otherwise, I may not be able to control myself with the next punch."

Chu Nan said while raising his posture. He raised his fist and slammed into the fully exposed power stove.

Of course, this fist actually didn't use any Inner Breath, didn't bring out any space energy, didn't have any formidable power at all, it was just to scare Giggs.

But this time, Giggs didn't make any more sound. When Chu Nan was puzzled in the heart, he felt the space energy in the whole body rolling frantically, making his fist unable to fall at all. Even the energy that was madly leaking out of the power furnace because of the damage seemed to be suppressed, and the energy light was instantly weakened and almost extinguished.

Chu Nan didn't have any surprises on his face, turned around and looked at the middle-aged man who was slowly flying in from another passage, gently nodding.

Well, not Star Level Martial Artist.

As expected.

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