The light of the stars shines from the far end of the horizon, driving out the darkness on the wasteland and turning it into light again. The cold after night is gradually replaced by the warmth brought by the light, becoming Not as uncomfortable as it used to be.

However, feeling the warmth brought by the constant starlight on his body, Chu Nan's heart was not warmed at all, instead he felt a chill.

Although it has been more than six hours, the actual distance traveled is not even 30 kilometers. For Chu Nan, this speed is undoubtedly surprisingly slow.

However, in fact, for the large group of people he is leading now, this speed is already the highest speed they have achieved with all their efforts.

No way, most of these people have poor physical strength and disabilities. Originally, their mobility was not comparable to that of an ordinary person. With a lot of tattered daily necessities, some people even have to hold a rotten quilt. It would be strange if the speed could be fast.

Chu Nan wanted them to throw all of his stuff away and use all his energy to get on the road, but he couldn't say it at all.

You must know that when they learned last night that they needed to abandon their residence to escape, there were still many people in this group who didn't believe it at all and were unwilling to leave.

If it wasn't for the repeated persuasion of Chu Nan and their leader, and the most powerful evidence of the corpses still at the scene, the villagers would probably still be reluctant to leave.

Even though they finally agreed to Chu Nan's relocation plan, it took them more than two hours to get ready and reluctantly get together to set off.

As for the travel speed after departure...

It can only be said that they walked more than 30 kilometers in more than six hours. They really tried their best.


Cry out in surprise suddenly sounded in the team, Chu Nan frowned, turned around and saw a middle-aged woman in her forties I fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Chu Nan reluctantly walked over to help her up, not daring to bring any anxiety in his heart to his face, instead he put on a gentle smile and asked with concern, "How is it? Can you persevere?"

The middle-aged woman didn't complain much, she gritted her teeth, tried to stand up, and waved at Chu Nan: "It's okay, I can still walk."

She then rejoined the team and limped to her feet.

Seeing her like this, the two men next to her reached out to take the package on her back, sandwiched her in the middle, and stealth together.

Chu Nan must admit that this group of people was able to survive in such a difficult environment on this wasteland, the willpower is not to be underestimated, and they are very united, and have performed very well in this escape.

But limited to their own conditions, this is still far from enough.

At this speed, they thought it would take at least a day or two to reach the carnival night city more than 200 kilometers away.

And this does not count the time for stopping in the middle. If the rest time is also counted, it might not arrive in two days.

"I'm afraid this won't work..." A middle-aged brawny man approached and whispered to Chu Nan.

This middle-aged brawny man is the man Chu Nan contacted before, and the leader of the group, named Senna.

"Brother Chu Nan, at this speed, let's not talk about whether we can go to the carnival night city or not. Before that, we might be caught up by the people of Shaying."

Chu Nan made it clear in his communication with him that Sha Ying made a big somersault here, and even the leader with Voidbreak Grade like Inner Monta died, and he would definitely send someone to investigate.

If the people of Sand Eagle know the truth, they will not be spared, so Chu Nan hopes that they can start fleeing immediately.

For those who live on wasteland, of course they know the name of the sand eagle very well, and they are also very aware of the behavior of the sand eagle, so they have no doubts about Chu Nan's judgment.

Senna agreed with Chu Nan outright and worked with him to persuade the villagers, but he also knew very well how much difficulty and dedication they were facing now.

Chu Nan glanced at the stumbling crowd, frowned, thought about it, and asked, "Senna uncle, is there a car to go to the carnival night near here?"

Senna I was stunned, and asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

"It's really unrealistic to go to a carnival night like this, if there is a car like the one we used to ride here with Durika It will be much better."

Senna frowned: "But didn't you say yesterday that this goal is too big, and it is too easy for the people of Sand Eagle to find out? If we were going by car, we would have taken the small truck yesterday. It shouldn't be left behind."

"That minivan can't carry so many people." Chu Nan shook his head. "To carry so many of us, at least a large freight locomotive is needed."

"If it is large..." Senna pondered for a moment, and pointed to a slightly northerly direction. "The bus and locomotive line that you and Du Lika took before should be over there, but I don't know where it went now."

Chu Nan sighed, looking back towards the direction from which he came.

"I would rather meet someone from Sand Eagle now."

Senna startled: "Why?"

Chu Nan gently shook the head, Without answering, he came to the middle of the marching team.

In the middle of the team was a simple wooden cart with a soft quilt on the board, and Angelique was lying on it with her eyes closed.

Chu Nan reached out and touched her forehead, and found that it was still hot, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried in her heart.

In fact, compared to the current predicament the team is facing, the problem he is most worried about is Angel Belle.

Since she fell into a coma yesterday, she has been in a state of high fever.

If this state continues for a while longer, it is difficult for Chu Nan to foresee what danger she will encounter.

There were many times when Chu Nan wanted to leave this group of people behind, so he flew back to Carnival Night City with Angelique on his back, and then came back to pick up these people after confirming that she was safe.

With his current strength, he is confident that he will arrive within two or three hours, and he should be able to give Angelbe the most timely treatment.

As for whether these people will be chased and killed by Sha Ying's people during this time, Chu Nan can't care.

In the final analysis, there is a difference between closeness and distance.

He and Angelique are close friends, but they are only new acquaintances.

Even if he feels guilty afterwards, Chu Nan never thinks his choice was wrong.

But every time I think about it, Chu Nan always thinks of Angelique's expression when she talked about Leviathan.

Thinking that if Angelina woke up and knew that these people could not be rescued after all, and that they were still brutally murdered, she would definitely fall into a state of extreme self-blame and sadness, Chu Nan could only put this impulse in his heart away. pressed down.

"I will continue to persevere. But if it comes to the most dangerous moment, I will still choose to run away with you alone." Chu Nan touched Angelbelie's forehead again, in the heart He made up his mind silently.


Chu Nan took a deep breath, turned his head and was about to ask Senna to discuss whether there was a secret place nearby to rest, when the team But suddenly there was a burst of exclamation.

"Oh my God, what is that?"

Chu Nan also noticed the faint sound coming from the rear at this time, and looked in the direction that everyone exclaimed and looked over, Then I saw that on the wasteland where the sound came from, there was billowing smoke rising into the sky, rushing towards this side at a high speed.

With the powerful data ability, Chu Nan quickly judged that the smoke and dust should be 6.7 kilometers away from here.

And at the speed of the smoke and dust, it only takes ten minutes at most to catch up.

"Brother Chu Nan, this..."

Senna turned his head and looked towards Chu Nan, face deathly pale, his eyes showed an unstoppable panic.

Obviously, Sand Eagle's pursuers have arrived.


The three basic chapters are finished today, and the next chapter will be closed~ everyone’s recommended monthly tickets, etc., let’s hit it all up ~

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