"Senna uncle, you carry them forward." Chu Nan stepped over to Senna, said solemnly: "If there is anything to hide, then take them with you. Hide first."

Senna was still worried and panicked. Hearing Chu Nan's words, he hooked the head, muttered: "No, no... This is wasteland... There is nowhere to hide... The Sand Eagles are here, we are dead..."

Chu Nan frowned, slapped Senna on the shoulder, the Inner Breath surged, and the flame of life poured into Senna's body.

Under the stimulation of the flame of life, Senna's life force exploded instantly, and he felt that his whole body was invigorated, and the feeling of depression and giving up just now also subsided by most of it.

"Senna uncle, now is not the time to give up." Chu Nan stared into his eyes, said resolutely: "Sand Eagle's pursuers have nothing to be afraid of, if it goes well, they might Instead, he came to help us."

"Huh?" Although Senna was no longer full of depression under the stimulation of the flame of life, he still felt incredible to hear Chu Nan's words. "How could they be here to help us?"

"You don't need to worry about that." Chu Nan shook his head, pointed to the cloud of smoke in the distance, and then pointed to the person who was already in a panic. crowd. "They're almost here, you take them now and find a place to hide."

Senna reluctantly complied, but then became suspicious.

“What about you?”

“Of course I’m here to help you block the pursuers.” Chu Nan laughed. "I said just now, if it goes well, our group of people will have to rely on the help of the people from Sand Eagle to go to the carnival night." On the side, he said softly: "In case it doesn't go well, I don't come back. If the Sand Eagle people don't catch up with you, then you go to the Night Girl Hotel in Carnival Yedu and find someone from the Earth Federation called Garrostane. Tell him what happened here. Let him see what Angelina said, and he will believe what you say. After that, they will naturally arrange for you. And what Angelbei and I promised you before, also It can definitely be done, please rest assured."

Hearing the decisiveness in Chu Nan's tone, Senna's expression darkened, and after paused, he asked: "Then if you don't come back, we will still What about being overtaken by the Sand Eagles?"

"If that's the case..." Chu Nan sighed, patted Senna's shoulder lightly, and said in a low voice: "Just find a place to put the Angel Belle was buried directly, as for you...I think the people from Sand Eagle didn't find us, and they won't kill you casually. As long as you can save your life, you will still have a chance in the future."

"Buried her?" Maybe Chu Nan's first sentence was too scary. Senna didn't pay attention to what Chu Nan said after that. He looked at Chu Nan in surprise: "She's not dead yet!"

"If she falls into Sand Eagle's hands, the fate will only be worse. You only need to bury her in the soil, and you don't need to worry about anything else. As for whether she will live or die next, just It's up to her own luck." Chu Nan sighed.

Senna stared blankly at Chu Nan, and suddenly realized that he couldn't understand the young man in front of him.

Hearing what Chu Nan said just now, he doubted that Chu Nan planned to leave their group and run away by himself.

With the strength he showed yesterday, it shouldn't be a problem to escape by himself.

But if he is such a person, he doesn't need to pay attention to their group of people now. Even if he takes Angel Beili with him, he is absolutely hopeful of escaping, so why bother in front of him , and even handed the unconscious Angelique into his hands?

He may not care about the lives of his own people, but the relationship between him and Angelique is obviously very good, and it is impossible to leave Angelique alone.

What the hell is this guy... thinking?

However, Chu Nan did not explain any further, patted Senna's shoulder again, turned around, looked towards the direction of the smoke and ran quickly.



Lumore's voice came from a small low-altitude shuttle in the air, and the three that were flying fast. The two small low-altitude shuttles and the five large cargo fuel locomotives running on the ground below all came to a sudden stop.

Because the stop was too fast, the five large freight fuel locomotives brought more smoke and dust, and together with the early morning wind on wasteland, a dense dust storm was rolled up.

With the sand and dust receding, the light reappeared in front of them, and everyone was stunned to find that there was another person suddenly not far in front of them.

This man was just in front of the large cargo fuel locomotive that ran to the front. If the locomotive continued to move forward, it would definitely run over him directly.

The driver of this locomotive glanced strangely at the man in front of him, wondering about the order of Lord Road Moore above his head.

Why did Lord Lumore ask us to stop?

This guy dares to stand in front of him, so it's better to press him directly.

When we sand eagles do things, when would anyone dare to stand in the way?

After giving the order to stop, Lumore did not continue to give further instructions.

For a while, both sides fell into a strange silence.

After a while, another cold voice came from the air.

"Kill him."

The sand eagles who were a little anxious because of the silence just now became excited, and the big men standing in the cargo box behind the freight locomotive immediately picked up The gunpowder weapon in his hand, without the slightest hesitation, launched an attack at the person blocking the front.

“da da da——”




In an instant, a dozen shuttle bullets poured out, accompanied by two rockets with formidable power, although they were old.

Any ordinary person, even a low-level Martial Artist, would only lose his life in such a terrifying attack.

But just as they launched the attack, the man's silhouette disappeared ghost-like.

next moment, he has appeared in front of the freight locomotive in front, raised his hand, and punched towards the front end of the locomotive.


His arms are not thick and his fists are not big, but when this fist hits the front of the locomotive, it is like a giant hammer. , the entire front of the car was smashed into pieces in an instant, and even the cab was completely deformed. The driver sitting in the cab and another member of the Sand Eagle were squeezed into meat sauce at the same time, and there was no breath.

This fist, before its remaining strength, passed through the cab to the back, and actually sent more than a dozen big men in the cargo box flying, and they fell like sandbags. on the ground.

After hitting this fist, the silhouette of the man disappeared again instantly.

next moment, he appeared in the front end of another large cargo fuel locomotive, also throws a punch.


The locomotive immediately repeated the same fate.

And when he disappeared again and appeared in front of the third freight locomotive, a voice suddenly sounded.


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