Man Luoyin Venerable can see it, and so can the other four Star Level Martial Artists.

The five looked at each other, and they could all see the uncontrollable shock in each other's eyes.

Chu Nan is clearly not yet 20 years old this year, yet he was able to condense the nebula?

But on second thought, judging from Chu Nan's performance in the previous games, he has been able to easily defeat opponents of third rank Voidbreak Grade, proving that his strength has at least reached the level of fourth rank Voidbreak Grade , even having broken through to fifth-rank Voidbreak Grade, then it is normal to begin to come into contact with the crucial link of the condensation nebula.

But this kid actually ignored his opponent and started to condense the nebula directly in the game, in this situation where everyone is watching, which is too surprising.

But this is not what surprised the five Star Level Martial Artists including Man Luoyin Venerable the most. What really surprised or puzzled them was when Chu Nan condensed the nebula. All kinds of strange signs came out.

Generally speaking, when the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist condenses the nebula to break through to Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, it is all condensed according to the Inner Breath cultivation technique that he has cultivated, so the characteristics of the nebula condensed in the dantian are all the same as his own. The cultivation technique is basically the same.

For example, the Inner Breath cultivation technique that this Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is best at manifests a natural phenomenon of red mist when it is used, and this kind of natural phenomenon is also manifested when the nebula is condensed. Another situation may arise.

However, the natural phenomenon that Chu Nan is presenting around his body is too strange. The space energy is condensed and formed around him, and it looks like a spiral colorful light band, which looks so gorgeous.

Man Luoyin Venerable and other five Star Level Martial Artists have extensive knowledge, but they have never heard of a Martial Artist that would have such a natural phenomenon when condensing a nebula.

"This kid...I remember his cultivation was Nine Revolutions Core Technique." Sitting next to Man Luoyin Venerable was Kasuri Venerable from the Republic of Turado, he looked at the virtual screen On Chu Nan's natural phenomenon all over his body, he couldn't help showing a hint of doubt.

Before Chu Nan defeated Salemo from the Republic of Turado in a 64-to-32 game, which made him pay special attention to this student from the Earth Commonwealth, and now seeing Chu Nan actually live Condensing the nebula, I became even more curious about him.

This kid is full of mysteries and is almost always full of surprises.

How did the small country of Earth Federation cultivate such a guy?

Nine Revolutions Core Technique because Su Xuansheng published it directly on the pan-galactic network back then, although he was restricted from publishing it on the regional network of the Earth Federation, how could this thing be hidden since it was published That's right, so now it has spread throughout the entire pan-galactic network and is well known to all Martial Artists in the galaxy.

All Martial Artists attach great importance to this Inner Breath cultivation technique, which is extremely rare to be rated as S-Rank.

But after hundreds of years of verification, not many people can cultivate to the seventh realm of Su Xuansheng, so the Nine Revolutions Core Technique is also called the most tasteless cultivation technique in the entire galaxy. none of them.

Because Chu Nan received a lot of attention before, the major media did their best to report on him, and it can be said that all his known circumstances were exposed.

The Nine Revolutions Core Technique for Chu Nan cultivation is known to everyone.

There have been countless people who wondered if Chu Nan had cultivated the Nine Revolutions Core Technique to Sixth Layer, otherwise he could have performed so well.

And now seeing him congealing the nebula, Kasuri Venerable couldn't help but wonder.

This kid... Has he become the first Martial Artist after Su Xuansheng in the past few hundred years to practice Nine Revolutions Core Technique to Seventh Layer?

If this is the case, it not only solves a question that has plagued countless Martial Artists in the Milky Way for hundreds of years - whether Su Xuansheng really released his most proud Nine Revolutions Core Technique back then, but also It proves that this kid's innate talent is amazingly high, even beyond everyone's imagination.

It should be known that even if the Nine Revolutions Core Technique left by Su Xuansheng was the real thing, but because he has already passed away, all Martial Artists who want to cultivate Nine Revolutions Core Technique can only rely on the formula he left behind. cultivation, no one can guide at all.

Under this circumstance, one can imagine the difficulty in trying to cultivate the Nine Revolutions Core Technique to the level of Su Xuansheng back then.

"'s not quite like the Nine Revolutions Core Technique." Venerable shook the head. "I had the privilege of seeing a Martial Artist of cultivation Nine Revolutions Core Technique condense the nebula with my own eyes, but it is not like this."

"oh?" The other four Star Level Martial Artists unexpectedly watched Luo Yin Venerable glanced.

There are many Martial Artists with cultivation Nine Revolutions Core Technique, but very few Martial Artists whose cultivation is profound enough to condense nebulae.

Such a Martial Artist was just seen by Venerable when he was condensing the nebula. There must be some hidden story in it.

Man Luoyin Venerable obviously didn't mean to explain to them, but still frowned slightly, staring at Chu Nan on the field.

It's not just the five Star Level Martial Artists who are staring at Chu Nan. All the audience watching this game originally thought that Chu Nan and his opponent suddenly stopped fighting, just sitting down and adjusting his breath was a bit boring, But now seeing such a natural phenomenon around Chu Nan immediately aroused everyone's interest.

Instant feedback on the game instantly became the hottest topic on the pan-galactic network.

In just a few minutes, countless posts explaining the natural phenomenon surrounding Chu Nan appeared.

Aside from those posts that can be seen as nonsense at a glance, in many professional explanations, it is mentioned that Chu Nan is probably condensing nebulae in the dantian, and all such things are born. natural phenomenon.

And since the nebula is condensing, it proves that Chu Nan is only one step away from becoming a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse.

This shocked countless people.

Chu Nan is so young, yet he has been able to condense the nebula, and even just one step away from becoming a Heavenly Reign Grade powerhouse. Such an innate talent is too terrifying.

If he continues to grow at this rate, wouldn't it be possible to break through again in a very short period of time and become a Star Level Martial Artist?

Of course, once this idea was put forward, it was immediately refuted by countless people.

If a Martial Artist goes from Inner Breath Grade breakthrough to Voidbreak Grade, it can be regarded as a breakthrough, then from Voidbreak Grade breakthrough to Heavenly Reign Grade, it is far beyond the difficulty of crossing the Tianguan. .

As for the breakthrough from Heavenly Reign Grade to Star Level, it is even worse than in ten-thousand does not have one.

Although the total number of martial artists in the entire galaxy cannot be counted, it is conceivable how terrifying the base is. However, under such a terrifying base, there are only a total of more than 4,000 artists. Star Level Martial Artist.

But that alone shows how hard it is to be a Star Level Martial Artist.

This is not only something that can be done with cultivation techniques and innate talent, but also requires luck.

Of course, no one can be sure whether Chu Nan can become a Star Level Martial Artist, but he is so young now, if he can successfully condense the nebula at this time, no one doubts that he can break through and become Heavenly Reign Grade in one fell swoop the powerhouse.

All eyes were on Chu Nan.

Everyone watched with wide eyes.

What kind of nebula will this kid condense?

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