Chu Nan was still thinking about the condensation nebula.

However, under the current circumstances, of course he couldn't be able to test the cultivation technique in front of so many people, but this did not prevent him from continuing to think about what he had collected in the experiment yesterday. All data are analyzed and calculated.

Really speaking of which, this work is even more tedious and difficult than directly experimenting.

But it is precisely because of these work that he will reduce many unnecessary and meaningless actions when conducting actual experiments, thereby greatly improving efficiency.

While analyzing the data, Chu Nan was still making various associations.

After last night's experiment, Chu Nan now understands that condensing the nebula in the dantian is essentially to build up the space energy stored in the dantian with a special structure, and keep it stable all the time, thus Make it condensed and solid, thus completely changing the Inner Breath cycle mode in the dantian, so that the Inner Breath in the dantian can interact with the space energy immediately after it is generated, and even directly generate the space energy.

In this way, the contact between Martial Artist and the external space energy is more direct and quick, and it can be called a real fuse with the cosmic space energy.

More importantly, after the Nebula connection and transformation, Martial Artist can manipulate a larger amount of space energy, and the manipulation and use of space energy will also be easier and easier.

So as long as the nebula is successfully condensed, the strength of Martial Artist will be amazingly improved, which is almost fundamentally different from the one before the nebula was condensed.

But Chu Nan discovered a problem after thousands of experiments in one night. If the nebula condenses successfully, and then mobilizes the space energy through the nebula, the mobilized space energy will naturally change. into almost the same architecture as in Nebula.

This is of course extremely beneficial for those Martial Artists who are majoring in a cultivation technique, because it means that as long as the good nebula condenses successfully, he will also be greatly improved in this cultivation technique, formidable power become more powerful.

But for Chu Nan, that's not a good sign.

If the nebula is condensed according to a structure, then when using other cultivation techniques in the future, when mobilizing the space energy, one more side transformation must be carried out, so that the space energy generated by the natural condensing structure will be changed to another. an architecture.

Compared to Chu Nan's previous use of the cultivation technique to directly mobilize the space energy through Inner Breath, there is an additional procedure equivalent to that.

Although this procedure will actually only take him 0.1 second more time at most, or even less, and with the improvement of the cultivation technique in the future, this time will become less and less. For the overwhelming majority Martial Artist doesn't care at all, and basically doesn't feel too abnormal.

But for Chu Nan, who has powerful data capabilities, let alone 0.1 seconds, or even 0.001 seconds, it is an extremely obvious difference for him.

And having more contact with Star Level Martial Artist, Chu Nan knows how far he is from the real Star Level Martial Artist.

If you reach the realm of Star Level Martial Artist, the conditions that determine the victory and defeat aside from cultivation techniques, etc., this 0.1 second or 0.001 second is very likely to be an extremely important condition.

What's more, there are many cultivation techniques that Chu Nan has mastered. Although there are not many particularly powerful cultivation techniques, each cultivation technique will be useful when necessary.

Two cultivation arts like Goddess' Hymn and Life's Flame can almost make him an Immortal Body. If he uses these two cultivation arts in the future because of the Nebula structure, there is a slight difference, then it is a joke .

But obviously, if you want to become a more powerful Martial Artist, break through to Heavenly Reign Grade, do not condense nebulae, and successfully achieve a realm that connects the inner and outer universes, it is absolutely impossible.

But condensing the nebula will have to face this problem...

Chu Nan was a little tangled for a while.

Actually, he knew very well that if he told other Martial Artists about his tangled question, he would definitely attract ridicule and even scolding.

Because a Martial Artist can successfully condense the nebula, it is very lucky to have a breakthrough to Heavenly Reign Grade, his idea is absolutely idle in the eyes of other martial artists pain.

But since he has strong data ability, Chu Nan has found that he has a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder in pursuit of perfection because he is extremely sensitive to the smallest data.

If he can't find a way to solve this less than 0.1 seconds, even if he can successfully condense the nebula at will, he will feel extremely uncomfortable.

" should the nebula be condensed?"

This question has been circling in Chu Nan's mind, making him completely too lazy to pay attention to anything else, and naturally put those The attention of the media reporters and the audience was completely ignored, and they didn't even care about what happened at the opening ceremony. They were in a state similar to wandering from beginning to end.

This state continued until he stepped on the stage of the competition and started the first round competition.

"Hey, Chu Nan, listen to me! My name is Romford, and I'm a second-year student at the Como Academy of the United States of Meletta. You brat dare to look down on us from the United States of Meletta. Martial Artist, I'm going to teach you a lesson today and make you pay for your arrogance!"

Hearing his opponent's voice full of anger, Chu Nan reluctantly stopped and kept running at high speed 's brain, took his thoughts back, looked towards the opposite side.

I don't know if it was intentional or not, but the first opponent arranged for him by the tournament organizing committee was from the United States of Meletta.

Originally, this game attracted much attention because it was Chu Nan's first appearance, but now his opponent is the student representative of the United States of Meletta, which makes it even more interesting.

Chu Nan glanced casually and could see that in the auditorium in the distance around the ring, countless audiences filled the entire auditorium, and the media booth was even more crowded, even the aisle. are completely packed.

"Hey, this competition venue is really big."

Chu Nan looked around, but at first he sighed.

Compared with the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist competition he participated in last year, the most obvious and intuitive difference in this competition is that the competition field is more than ten times larger.

Now he and his opponent are standing in the center of the arena, and the nearest auditorium is two kilometers away. Without a telescope, it is impossible for the ordinary person to see where the two of them are.

The reason why such a large field is prepared, of course, is that the average strength of the players participating in this competition is far greater than that of the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament.

As a student of cream of the crop at the Peak Martial Artist Academy in various countries on the Orion Arm, it is extremely common for students to qualify for this competition to achieve a Voidbreak Grade.

So in order to give these students with Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist strength a better space to play, of course, the competition venue must be arranged large enough.

Chu Nan glanced around again, then took his eyes back and landed on his opponent.

Seeing the anger on the face of the opponent named Romford staring at him and the excitement and greed in his eyes, Chu Nan shook the head and smiled bitterly.

Man Luoyin Venerable, are you kidding me or are you kidding the students of the United States of America?

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