Garostan and Zheng cultivation looked at each other in amazement, who is this guy?

"Cough...introduce myself, I'm the Chief-In-Charge of Ceres Security Company in charge of this security work. I'm a little interested in the problems you've encountered. Could you please introduce me in detail? "

Gallostein and Zheng cultivation were even more stunned.

This guy who appeared out of nowhere looked extremely young, at most about 20 years old, but he was actually the Chief-In-Charge of the Serres Security Company?

But the Chief-In-Charge of the caravan beside him didn't raise any objection to the youngster's words, instead he was laughed at him and moved aside, with a hint of respect in his expression. meaning.

Gallostein and Zheng cultivation looked at each other once again, and their hearts moved. Galostan nods to Zheng cultivation, and Zheng cultivation immediately said: "The two missing students are Angel Belle and... "

"Chu Nan?" The youngster on the opposite side suddenly interrupted Zheng cultivation.

Gallostein and Zheng cultivation both startled together.

How did this youngster guess it was Chu Nan?

Seeing the faces of the two, youngster laughed: "Sure enough, it's this kid. I knew he wasn't a quiet guy, and now he's gone missing with Angelique."

Garostan couldn't help but ask, "You know Chu Nan?"

"Well, I'm his friend." Youngster replied with a smile. "Don't worry, that guy Chu Nan is restless, but he's not an unreliable guy. Even if he loses contact temporarily, I don't think anything will happen to him."

"This... ..." Gallostein and Zheng cultivation didn't know what to say for a while.

"But your worries are right." Youngster pondered for a moment, then continued: "Well, when we arrive at Leppler, I will come to meet you. If when the time comes That guy Chu Nan has come back, then it's fine, if he hasn't come back, I will arrange for someone to help you find it together."

"Really? That's very good!" Gallostein and Zheng cultivation was immediately overjoyed.

Getting the promise of help from this youngster, who calls himself Chief-In-Charge of Serres Security, is undoubtedly a much stronger proposition than asking Serres Security for his security needs.

"Okay then, we'll see you later."

Seeing that youngster was about to leave, Galostein hurriedly stopped him.

"Can I ask for your name? How can I contact you later?"

"Say your address and I'll find it myself. As for my name ..." youngster smiled slightly. "I'm sure you don't know, my name is Dong Fang."



The large cargo fuel locomotive slammed violently A sudden stop brought up a huge cloud of dust that enveloped the entire car.

A group of people in the back box were swept up and down by the huge momentum, and all of a sudden they shouted.

Chu Nan patted the driver in charge of driving the locomotive next to him and glared at him: "Wait honestly, don't think about any crooked thoughts."

The one who was driven by Chu Nan Together with the freight locomotive, the driver who originally belonged to Sha Ying dared to resist, nodded again and again.

Chu Nan jumped off the locomotive from the other side, and Senna behind him asked strangely: "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

After two hours of galloping, now They were finally very close to the carnival night capital.

Looking forward, the shadow of the city can already be seen on the far side of the horizon. Of course, Senna does not want anything to happen at this time.

Chu Nan waved his hand and didn't answer. He came to the back half of the car, squatted down between the front and rear wheels, and said coldly, "Come out."

Senna And the others are all amazing.

There is nothing under the car, who is Chu Nan talking to?

After waiting for a while, there is still no movement.

Chu Nan put his hand on the ground, shouted in a low voice: "Come out! I know you are hiding below, if you don't come out again, don't blame me for being impolite."

Still no movement.

Chu Nan waited for a while, and suddenly lifted the head, his eyes extended from the bottom of the car, and looked towards the rear of the car.

He was suddenly groaned, and with a slight press of his palm, the Inner Breath was activated, mixed with space energy and poured into the ground, and an obvious wave came from the palm of his hand and quickly extended backward along the ground.

After a while, the wave seemed to hit something, blasting the gravel ground suddenly, and a silhouette suddenly burst out from the ground.

Senna and others around him startled.

This person is actually hiding in the ground!

The ground of wasteland is mostly sand and gravel, but it is still extremely hard. How can people hide in it?

After forcing the man out, Chu Nan stepped a little under his feet, his body instantly flew over the distance of nearly 20 meters between the two, and slapped it with a palm.

This palm did not use space energy, nor did it use too much Inner Breath, but it did not intend to kill the opponent directly, but had the intention of catching it alive.

The man saw Chu Nan slap his palm over, he turned around in the air, and slapped his backhand in an extremely strange posture.

"pa ——"

The two palms collided, Chu Nan couldn't help but let out a groan.

The Inner Breath from this palm is not very strong, but it is very strange. It is like a collection of countless needles, sharp and dense, and it almost pierces his Inner directly. Breath.

However, Chu Nan reacted very quickly and noticed something was wrong, and immediately thought to move, he had already replaced the Inner Breath with a softer one, blocked the sharpness of the opponent's Inner Breath as much as possible, and then flipped his wrist. , grab the opponent's shoulder.

The man's identity is extremely flexible, but his hands and feet are a bit rough, as if it is purely instinctive, not to mention any exquisite external martial skills, and he was completely suppressed by Chu Nan in a short while.

saw that the situation was far from good, he deliberately slapped Chu Nan, flew out, and threw himself on the ground, looking like he was planning to throw himself into the ground again to escape.

However, Chu Nan was already mentally prepared. When he saw his action, he was coldly snorted, raised his foot and tried hard to guess, and another wave rushed over.

The man was spread on the ground, and the wave just arrived, and the ground exploded violently, sending his body flying instantly.

This time it was completely unprepared, and the man's whole body flew into the air and danced.

Chu Nan's foot is a little bit, and volleyed over, the opponent's defense is released in three or two times, and he finds a gap, and presses it on the opponent's chest

Inner Breath pours out, then The person spurted a blood, without the strength to struggle and resist.

Chu Nan took the corner of his clothes and dropped it again.

Worrying about his special ability, Chu Nan didn't throw him on the ground, but just held him by the collar and suspended him in midair, and asked coldly, "Say, What are you doing following us all the way? Are you from Sand Eagle?"

The man coughed twice, and then slowly replied with difficulty: "I...I'm not...not from Sand Eagle. Man, I...I just wanted to...want to beg you...please help..."

Chu Nan immediately started.

This voice is a girl's voice!

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