I heard the voice of a girl, Chu Nan relaxed his hands a little and let her fall to the ground, but still held her neck tightly, not allowing her any possibility of escape.

"Not from Sand Eagle, what are you doing with us all the way?" Chu Nan asked.

"I..." The girl took a deep breath and continued: "I don't want to be...by so many people."

"I don't want to be seen by so many people. Are you here? Are you embarrassing?" Chu Nan strangely said.

He looked up and down the guy in his hand. Although it sounded like a young girl, he couldn't tell from the outside.

This guy's whole body is gray, and even his face is covered with a thick layer. He can't see his face at all, only vague shapes.

However, her eyes are quite large, with deep blue pupils like gems inlaid in the eyeballs, like two clean gems, extremely beautiful and eye-catching, and she is dirty and gray. The face doesn't match at all.

As for the rest...Chu Nan doesn't see any indication that she is a woman.

Although her stature is petite, her chest has almost no ups and downs, and her figure cannot be seen at all because it is hidden in clothes that are almost completely mixed with soil and gravel. Anyone who sees her for the first time will not Find out her real gender.

"No...just...just..." The girl hesitated, as if she didn't know how to answer Chu Nan's question.

"She is indeed shameful." Senna had already jumped out of the car at this time, walked over, and took the girl's words.

"Why?" Chu Nan was even more curious.

"Because she's Rand clansman." Seeing that Chu Nan still had an unfathomable mystery on his face, Cena pointed to the girl's eyes and continued to explain: "See her eyes? Do you think it's special? "

Chu Nan stared at the pair of blue eyes that didn't match her very well, making people feel that they shouldn't be on her body at all, involuntarily nodded.

"This is the logo of Rand clansman. It is such a pair of eyes, if they are completely peeled off and preserved, they can sell at least 300,000 trons." Senna said.

Chu Nan startled.

Tron is the common currency on the Leppler star and one of the common currencies on the Sapphire Star Domain. According to what Chu Nan learned two days ago, if it is calculated from the perspective of material exchange, it is probably equivalent to About one million federal coins, the value is obviously extremely high.

But what really surprised him was not that the girl's eyes were so valuable, but Senna's attitude when he brought it up.

What he said was casually, as it should be by rights, as if peeling off the girl's eyes was a very common thing.

Girl also heard Senna's words, she couldn't help shrinking, raised her still movable hand in front of her face, and covered her eyes.

Senna glanced at her, then turned to Chu Nan and said, "Since she is a Rand clansman, she should have nothing to do with Sand Eagle. On the contrary, Sand Eagle should be considered the biggest enemy of the Rand tribe."


"oh?" Chu Nan glanced up and down at the girl, let go of her hand, and really let go of her.

Although the Rand girl trembled slightly and was obviously afraid, after Chu Nan let go of her, she did not immediately choose to run away as before.

After staying on the spot for a while, she seemed to have gathered up her courage, her body stopped shaking, she slowly put down her hand, opened the hand in front of her, and looked at it with her blue gem-like eyes. Looking at Chu Nan, his eyes were still tense.

"You...you wouldn't gouge out my eyes, would you?"

Chu Nan suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "If I wanted to gouge, I wouldn't let you go After that, he waved to her: "Okay, you can go. Since you are not from Shaying, then don't follow us anymore."

"No...no!" The girl rushed to Chu Nan with a stride. "I...I'm here to chase you, just...I hope you...you can help me."

Maybe it's because of nervousness, or maybe because she usually talks too little, the girl's words are always intermittent, It seems a little stuttered.

"Help you?" Chu Nan frowned. "What can help you?"

"Help me dare to walk the sand eagle and save my clansman!" Seeing that Chu Nan finally asked a key question, the girl immediately became excited and spoke much more fluently. "They've all been arrested by Sha Ying's people, and it's very dangerous now. I hope you can help me save them!"

"Oh..." Chu Nan nods, but then turns to her waved. "Goodbye."

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Girl and Senna were both stunned for a moment. Girl quickly chased after him again and asked anxiously: "Aren't you... not Sand Eagle's enemy?"

"I do have a relationship with Sha Ying. The Eagles have a vengeance, but it has nothing to do with the clansman who helped you save you." Chu Nan replied with a cold face. "You go quickly, we are going to the carnival night now. If you don't want to be picked up and gouged out by others, you'd better leave now."

The girl was even more anxious, she reached out and grabbed it Chu Nan, but was avoided by Chu Nan lightly.

"But...but if you don't save them, they'll all die...please...please, help me, save them!"

girl The voice sounded like he was about to cry, but Chu Nan remained unmoved at all, and continued to walk in the direction of the freight locomotive.

girl paused and thought for a moment, then suddenly increased her speed, bypassed Chu Nan, and rushed directly into the carriage behind the freight locomotive, pushing away the villagers in the carriage, and came to the place where she was still lying on the wooden plank. On the side of Angelique who is in a coma.

Chu Nan was shocked, his body flashed, and instantly broke the distance of more than ten meters between the two sides, came to the girl's side, and fell with a palm.

He accidentally let this guy slip to Angelbely's side.

If she is not good for Angel Beili, she will regret it too late!

However, next moment, the palm he took down forcibly stopped.

After the girl came to Angelique's side, she didn't do anything extra, she actually knelt down, leaned down, put her face next to Angelique's face, and then... It was so kissable!

Chu Nan was completely stunned when he saw the girl's lips touching Angelbely's.

This guy...what is she doing?

The surrounding villagers only reacted at this time, and they were all stunned when they saw the girl's actions.

Angie Belle is very beautiful no matter what her personality is. Now lying there quietly, she looks even more serene and beautiful.

But now a guy like a mud monkey rushed over and kissed her!

This...this picture is too impactful...

Chu Nan stared blankly at this situation, only feeling that there was a lily in front of him. Slow blooming...

Then he hooked the head, threw aside the reverie in his heart, and prepared to step forward to pull the girl away.

As soon as he started to leave, he immediately stopped again, staring at the lips of girl and Angelique that were touching, in surprise.

From the girl's lips, there was a wisp of greenish breath, slowly infiltrating into her body through Angelique's lips.

Under the influence of this green aura, the expression on Angel Beili's face improved rapidly at an amazing speed!

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