Chu Nan didn't know that a very fierce quarrel was taking place around him in the press box at this time.

"Joke!" A media reporter from the United States of Meletta raised his head high, only using his nostrils to move towards the group of Earth Federation reporters opposite, his expression and tone were full of disdain. "There is only one Chu Nan in your Earth Federation, so what is there to brag about? Besides, even this Chu Nan looks impressive but is worthless in my opinion, and his real strength is not worth mentioning at all!"

"Not worth mentioning?" A young male reporter in the Earth Federation stood up, his face much more disdainful than the other. "I don't know who is not worth mentioning. What about the hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists in the United States of Meletta by one person?"

Hearing this, there was a burst of laughter around.

It wasn't just the reporters from the Earth Commonwealth who laughed, but reporters from many other countries also laughed mockingly.

The video of Chu Nan fighting with hundreds of Martial Artists from the United States of Meletta has now been shared across the pan-galactic network, and everyone has seen Chu Nan single-handedly take on the United States of Meletta The sight of hundreds of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists themselves unscathed, even backhanding dozens of opponents.

While everyone was surprised by Chu Nan's powerful strength, they also expressed ruthless ridicule to the martial artists of the United States of Meletta.

So many people besieged a young student who was not yet 20 years old. It was shameful not to take it down. In turn, Chu Nan defeated even more than 100 Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists. It's a big joke.

On the current pan-galactic network, the term "Martial Artist of the United States of Meletta" has simply become the biggest laughing stock.

Now this reporter from the United States of Meletta is still choosing to be tough because of the quarrel just now, which will naturally cause everyone to laugh.

The reporter from the United States of Meletta heard the laughter around him, his face flushed red, and he was coldly snorted with anger.

"Those guys are just a bunch of mobs, and simply can't represent the true level of our Martial Artists in the United States of Meletta. Those who can officially participate in the competition today are sent by our major academies in the United States of Meletta. Elite students are definitely stronger than those rubbish. Just wait and see, Chu Nan's game will never be easier! I..."

Before he finished his sentence, he was suddenly called A loud exclamation from outside interrupted forcibly.

Everyone looked in the direction of the exclamation in amazement, and saw that Chu Nan was still standing in the same place in the distant playing field, while his opponent-named Romford The students of the Como Academy of the United States of Meletta, at this time, have already fallen to the ground motionless, looking like they are dead.

Everyone froze.

How fast?

It's less than one minute before the official start of the game!

After a while, a huge line of characters suddenly appeared on the virtual screen that was placed in front of the crowd and used to broadcast the live images of the game.

"The game is over, the winner is Chu Nan."

Everyone was stunned again.

Is this the end?

A moment later, a reporter from the Earth Federation burst out laughing and pointed to the reporter from the United States of Meletta loudly said: "Now what else do you have to say? This is what you call the so-called elite. Practitioners? hahaha..."

The reporter from the United States of Meletta turned blue and white, but after a while, he suddenly regained his calm and glanced at the follow-up listed on the virtual screen because Chu Nan won. Against the table, suddenly laughed.

"Ha, you guys from Earth Federation can only be proud of this one time. What if this kid Chu Nan is so good? Besides him, you can come up with a second one Are you a better student? Why don't we make a bet, after this round of competition is over, will there be more students left in your Earth Federation or more from our United States of Meletta?"

The reporters of the Earth Federation who were laughing smugly froze, their faces gradually sank, and their brows slightly wrinkled.

Yes, although Chu Nan won this game, it didn't make much difference to the overall situation.

A total of 95 students from the Earth Commonwealth participated in this competition, but now they have a few words with each other, it has been revealed that a total of 13 students of the Earth Commonwealth have suffered miserably. Eliminated and only 6 students passed - including Chu Nan.

Apart from this, the remaining 78 students have yet to decide the winner, and they are obviously struggling.

And everyone knows very well that the Earth Federation is a small country on Orion's spiral arm after all, and it is of course impossible to compete with a big spiral arm country like the United States of Meletta in the scale of Martial Artist.

According to the data, this time the United States of Meletta occupied the power of the host, and the total number of participating students was as high as more than 3,000.

What is more terrifying than the huge base is the amazing average level of these participating students.

According to incomplete statistics, among the participating students in the United States of Meletta, more than half of the students in the Breakthrough Voidbreak Grade alone are the Academy, that is, more than 1,500.

And what about the Earth Federation?

Even if Chu Nan is included, only 7 students from Nebula Academy and 3 students from two other academies have broken through the Voidbreak Grade, adding up to exactly 10 students...

Not to mention that this tournament brought together the elite students of Martial Artist Academy in various countries of the Orion Arm. Outside the United States of Meletta, there are countless high-strength students hidden among them.

If you want to stand out among these young elites from all Orions, the trifling Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is probably not enough to watch, not to mention those Inner Breath Grade Martial who can't even break through the Eternal Universe. Artist too.

You must know that before the official start of this tournament, Earth Federation actually did not have much expectations for these participating students at all. They do their best.

So no one would believe that Chu Nan declared in front of so many reporters that he wanted to win this tournament championship.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan's amazing performance in that battle yesterday, no one would have really expected anything from him, even if they were both Earth Federation reporters.

Now this fact was pointed out by this reporter from the United States of Meletta, and the reporters of the Earth Federation lost their smiles and their faces were heavy.

Seeing their faces, the reporter from the United States of Meletta instantly recovered from the blow of Chu Nan's victory just now, and put on the disdainful smile on his face again.

"hmph, but if a decent Martial Artist emerges, treat him like a baby. Tell you guys from the Earth Commonwealth, so-called Chu Nan He is a genius, we, the United States of Meletta, just grab a bunch of them, and he is nothing at all!”

The reporters of the Earth Federation were furious and wanted to refute a few words, but they felt very indifferent. emboldened.

Because in all seriousness, what this reporter from the United States of Meletta is saying is the truth.

In the end, a small country like the Earth Federation is inherently impossible to compare with a big country like the United States of Meletta in this regard.

Just as the United States of Meletta reporter laughed smugly, and was about to continue his sarcasm, a beautiful female voice rang out.

"How about we make a bet?"

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