After Chu Nan walked out of the arena, a group of reporters immediately surrounded him.

In addition to the large number of reporters from the Earth Federation, there are also many journalists from the United States of Meletta and other countries.

Chu Nan casually dealt with their questions such as "How do you feel about the end of the first round competition?" When a reporter asked another question, he was stunned.

"Hey, Chu Nan, do you know about the bet that Miss Yang Qianrui made with others?"

Hearing the reporter mentioning Yang Qianrui's name, Chu Nan suddenly remembered, Among the group of reporters who rushed to interview, Yang Qianrui was not there.

It stands to reason that Yang Qianrui is the Earth Federation reporter who has interviewed him the most and is most familiar with him. Now that the first round competition is over, Yang Qianrui should appear to interview him in public or in private.

“Where’s Young Lady Yang?” Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

The reporters around looked at each other, all showing strange expressions, especially the expressions of embarrassment and shame on the faces of the Earth Federation reporters, which made Chu Nan feel extremely puzzled.

"Hey, what happened? Why do you look like this?" Chu Nan asked.

He was answered by a journalist from the United States of Meletta.

"hmph, your Earth Federation's Yang Qianrui made a bet with us that you would make it to the finals. If not, she would run naked in public and post the video on the pan-galactic network. Now she must be I feel like I said something wrong, so I’m hiding there trying to find a way to go back.”

Hearing the disdain and ridicule in the tone of the Meletta United States reporter, the group of Earth Federation reporters beside them suddenly burst into anger. Angrily, they pointed at the reporter from the United States of Meletta and cursed.

There are also many reporters from the United States of Meletta, so naturally they are not to be outdone. The two sides shouted for a while, and the scene suddenly became extremely noisy.

"Bet? Streaking in public?" Chu Nan started up when he heard it, he didn't care, his body flashed, and he rushed in front of the United States of America reporter who had just answered, grabbing his clothes. The leader, dragged him closer to him, and asked, "Clarify, what's going on?"

The reporter from the United States of America was grabbed involuntarily by Chu Nan's hand, but his expression was stern. Not afraid, still coldly said with a smile: "You should ask the people from the Earth Federation, they were right there at the time."

Chu Nan turned his head and looked towards those reporters from the Earth Federation, They immediately stopped drinking and scolding, each with a strange and embarrassed expression.

After a while, one of the reporters explained: "That...just now a group of us quarreled in the media booth, and these Meletta guys mocked our Earth Federation competition. Students, and Miss Yang Qianrui couldn't see it, so she made a bet with them that you can at least make it to the finals, otherwise, even if she loses, she will be in public...ahem, streaking in public."

Chu Nan frowned : "Since it's a bet, what about the bet on the other side?"

"If you can make it to the finals, it's them losing, so they run naked in public." The Earth Federation reporter spread his hands, sighed road.

"oh?" Chu Nan heard what he meant. "So there's more than one person who made a bet with Young Lady Yang?"

"Well, all the United States of America journalists who were there at the time made that bet with Young Lady Yang."

"That is to say, does Young Lady Yang treat many of them alone?" Chu Nan turned his head and glanced at the Meletta United States reporter who was still in his hands, smiled and said: "It's a good deal. Well."

The United States of Meletta reporter coldly snorted: "Although we are at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, she is a woman after all, and we should give her a little bit. Hey, can see a The famous female reporter in your Earth Federation ran naked in public, and this tournament interview is really worth it."

"You think you're sure to win?" Chu Nan asked with a smile.

"Do you think you can make it to the finals?" asked the United States reporter of Meletta.

Chu Nan leaned his head forward, almost touching their heads together.

"I said that I have only one purpose in participating in this tournament, and that is to win the championship. Do you think I can't make it to the finals?"

The reporter from the United States of Meletta sneered Get up: "Everyone can talk big, but you are a kid from the Earth Federation who wants to win this tournament championship? It's a joke!"

Chu Nan smiled slightly, looked the head, and shook his hand , threw the reporter back into place.

"I don't like to talk nonsense, I have said this goal twice, and I don't want to repeat it a third time. But, you..." Chu Nan extend the hand, referring to the reporters in the United States of Meletta Their faces one after another pointed to the past. "And just wait until you all run naked."

The reporters from the United States of Meletta looked at each other, and no one refuted what Chu Nan said, but one One opened a personal terminal and got busy.

Obviously, this post-match interview with Chu Nan alone is enough to write a very good interview.

Chu Nan turned his head and saw that not only the reporters from other countries were busy, but even the reporters from the Earth Federation were busy and couldn't help laughing.

In the final analysis, these guys are all journalists. Compared with the streaking itself, the news value caused by this incident is what they value most.

As for whether Yang Qianrui also had the same idea when she proposed this bet...

Chu Nan shook the head.

After all, Yang Qianrui is a woman, and she is also a woman of Chinese descent. It is a very courageous thing for her to run naked in public. She proposed this bet obviously not only In pursuit of breaking news, the most important reason is her confidence in Chu Nan.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan looked left and right at the group of bright-eyed reporters opposite, and raised his voice slightly: "Young Lady Yang is not here, but she should be able to see this interview. I am here. Having said that, Young Lady Yang, don't worry, as a friend, I will never let you lose this bet."

"But what if you don't make it to the final?" The reporter from the United States of Meletta suddenly asked loudly.

"Nothing in case." Chu Nan shook his head.

“hmph! There is nothing impossible in this world. The students who participated in this tournament are students from the Academy cream of the crop in various countries on Orion’s arm. I don’t know how many hidden experts exist among them. , do you think your strength is unique and unmatched in it?" The reporter from the United States of Meletta disagreed. "What if you lose?"

Chu Nan looked at him seriously, then glanced at the other reporters around, smiled and said: "I know what you are expecting, okay, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll grant your wishes. Listen, since Young Lady Yang dares to make such a bet, then as a party, as an Earth Commonwealth, and more importantly as a man, I We must also make corresponding commitments."

Speaking of this, Chu Nan paused, and then faced the concentrated gazes of all the reporters and continued with a smile: "If I fail to make it to the finals, Then I'll run naked in public with Miss Yang Qianrui."

After hearing this, the scene was quiet like a dead silence, and then there was an uproar.

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