"Senna's big brother, why hasn't that little fellow come back yet..."

Looking at his companions with worried eyes, Senna sighed inwardly With a sound, the expression on his face remained firm.

"Don't worry, he will definitely come back."

"I don't think so..." A negative voice sounded. "I think that kid must have seen that the situation was far from good. He left us all and ran away by himself."

"That's right. He is so young, how could he have the courage to go to Sand Eagle? Trouble for those people." Another person echoed.

"What's not to dare?" Another person immediately retorted: "You didn't see it yesterday, didn't he and Angelina kill one of Sha Ying's leaders together?"

"That was just forcing him to do nothing at the time, okay? He couldn't escape then, so can't he escape now? I think he just ran away alone."

"Fart! If he wanted to run, he should have run away long ago, why did he follow us so far? Don't you think he can't run away by himself?"

"He must have felt it yesterday. I hope to run away with us, and now I see the people of Sha Ying chasing after us, and I know that I can't run away, so I hurriedly ran away by myself."

"Impossible! Angel Beili is still here. Let's forget it, if he runs, doesn't he run with Angelique?"

"che, the disaster is imminent, what else can he care about Angelique?"



"Enough!" Senna furiously shouted, the arguing from the surrounding crowd stopped in an instant, and everyone looked towards Senna.

Senna wiped his face irritably, turned his head and looked towards the direction Chu Nan left just now.

Since Chu Nan left, the smoke and dust representing the pursuers in the sky stopped after a while, which proved that Chu Nan must have collided with Sha Ying's pursuers, otherwise they would have already chased come up.

Then there were several consecutive explosions faintly coming from behind, and at the same time, it could be seen that there seemed to be several bursts of fire in the distance.

The sound and the fire came from the same direction, which made Senna guess that Chu Nan should be fighting with the pursuers behind.

As for why it made such a big noise, Senna couldn't think of it.

At first, Senna hoped that Chu Nan would be able to solve all the chasing soldiers behind Sand Eagle, so that they could continue to evacuate safely towards the carnival night.

But it has been a long time since the explosion and the fire, and Chu Nan is still missing.

What's even more strange is that there is no movement in the wasteland behind, everything becomes very quiet, and the situation is extremely strange.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the kid and Sha Ying's people have perished together?" After watching for a while, Senna's mood became even more irritable.

"Hey, big brother Senna, let's not wait here any longer?" After the crowd was quiet for a while, one of them suggested. "We can run as far as the Shaying group has not caught up. It's better to be able to run into the car that goes to Carnival Night City. As long as we can get on the car, it will be much easier."

"Yeah, yeah, didn't that kid say it, as long as we go to the carnival night and find the who, we'll be safe."


Senna glanced at the crowd and gently shook the head.

They thought very well, but in fact, if Chu Nan failed to stop Sha Ying's pursuit, they would be caught up sooner or later at the speed of their group of old, weak and sick.

The only hope now is that Chu Nan can kill all those pursuers and give them enough time to rush to the carnival night before Sha Ying's follow-up pursuers can react.

And even if he went to the carnival night, Senna actually didn't think he could be so relieved.

That kid said it nicely, but who can guarantee that what he said is real?

Even if what he said is true, who can guarantee that what he said is true from Earth Would the great character from the Federation really agree with his idea and would be willing to accept them?

Senna is very self-aware, he knows very well that these people are a bunch of useless waste, and they are a bunch of burdens to everyone.

If it wasn't for Angelina's face, the youngster named Chu Nan would definitely not give them a second look.

Thinking of Angelique, Senna felt even more worried.

Turn her head and looked towards Angelique, who was still being carried by two people, and found that she was still closing her eyes at the moment, her face showing an abnormal blush, obviously still in a bad state.

In case something really happened to her...

"Or just follow what Chu Nan said and find a place to bury Angelique?" Cena thought. As soon as she moved, looking at Angelina's beautiful face with a hint of indifference, she felt really unbearable.

This little girl, who is about the same age as her dead daughter, has helped them a lot on Leviathan. Now, in order to enable them to live a better life and avoid suffering from Sand Eagle's Threats, even their lives.

Just bury her alive like this, Senna couldn't convince himself anyway.

But if you continue to bring her, not to mention that it will affect the team's speed. If you are caught up by the sand eagles, the first target will definitely be her, and taking her will only make them a group of people More vulnerable to sand eagle attacks.

"Are you really going to bury her..."

When Senna was struggling, suddenly someone pointed to the back and shouted.


Senna and the others turned their heads to look, and the complexion changed.

Behind them, another plume of smoke billowed up.

Although the imposing manner of the group of chasing soldiers was a lot worse than that of the chasing soldiers just now, it was obvious that the people from Sand Eagle were catching up again...

"Senna's big brother , now what?"

A group of people looked at Senna with a sad face, their faces full of lose one's head out of fear.

Senna was also in a state of confusion at this time.

If Sand Eagle's people were to catch up, they would definitely not be able to resist with their unarmed fellows, so they could only let the slaughter.

"Senna big brother, why don't we leave Angelique behind?" a person suddenly said loudly. "What Sha Ying's people want is her and that guy named Chu Nan. We left Angel Belle here. When Sha Ying's people see her, they will definitely not chase us again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the others around him cast angry glances at him.

"Rem, you're still not human!"

"That's right, what did you say? Miss Angelberry helped us so much, but you want to leave her alone? "

"Rem, you're a fucking bastard!"


Rem quickly shrank his head and whispered: "That The boy himself said that we should bury her... Anyway, it's death, it's better to let her help us in the end..."

Senna's heart moved, and he suddenly felt that Rem's proposal Turned out to be the best choice now.

Indeed, if Angel Beili is left here and Sha Ying's people catch her, it is very likely that they will stop chasing these useless people, then they will survive. hope.

But...how could he do such a thing?

However, without this, Senna can't think of a way to keep everyone alive.

When I was tangled up again, suddenly a person shouted again.

"Look! It seems that someone is flying over!"

"Someone is flying over?"

Senna looked at the direction the person pointed in surprise. , Sure enough, I saw a silhouette approaching quickly from a high altitude in the distance, and after a while, it flew to the leader of the crowd, and then fell directly, raising a cloud of dust.

A group of people were startled and looked at the approaching person vigilantly.

Suddenly a breeze blew through the dust, blowing away all the dust, revealing a silhouette that everyone is familiar with.

"Hey, it looks like everyone is fine, that's really good." Chu Nan laughed at everyone and turned his head towards Senna. "Senna uncle, I have good news for you, I grabbed a large cargo fuel locomotive from the Shaying group. It should be able to load everyone together, so that it only takes more than two hours to arrive at the carnival night. I'm done."

"Really?" Senna's eyes widened.

"Really, it's right behind." Chu Nan pointed behind him, in the direction of the billowing smoke.

Senna looked up in that direction, filled with joy.

Looking back towards Chu Nan, although he is now covered in dust and his face is covered with dust, he can hardly see his true face in pitch black, but at the moment in Cena's in mind, he is already stunned. If Heavenly God!

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