Zheng cultivation didn't knock on the door, just pushed open the door and walked in hastily.

Garostan, who was frowning at a map on the table in the room, heard the voice, lifts the head glanced at him, frowned and asked, "How is it?"

Zheng cultivation shook the head and said solemnly: "I still can't get in touch. I asked other students, but they have no news."

Gallostein's already frowning frown deepened. After thinking for a while in silence, he slammed the table hard, making a muffled thud.

“Look! Must find them!”

Zheng cultivation bitterly laughed: “Look? How to find it? This is not the Earth Federation, and even the Pan-Galactic Network is on this broken planet. There is no comprehensive coverage. If we go to the wild to find it, there is no clue that we can find it at all."

"Then we must find it!" Zheng cultivation asked: "I remember that the Federal Army White Cygnus Fleet was on a friendly military visit to the United States of Meletta at this time, right?"

Zheng cultivation was stunned, then nodded: "Yes Yes, before we set off, we saw the news that the White Swan Fleet had already set off. From the itinerary, they should be in the United States of Meletta by now."

I was surprised and asked: " Are you going to ask them for help? How can this work?"

"Why not?" Gallostein shook his head. "They are the army of the Federation. Now our citizens of the Federation are in danger. Why can't we ask them for help? Apart from this, you should contact the Federation's embassy in the United States of America and seek their help."

"But we are now in the Sapphire Star Domain, not in the United States of Meletta..."

"This is the closest to the United States of Meletta." Gallostein waved his hand and stopped Zheng cultivation continued to refute, thought for a while, and then asked: "By the way, check to see if there are any federal non-governmental organizations operating nearby, if you can seek their help, then you will be more sure of finding those two guys. ."

Zheng cultivation frowned: "Does it really need to be so inspiring? After all, only two ordinary students of our Nebula Academy are missing, and others are unlikely to give much help. "

"No, they are not ordinary at all." Gallostan looked serious, said resolutely: "Angelbe needless to say, she is the only dísciple of Venerable, if she comes out Whatever happened, what Oville Venerable will do, none of us can predict. Even Chu Nan, although he does not have a Star Level Martial Artist as a Master, you should be very aware of his influence in the Federation. If he is like this A high-profile young Martial Artist had an accident while we were studying at the Nebula Academy, can you imagine the pressure our Academy would be under?"

Feeling the enormous pressure in Gallostein's words , Zheng cultivation could not help but reach out and wipe the cold sweat on his forehead.

"Actually, we don't need to panic so much... They just lost contact for less than two days, and nothing happened..."

Jara Stan glanced at Zheng cultivation, Zheng cultivation immediately shut up obediently, opened his personal terminal, and began to inquire.

After a while, Zheng cultivation put out a breath and reported to Gallostein: "The embassy said that they have no ability to intervene in the Sapphire Star Domain, but they will try their best to contact the embassy. The United States Caravan of Meletta who is currently in the Sapphire Star Domain, try to get them to help us. As for our Earth Federation... In the past few days, a caravan just came to the Sapphire Star Domain, this caravan It belongs to...wait for it!"

Zheng cultivation suddenly smiled.

Garostan astonished looked towards him.

Zheng cultivation stared at the virtual screen and watched it twice, but he was actually laughed heartily up.

"Very good! This caravan hired a fleet from the Serres Security Company to be responsible for protection along the way. It is expected to arrive at noon on the 23rd, Earth time, which is the local time of Leppler this evening!"

"Really?" Hearing this news, Galostein was also happy. "Immediately contact the Serres Security Company, file a security application with them, and ask them to help us find these two students!"

Zheng cultivation gave Galostein a suspicious look.

Garostan just said that he was chasing him to contact the White Swan Fleet, but now he doesn't mention it at all. Could it be that there is a problem with the contact?

Zheng cultivation didn't ask any more questions. He found the contact information of Ceres Security Company through the Pan-Galaxy Network, and then quickly got in touch, and then submitted the help and support he encountered and the needs. up.

Serez Security Co., Ltd. is worthy of being the first-class large company in the Earth Federation, and responded quickly.

But for their hope that the Ceres Security Fleet of the Sapphire Star Domain will soon arrive to assist, the Ceres Security Company said there was nothing they could do.

Zheng cultivation negotiated with them for a long time, but the Serres Security Company kept saying that they had signed an agreement with the caravan, limited to the agreement, that fleet could not accept additional work at will.

However, during the negotiation, Ceres Security Company secretly gave a hint, saying that if they could obtain the consent of the caravan, Ceres Security Company could help.

So Zheng cultivation could only inquire about the situation of this caravan.

Fortunately, this is a large-scale caravan, and the destination is the Sapphire Star Domain, which is also a major event in the business world in the Earth Federation, which can be easily found.

After going around a few more times, Zheng cultivation finally got in touch with one of the Chief-In-Charge of the caravan through the Nebula Academy's relationship.

However, after hearing Zheng's cultivation's request, the Chief-In-Charge also showed embarrassment.

"This... Director Zheng, I understand your concerns, and I really hope to help you find those two students in time, but our caravan's schedule is very tight, I'm afraid it will be difficult to spare so many. Time has come. And as you must be well aware, the Sapphire Star Domain is a chaotic Star Domain, our caravan is huge, vulnerable to unexpected dangers from all quarters, and the security tasks are very heavy...”

Garoan, who was beside him, couldn't help being groaned.

This Chief-In-Charge talked for a long time, and finally wanted to refuse.

This is not surprising. Although the Nebula Academy has a very high status in the Earth Federation, for the businessmen like them, if there is no real interest, it is difficult to count on them to help.

Zheng cultivation quietly made a gesture to Garrost, meaning that he hoped that Garrost would agree to some conditions so that he would agree to assist.

Garostan was slightly frowned, pondering what conditions should be used to impress this Chief-In-Charge, when a person suddenly appeared from the side of the virtual screen opposite.

"Hello, Director Zheng, right? I heard you said just now that two of your students are missing? Can you tell me the names of those two students?"

— ——————

For two consecutive days, I added three chapters a day, I tried my best...

Of course, the ten updates were not reached, and I owed four chapters a day, Eight chapters in two days. Let me delay for two days, and then I will try my best to add one more chapter every day to make up for it slowly, this is no problem.

So... for the sake of my hard work, should you vote more for your monthly ticket? There are more than 200 monthly passes every month. If I can make progress this time, even if it is not as exaggerated as being in the top ten in the net, being able to squeeze into the top one hundred is a bit of progress and encouragement for me, isn’t it?

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