Looking at Chu Nan, his expression was dull, his brows were slightly wrinkled, his eyes were unfocused, and he looked like he was wandering in the sky. The opponent standing opposite him suddenly felt that he had been greatly humiliated. , pointed at Chu Nan and said furiously: "Hey, Chu Nan, although I admit that your strength is very strong, but if you dare to underestimate me, I must teach you a lesson in a while!"

" Oh..." Chu Nan was nodded with a blank face, complied very casually, and at a glance, he knew that he didn't listen to the opponent's words at all.

He was indeed a little absent-minded, or at least not paying attention to the game in front of him.

Right now, all he can think about is the Nebula architecture issue that has made him tangled for a day.

I started trying yesterday, and I still keep trying before the competition. Chu Nan has been doing this experiment for a whole day.

In the beginning, he was able to make a successful fusion by constantly pruning and modifying the spatial energy structure of different cultivation techniques.

But as more and more space energy structures are superimposed, there are more and more places that need to be taken care of. In the end, even with his incomparably powerful data capabilities, he wants to make a complete calculation. It takes a long time, and the things that need to be noticed when trying to do the actual space energy architecture are even more confusing.

Even if he has a powerful data ability and an extremely powerful sense and manipulation of space energy, he can only complete the superposition of different space energy structures brought by thirteen different cultivation techniques at most. There is absolutely no way to go further.

And he knew very well in his heart that even if he could complete the superposition of these thirteen different space energy structures at most, it would be difficult to actually use it.

Because such a space energy structure is actually very fragile, if you are not careful, it will collapse due to internal structural problems. It cannot be regarded as a successful cultivation technique at all. It is even more a joke to use it to condense nebulae. , will only make a mess in his dantian.

But if you continue to calculate downwards, it will be difficult for Chu Nan to proceed anyway.

So although he had already done a long period of experiments and failures that lasted for a month or even a few months or even more than a year as in the previous cultivation technique, but only after less than a day, he was very Knowing that there is no way to go that way.

Now if he just wants to condense the nebula successfully, it is very simple, he only needs to choose a space energy structure to condense the nebula, and it can fit his one or even several well. The application of the door cultivation technique.

But this is the end of the story, and he is really unwilling to let Chu Nan admit defeat like this.

He obviously has the ability to do better, how could he accept such a "future"?

However, the practical problems have plagued him, but he cannot break through, so that he has been thinking hard about the solution in his mind, and naturally he will not take his opponents seriously at all.

Seeing Chu Nan's reaction, the opponent was even more angry.

At this time, I happened to hear the sound of announcing the start of the game. The opponent was coldly snorted and didn't bother to say anything to Chu Nan. He didn't say hello and punched towards Chu Nan.

It has to be said that there is no weaker who can make it to the finals.

This opponent just throws a punch, which naturally drives the energy of the space, and even the entire space seems to be shaken and shakes slightly, and the formidable power is no trivial matter.

However, not to mention his strength and Chu Nan mention on equal terms, he is actually slightly weaker than Chu Nan's previous opponent Salermo.

Chu Nan, despite being absent-minded, can easily deal with it with only a small amount of attention.

He even had time to dodge the opponent's attack while thinking about the problem of condensing the nebula in his mind.

When such a move fell into the eyes of the audience, it naturally showed that Chu Nan was strong, able to deal with opponents with ease and calm, but falling into the eyes of his opponents made him feel that the humiliation in his heart became stronger. The space energy driven by the punch is more terrifying, and the punch is getting stronger and stronger.

If it were another two participating students, some people might think that Chu Nan was unilaterally suppressed and could not fight back. The first five minutes of the game will not fight back very much, until five minutes later to solve the opponent with thunder.

Because of this, Chu Nan has even earned the nickname "Five Minutes as a Man" on the pan-galactic network.

The opponent was naturally aware of this. Seeing that he couldn't handle Chu Nan for a long time, he couldn't help being a little upset. The speed of punching his fists was faster, his formidable power was greater, but his moves were simpler. , on the contrary, Chu Nan can't be helped.

After fighting for a while, Chu Nan suddenly stopped dodging and raised his hand to block his chest, just blocking the opponent's punch full of space energy strikes.


Chu Nan was beaten up and flew into the air, instantly flying more than two kilometers in the air, fiercely installed in the final On the dome of the other stadium built, his body sank deeply into it.

The opponent was overjoyed and was about to chase after Chen Sheng, but found that Chu Nan had already fallen and returned to him in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Chu Nan's relaxed face, the opponent's heart shivered with cold, he thought to himself that this fist hit so hard, this guy didn't even have the slightest look on his hand, seriously terrifying.

Chu Nan didn't seem to notice these things at all. For the first time, the focus in his eyes, looking at the opponent, his expression seemed a little strange.

"You shouldn't have such a large formidable power in this fist, why?"

The opponent was stunned, what kind of problem is this?

Immediately he reacted, coldly snorted, and replied: "What? I was frightened by my boxing skills? Let me tell you, this is the only one of our Fige Empire's boxing skills that has been rated as A-Rank martial skill. , you have learned it now, what do you think?"

"A-Rank martial skill?" The expression on Chu Nan's face was even more strange. "This boxing technique is so simple, yet it is also an A-Rank martial skill?"

"Nonsense!" The opponent cursed angrily. "It's a shame that I thought you were a good guy, and you must have good knowledge. Didn't expect to say something like that."

After he finished speaking, he raised his fist and said with a hint of pride on his face: "The teacher who taught me this boxing said that Grand Dao Reaches The Simple is the most complicated. The most powerful martial skill does not necessarily need to be complicated, but is the simplest and most direct move, but it can best reflect the true meaning of Martial Dao. . This boxing method is called a punch, and it's that simple!"

"Grand Dao Reaches The Simple is the most complicated? The simplest and most straightforward moves can best reflect the true meaning of Martial Dao? One punch...one punch ?"

Chu Nan seemed to think of something at once, and muttered to himself.

The opponent frowned, looking at him unfathomable mystery.

"Hey, what are you brat talking about? You were fine two days ago, why did you become this virtuous when you played against me today? Could it be that you have been stimulated by these two days? Right?"

Chu Nan ignored him and kept talking with his head down.

Just as the surrounding audience felt unfathomable mystery, the opponent was a little impatient, and when he planned to continue the fight, Chu Nan suddenly raised his head and burst into laughter.

"Haha, I understand! Grand Dao Reaches The Simple is so complicated! Haha, I understand! I finally understand!"

The opponent and countless fans who followed the game The audience stared blankly at Chu Nan.

This guy...is it possible that really went crazy all of a sudden?

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