“Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ——”

Compared with First Fist, the force on Chu Nan this fist is much smaller, and the wall is thus created The tremors were also much smaller, and the buzzing was also much weaker.

"Hahaha, Chu Nan, don't waste your time. Although I was surprised that you were able to destroy Avro's memory metal before, the protection level of this wall is higher than Avro's memory. Metal is two levels higher, and your strength alone is impossible..."

Ziggs' voice sounded again, but the laughter was only halfway through, but it stopped abruptly.

During the short period of time he was speaking, Chu Nan had already threw dozens of punches towards the wall one after another.

At first, there was just a constant humming sound on the wall as before, but soon the frequency of this humming sound changed significantly, and the vibration of the wall became even more amazing , is completely beyond the normal range.

"Hey! Boy, what are you doing! Stop it! I warn you, don't continue! Stop it! Don't force me to use absolute space against you again!"

The astonishing change on the wall not only attracted the attention of Thiago and the girl who were exercising pranayama, but also made Giggs's voice change from the frenzied complacent just now to a hint of panic.

Chu Nan didn't hear what Ziggs said, and still punched the wall with punch after punch.

Every time he throws a punch, he can get accurate data from the feedback on the wall. After combining and analyzing these data, the force of his next punch and the vibration frequency of the space energy are also will adjust accordingly.

With every punch he changes, so does his response to hitting the wall.

After punching and punching like this, the reaction on the wall became more and more intense, and finally not only the entire wall, but even the entire room trembled slightly with the strikes of the fist.

Seeing this situation, Ziggs, who was hiding and watching, obviously could no longer be as calm as before. After seeing that Chu Nan still ignored his warnings and reprimands, he clenched the teeth, coldly snorted and said: "Boy, I didn't want to do this, you forced me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Chu Nan immediately sensed that the space energy that had flowed naturally in the room seemed to be frozen in half. The flow stopped, and then the space energy in the entire space seemed to be completely evacuated, not only making him unable to drive the space energy with his fists, but even the space energy contained in the body was faintly restless, as if he could not stand the temptation of the outside world. away from the body.

This situation is the same as Chu Nan's previous experience in the laboratory of the Chamber of Commerce branch in Tomreil, Nourytham, and it is the means by which Giggs caught him.

Sensing the restlessness of the space energy in the body, Chu Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, and various data flashed quickly in his mind.

When he faced this situation for the first time, because he had no experience and didn't expect any way to deal with it, he was emptied of the space energy contained in his body and was finally captured by Giggs. .

However, now facing this situation again, with the first experience, Chu Nan still does not understand the principle of this so-called "absolute space", but with the data harvested last time, he has already Think of a solution.

Chu Nan dantian's inner nebula circulates naturally, immediately attracting the restless space energy in the body again, without being affected by the external space.

Seeing that Thiago and the girl were obviously controlled by this absolute space, not only the complexion changed dramatically, but also the flesh and skin on the body gradually showed signs of depletion. Chu Nan knew that it could not continue like this, and immediately I took a deep breath, went through all the data obtained after the seventy-three punches I just hit, and came to a conclusion with the lightbrain's general brain, and then I punched the wall again.

Unlike all previous fists, this fist mobilized almost all the space energy in his fleshy body, and deliberately adjusted the vibration frequency of the space energy to a very high frequency, and fully converged into one point.

The fist slammed on the wall, and the so-called "complete force feedback system" on the wall continued to work. He was about to completely cancel the force from Chu Nan's fist, but Chu Nan thought about it. The vibration frequency of the space energy brought out by the fist changed again, and at the same time, the power of the fist itself burst out, and immediately formed an ingenious resonance balance with the vibration frequency of the force feedback on the wall.


This seemingly invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable wall is under the simultaneous action of two powerful forces that are equally terrifying and can produce resonance effects at the same time. It disintegrated like a piece of tofu, crash-bang into pieces of extremely small metal pieces, and completely scattered.

At the same time as the wall was blasted open, the closed space in the room also disintegrated, and the space energy in the external space poured in, instantly disappearing this so-called absolute space into nothingness.

Tiago and the girl, who had been locked and locked by the absolute space, seemed to be breathing a lot of fresh air as if they were about to suffocate. With the addition of space energy, it quickly became rosy again.

Chu Nan didn't have time to pay attention to the changes of the two of them. After the wall collapsed and fell, two fully armed guards were exposed outside the wall. People.

Chu Nan coldly snorted, didn't give them any time to react at all, body flashed, and came to the two of them, each one slapped their chests together with the protective gear flat.

The two of them spurt a mouthful of blood at the same time, spraying the protective shield on their heads blood red, their bodies flew out, and slammed heavily on the two opposite walls, smashing two deep holes on the walls. The pit, and then fell down, without the slightest force to move.

Chu Nan then patted the two of them flying, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He looked left and right, and found that there was a long and narrow passage outside the wall, so he stepped down and sensed these two outside through the wall just now. The direction people came from quickly swept away.

Just after turning a corner, Chu Nan suddenly sensed a sudden burst of space energy in the space ahead. The formidable power was amazing, but from the amount of space energy that was mobilized, it was obvious that there was a player whose strength was definitely not inferior to The powerful Martial Artist of fourth rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist like Daclier appeared.

If it was before going to the Leppler galaxy, or when he first arrived in the Leppler galaxy, Chu Nan would not be able to resist such a powerful enemy.

However, Chu Nan's strength is not what it used to be, and now it is a nebula condensed, and he has successfully broken through to become a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse. Such an enemy will naturally not bring him any pressure.

thoughts move, the powerful improvement brought by the successful condensation of the nebula is immediately reflected, the space energy in the whole body has been naturally fused with the space energy in his fleshy body at the moment when he thinks, and he can dispatch it. .

next moment, Chu Nan punched out, nothing fancy, but contained extremely terrifying, far more terrifying power than any of his previous punches, slammed straight into the chest of the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

The Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist had a look of shock on his face, but he couldn't avoid Chu Nan this fist.


The Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist was hit by Chu Nan this fist, and his body flew out, knocking the thick wall behind him into a huge wall. The hole in the room brought out a large piece of smoke and dust and electric light flashed, and the surrounding environment became a mess.

When the chaos finally settled down, the smoke, dust and electric light returned to stability, and the other enemies who were besieging from all directions looked closely, but they were all stunned.

Chu Nan...is gone!

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