Using the high-frequency vibration of the Inner Breath to affect the space energy also enters the high-frequency vibration state, but Chu Nan just had an idea when he used that punch.

However, his inspiration proved to be very effective.

When the space energy he controls also forms a high-frequency vibration state, although Chu Nan's control over these space energy is also greatly reduced, it can perfectly make the entire space in an extremely abnormal state, any space All energy pouring into this space is affected by it.

Chu Nan used it to deal with Lumore's Great Darkness, it was just right, very suitable.

Of course, if it weren't for being a universe and breaking the level perfectly, and having such a precise strength control for the impossible space energy, naturally it would not be possible to do this.

Seeing that Lu Moore was trying his best to move the black clouds, but always hit the high-frequency vibration energy barrier he had set up and was disappeared, Chu Nan was overjoyed, but he didn't relax because of it.

This method can ensure that he is not affected by Lumore's Great Darkness and is temporarily invincible, but the Inner Breath consumed by this is also very amazing, and the impossible has been maintained like this.

To end this fight, defeat or even hit Slaughter Path Moore, something else is needed.

Chu Nan took a deep breath, the Inner Breath surged, and the space energy around him surged at the same time.

Inner Breath circulates completely in the meridian of the whole body, and a large amount of space energy also circulates for a week.

Then the Inner Breath flows again, and the space energy continues to flow.

The second cycle of Inner Breath is completed, and the space energy is completely filled around his fleshly body, but he uses his entire fleshly body as a cycle to complete the second cycle of circulation. The second cycle is also completed, and it is greatly enhanced.

So the Inner Breath turns three and four, and the space energy also turns three and four.

After each cycle, the space energy that Chu Nan condenses around the body will be greatly enhanced like the Inner Breath.

After four turns, it goes without saying that the Inner Breath condensed the space energy that Chu Nan had condensed far beyond the space energy he had ever controlled before, causing his body to glow faintly.

At this time, Lu Moore also noticed something was wrong.

He was still urging the black cloud to attack Chu Nan, trying to rely on this to constantly kill Chu Nan until he couldn't hold it anymore.

Originally, he had already started to do this, because he could clearly feel that in the special space controlled by Chu Nan, the change of space energy and the assimilation of the black clouds were gradually weakening, and it could even naked eye saw that the range of control in front of Chu Nan was shrinking.

Just as he was about to approach Chu Nan, he suddenly had a strong warning sign in his heart.

For Martial Artists who have already broken through the Eternal Universe, because of the direct integration with the energy of the surrounding space, they have become extremely sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment. The so-called warning signs are by no means the result of Sixth Sense. Kind of mysterious and secretive stuff, but a real danger warning.

Lu Moore just gave birth to a warning sign in his heart, he immediately looked towards Chu Nan, and immediately started.

Chu Nan's whole body reveals a faint white radiance, and a huge amount of space energy surrounds him, which is almost like a substance. Just looking at it makes people startled.

And when the black cloud finally broke the defense around Chu Nan and rushed over, but before it got close to Chu Nan's body, it disappeared without a trace, like moth flies into the flame.

Only then did Lu Moore know that Chu Nan was not completely passively defending just now, but had been brewing this counterattack.

Now that his counterattack is ready, the formidable power of this blow can be imagined.

"Suffer to die!"

Chu Nan suddenly looked towards Lu Mole, loudly shouted, two lightning glows shot out of his eyes, and he didn't see any movement, his body was already shooting fast. Come out, go straight to Lumoor.

Lumore's big dark sky had already spread out, covering the whole sky, but at this time, it became impossible in front of Chu Nan, whose body space energy was highly condensed and his whole body radiated faint rays of light. to withstand a single blow , like ordinary black smoke that dissipates in a single blow.

Seeing Chu Nan breaking through a passage in the dark cloud, the bright light flashing like an angel descended to the earth and quickly attacked.

Then the thought was forcibly suppressed by him, replaced by a strong sense of shame.

"Damn it, but a guy who is less than 20 years old and who has broken through the Eternal Universe soon. I have dignified a Second Rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, how can I escape!"

After all, Lu Moore is also a veteran Martial Artist who has been in cultivation for many years. He has been a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist for more than ten years. His mind is extremely firm, and he quickly shakes off the retreating thoughts that came into his mind. Loudly shouted, the big dark sky once again launched with full force, the black cloud But it didn't spread out like just now, but shrank back instantly, condensed into a ball, wrapped his whole person inside, and then punched out.

All the black clouds seemed to be captured by his fist at any time, and then exploded. The blackness filled the fist before, as if a squid suddenly sprayed ink, and sprayed it towards Chu Nan.

This fist condenses almost all of Lumoor's Inner Breath and all the space energy he can control, and the formidable power is amazing.

He was convinced that if Chu Nan dared to force this fist, he would die!

However, next moment, he found that a little light came out from the thick black, and then the light became bright, and the black cloud was broken in an instant, Chu Nan seemed to be unaffected at all, and the whole person had changed from the dark. The cloud rushed out, and a palm was already slapped in front of Lu Moore.

Seeing the dazzling light emitting from the palm of Chu Nan, and feeling the terrifying, pure, yet special state of space energy contained in it, Lu Moore could no longer feel any resistance in his heart. It was too late to make any resistance, and he could only watch Chu Nan slap directly on his chest.


The terrifying space energy poured in frantically, and Lu Moore's body was completely destroyed by the space energy, turned into pieces of the sky, and fell down one after another. , not even a complete piece of meat and bones were left behind.

As for the last words... that's not even a thought.

Chu Nan kept the gesture of the palm of his hand, and after a while, he took a deep breath, retracted his hand, and lowered his head in silence, looking towards the bottom.

Yesterday's battle with Innermonta was not a real battle because Innermonta's state was greatly reduced, and the previous fights between him and several other Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists were more of a sparring nature. , not to mention any intense.

So seriously, today's battle with Lumore is the real battle between him and Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and it's a battle that he evenly matched after he became Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist .

The entire battle process, from the moment he was slugged unilaterally to the moment he was Slaughter Path Moore, was actually not long in total, but it was extremely intense and thrilling.

If it weren't for him being a universe and perfecting the level, he would have the ability to sense and control space energy far beyond that of an ordinary Martial Artist, and he would be able to manipulate enough space energy with the not-powerful Inner Breath , he simply does not have the ability to compete head-on with Lu Moore.

And if it wasn't for his powerful data capabilities, he would have impossible to control the space energy so delicately, and it was also impossible to find the opponent's weak spot after a few fights with Lumoor, and found it. Win opportunity.

Of course, if it wasn't for Lu Moore who still underestimated him after all, even if he boldly incorporated the space energy into the nine revolutions of Inner Breath, he would not have killed Lu Moore in seconds with one palm.

But in any case, the two sides in this battle were fighting for life and death. Although Lu Moer underestimated the enemy, he did not hold back. Chu Nan still won the battle and killed him, which was enough. Prove that he now really has the ability to compete with Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist.

Looking down at the place that was dozens of meters away from him, and then looking up at the scenery that could be seen farther because of flying high, the unreal feeling in Chu Nan's heart finally Completely subsided.

Yes, now he is a genuine Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist!

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