Lumore took a step, stepped into the void from the small low-altitude shuttle, and then followed with one foot to stand.

He is clearly in the void, and the place where he has no power to use his feet is extremely stable as if he is standing on the ground, and he does not see a slight swing.

"Boy, I just wanted to see how strong you are, but didn't expect you to be so very ruthless. Are you going to force me to do it myself?"

Chu Nan raised his head and glanced, seeing Lu Moor floating in mid-air, looking condescending, he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"What are you pretending to be..."

After muttering, Chu Nan ignored Lu Moore at all, raising his hand and punching him.


The front of the third freight locomotive was also smashed to pieces by Chu Nan's punch.

However, unlike when the first two locomotives were destroyed, this time, because Lu Moore said that sentence, Chu Nan was delayed for a few seconds, giving the members of the Sand Eagles a chance to grab the locomotive. Escape early, so although this fist directly scrapped the locomotive, the two people in the cab escaped the bad luck of being hit by a punch, and the people in the back compartment also jumped down in time to avoid being directly shaken.

Seeing Chu Nan destroying another locomotive as if he didn't hear what he said at all, Lu Mo was furious and coldly shouted: "Boy, I told you to stop, didn't you hear? ?"


Chu Nan didn't bother to pay attention to him, he stepped a little, broke the space of thirteen meters in an instant, and came to the fourth locomotive, unceremoniously The ground slammed down again.

However, this time, just as he raised his fist, he immediately felt the space energy surge in the surrounding space, rushing down at him from all directions.

Feeling the enormous pressure coming from the surrounding space, Chu Nan's eyes narrowed, but he still ignored it and threw a punch.


The front of the locomotive was still smashed by Chu Nan without any accident, but at the same time, Chu Nan’s body was already kicked out like a ball Usually the bombs fly out, as if they were directly hit by some huge force.

In midair, Lumore's face changed suddenly.

At that moment, he had already regarded Chu Nan very seriously, and directly mobilized the space energy to restrict Chu Nan's actions.

However, Chu Nan didn't seem to be doing anything, but when the space energy he gathered rushed to Chu Nan, he immediately felt a strange space flow, all the space energy brought The terrifying power instantly became invisible.

Chu Nan looked like he was directly knocked into the air, but in fact he took advantage of the impact of the confrontation just now and flew out by himself, which saved a lot of effort.

Seeing that Chu Nan flew right next to the last freight locomotive, Lu Mo's face was gloomy, he could no longer care about his demeanor, he issued coldly snorted, body flashed, and flew directly to Chu Nan past.

If Chu Nan is allowed to destroy all five locomotives, then more than half of his men will lose their means of transportation, which will inevitably greatly affect their mobility.

Although Lu Moore doesn't care too much about this issue, he feels that the remaining three small low-altitude shuttles alone are enough to meet the basic mobility requirements, but since Chu Nan wants to do this, he certainly can't. Let Chu Nan succeed.

With his strength a little bit stronger than Nemonta, he just turned his mind and flew to Chu Nan's side from the air, punching him in the back.

It was a long time ago that Chu Nan could easily dissipate the space energy he mobilized. Now he attacks Chu Nan directly. I don't believe this kid dares to ignore it.

However, Chu Nan's reaction made him startled again.

When he hit this fist, Chu Nan also looked back, obviously he knew that he was attacking, but Chu Nan still ignored it and charged directly at the last freight locomotive. past.

However, this time, he was not like before, he directly smashed the front of the car with a punch, but gently clapped his palm outside the cockpit, and took the two people who didn't have time to run out of the cab directly from the driver. The door on the other side came from the room and flew out, but there was no more movement.

Lu Moore sneered in his heart.

This kid looks like he's not even 20 years old. Even if he looks like a martial arts cultivation base, he shouldn't be too strong.

He still dares to be so big now. In order to deal with that freight locomotive, he has lost the best time to deal with his fist. Next, even if he is not directly bombarded by his own fist, it is impossible to have it. any chance of resistance.

However, Lumore was startled again.

His fist was about to hit directly, but when he was just approaching Chu Nan's body, he could already feel that the space energy in the space around Chu Nan was condensed crazily, and it was instantly dissipated. All the space energy gathered in his fist made his fist formidable power greatly reduced.

It wasn't over yet, Chu Nan still turned his back to him, but turned his left hand up, and patted his back hand very casually, just blocking Lumore's fist.

From the beginning of his palm, a very strange, powerful Inner Breath that seemed to keep shaking slightly, completely resisted the powerful Inner Breath that burst open in his fist.

At the same time, when Chu Nan sent this palm, he turned his body backwards, and when the palm was slapped on Lu Moore's fist, it seemed to be shot from top to bottom.

As soon as the fists and palms meet, the huge Inner Breath drives the terrifying force on the fists to smash together fiercely, Chu Nan's body immediately looks like a balloon that has been knocked away, flying into the air with a swish.

Lu Moore was stunned.

What does this kid want to do?

He knew the answer quickly.

After Chu Nan flew into the air, it was obvious that the upward momentum would become slower and slower, but he was the exact opposite, but he was getting faster and faster. In just a moment, he had already reached a full fifty meters. high altitude.

There was just something wrong in Lu Moore's heart, when he found that Chu Nan suddenly twisted, actually changed direction in the air, and flew obliquely towards the small low-altitude shuttle he had just stepped out of. .

"No, this kid is going to destroy the shuttle!"

Lu Moore understood immediately, but at this time he couldn't react in time and could only watch Chu Nan helplessly He flew to the front of the small low-altitude shuttle, raised his hand and smashed it down again.


this fist is obviously much stronger than when he destroyed the freight locomotive just now, and unlike the few punches just now, this fist throws a punch At that time, the space around him seemed to be shaken by this fist, the space tore open several cracks around him, and the terrifying space energy merged into this fist, the formidable power can be imagined.

A small low-altitude shuttle, which is 13 meters long and nearly 6 meters wide at its widest point, is larger than the large cargo fuel locomotives on the ground. But it has been regarded as a huge monster.

However, this huge monster, at this time, was hit by Chu Nan's punch, and the entire body exploded directly from it, turning into countless pieces, and flying from the air one after another, as if a metal snowflake had fallen.

The big guys who just survived the process of Chu Nan destroying the five freight locomotives were still in shock at this time, and suddenly they saw that Chu Nan even punched the small low-altitude shuttle directly. Immediately, Qi Qi stared wide-eyed, opened his mouth wide, and his face was incredible.

No way!

This kid is so strong?

Lu Moore's face was extremely gloomy, and anger shot from his eyes.

Damn, I was played by this kid!

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