Chu Nan laughed wildly for a while, then suddenly stopped laughing, clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply to his opponent.

"I haven't asked for the name yet."

The opponent and all the audience looked at Chu Nan with dumbfounded expressions. After a while, the opponent replied dumbly. Said: "My name is Weilang, from Declan Empire."

"Willon? Many thanks, you wake up the dreamer and help me solve a crucial problem that has been bothering me for a long time. Question. Could you please give me a little more time now?"

"Give you time?" Veran frowned. "What?"

Chu Nan ignored him and sat cross-legged directly on the field, closing his eyes.

This action makes Willand and all viewers even more unfathomable mystery.

What the hell is this kid doing?

In the battle just now, he obviously didn't consume too much, so he shouldn't need to sit down and adjust his breath.

On the contrary, Weilang has been maintaining the most violent offensive, which consumes a lot of energy. After the blow just now, it was basically an arrow at the end of its flight, and he couldn't support it at all.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan to interrupt, he would almost have to admit defeat.

Now that Chu Nan suddenly made such a strange action, Wei Lang hesitated for a while, then simply took two steps back, and sat down with his buttocks, and began to exercise and adjust his breath.

He also benefited a lot from the fierce battle with Chu Nan just now. If he can restore Inner Breath in time and fight Chu Nan again, there may be a chance of winning.

He finally made it to the finals of this competition. As long as there is any chance to go further, he will never let it go.

As soon as Willand sat down, the arena immediately turned into an extremely strange situation.

The two who were still fighting fiercely just now, and even the arena was destroyed, but now they are sitting quietly on the arena with a distance of tens of meters, as if they suddenly lost their martial skills. It was changed to a competition and molesting Inner Breath.

From extremely dynamic to extremely quiet, the change was so great that all the audience were stunned.

What the hell are these two guys doing? This is a game.

But no matter how much the audience discussed spiritedly, or even protested in their hearts, the two people on the field couldn't hear their voices at all, and were still just sitting cross-legged, as if they were completely ignoring the reactions of the outside world.

Seeing that Wei Lang also sat down, Chu Nan smiled slightly.

At first he was worried that Weilang would not agree, so he had to temporarily suppress the inspiration of Peng Bai's outbreak in his heart, temporarily concentrate on defeating the opponent with all his strength, and then find a chance to solve this problem.

Now that Weilang is so knowledgeable, he doesn't have to worry so much anymore and starts to focus all his energy on the dantian in his body.

Inner Breath circulated, and in an instant, the nebula that had been successfully condensed and left for experimentation in Chu Nan dantian was completely destroyed, and then a strand of Inner Breath flowed out from the dantian, and the Inner Breath circulated in the meridian At the time, Chu Nan has already begun to further control the space energy that follows the flow of Inner Breath.

At first glance, this is no different from the experiment that Chu Nan has been conducting from yesterday to this morning. They are all condensing the nebula by directly manipulating the space energy and changing its structure.

But compared to yesterday, Chu Nan kept adding more structures to the spatial energy that followed the flow of Inner Breath, making it as much as possible to accommodate as many different structures brought by different cultivation techniques at the same time. Now Chu Nan is doing the exact opposite in re-architecting these spatial energies.

In order to accommodate more architectures in the experiments he did before, the architectures became more and more complicated due to their own weight, so that they could not continue at all.

What he does now is to make these structures simpler and simpler.

In the past, if there was a conflict between the spatial energy structures brought about by two different cultivation techniques, Chu Nan would remove the conflicting part, so that the connection between the different structures was barely maintained.

And now, he said in turn that the overlapping and conflicting parts are preserved, and the other parts are completely discarded.

In this way, only a very rare part of the space energy structure remains, which becomes extremely simple, and can no longer even be called a complete structure, which is not enough to condense nebulae.

Chu Nan is not in a hurry. Next, he added the space energy structure brought by another cultivation technique on this basis, and then kept some of the overlapping and conflicting parts.

This is still not a complete architecture.

Chu Nan then adds another one...

The different spatial energy structures brought by different cultivation techniques are stacked on top of each other, each time Chu Nan leaves only a very small amount. a part of.

But as more and more cultivation techniques are stacked, these very small parts grow and gradually connect.

With the countless previous experiments as the basis, and the huge amount of data in his mind for support, Chu Nan is still doing such a modified experiment at a very fast speed, just a few Minutes have passed, and the tiny parts of the architecture left by overlapping conflicting parts according to hundreds of different cultivation techniques have grown enormous.

Soon Chu Nan has tested all the cultivation techniques he has mastered so far, and found that the architecture left behind is still a little far from being truly perfect, and cannot be regarded as a complete and perfect space energy architecture. .

But Chu Nan wasn't panicking, he had already anticipated this situation.

Innumerable data floated through his mind, Chu Nan's brain as powerful as a lightbrain was activated, and the calculation was completed in just a moment, and he quickly supplemented and perfected this imperfect space energy structure.

After doing countless data calculations on this space energy structure, Chu Nan took a deep breath, and a wisp of Inner Breath flowed out of the dantian. When the space energy in the body flowed naturally with the Inner Breath, Chu Nan repeated the experiments he had done countless times before.

And this time, his fine manipulation of these space energies is based on this brand new space energy structure.

Soon, the Inner Breath has circled the meridian for a week, returned to the dantian, and unsurprisingly condensed a nebula in the dantian.

Feeling the space energy transformed by the dantian Inner Breath through this nebula, Chu Nan couldn't help but raise a smile.

This nebula is different from all the nebulae that he had successfully condensed in his previous experiments. It even seems a lot simpler, but it perfectly integrates the characteristics of the space energy structure contained in each nebula. , whichever is the best part, the space energy transformed from it no longer has the strong characteristics of its corresponding cultivation technique as before, so that it is too limited.

Simple but capable of accommodating all cultivation techniques, is the nebula he wants.

A few more Inner Breaths flowed from the dantian, and after making some slight changes to this space energy structure, Chu Nan's mind was condensed, and the dantian breath was fully activated, following the process of the previous attempts. , the meridian quickly circulates in the body for a week, and the dantian turns around, and a nebula condenses in an instant.

Inner Breath didn't stop at all, and it flowed out of dantian again. It was a complete cycle again, returning to dantian. The nebula in dantian became a little bigger.

Inner Breath keeps cycling, the nebula in Chu Nan dantian is getting bigger and bigger and more stable.

As the nebula in his dantian gradually expands, the space energy in the space around him also moves. The space energy that was not perceived by the ordinary person is now due to the high speed circulation of Chu Nan meridian's breath. Driven and influenced by the nebula in Dantian at the same time, there are actually spiral light bands of different colors surrounding Chu Nan, which looks extremely colorful.

Seeing such a natural phenomenon suddenly appearing around Chu Nan's body, countless spectators who were watching the game all showed their surprised expressions.

In the tournament Organizing Committee office five kilometers away from the arena, the five Star Level Martial Artists who were invited to participate in the opening ceremony of the final today all looked surprised.

Man Luoyin Venerable's eyes widened, her face full of surprise, she couldn't help but open her mouth.

"This kid is actually condensing the nebula!"

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