The star had fallen below the horizon an hour ago, and the entire wasteland is now shrouded in darkness.

Leppler's star does not have a large enough satellite around it, and naturally there is no moon, and because it is located on the edge of the Orion's spiral arm, there are many fewer stars that can be seen in the sky.

Only a few starlight flickers remained in the night sky, covering the endless wasteland with a hazy light azure light.

Two three-lipped short-legged mice unique to the star of Leppler crawled out of the underground hole, looked up at the starlight, and then gathered together, hiding behind a rock, After chirping a few times, he began to do things that are happy but not suitable for children.

Just as they were immersed in their own two-rat world, bursts of rumbling sound and long long long sound suddenly came from a distance.

A loud noise came through the wasteland's ground, causing the two three-lipped short-legged mice to jump up in unison. Lifts the head and saw that there were several noises on wasteland in the distance. The dazzling light rushed towards this side at high speed along with the rumbling sound.

Not only the ground, but also several strong beams of light from the sky swept over, accompanied by several huge black shadows, like the dark clouds of the night, quickly drifting here.

The two three-lipped short-legged mice chirp chirp twitter twitter called twice, and they didn't care about being happy any more, they quickly got back into the hole with a faster speed than before.

Two minutes later, a huge tire ran over the hole they had drilled into, and soil mixed with sand and gravel poured into the hole, completely covering the small hole.

After a while, a full five large fuel cargo locomotives stopped, and more than a hundred fully armed men jumped from them, completely surrounding the small village that was completely plunged into darkness. up.


One of the big men raised hand, and an old grenade was thrown into one of the huts.

After the violent explosion and the flash of fire, the hut was directly collapsed and turned into a mass of rubble.

Subsequently several others followed suit.

"Boom boom-"

In a short while, more than half of the small village has been reduced to ruins.

However, under such an exaggerated sound, there was not a silhouette flashing in the entire village, and it was still in a dead silence, which was very strange.

A sound of rolling air waves sounded overhead, and three small low-altitude shuttles slowly descended.

A middle-aged man who looked short and thin, jumped from the small low-altitude shuttle in the middle, and the big men next to him immediately bowed their waists and leaned in respectfully. past.

"Boss Lumore, there seems to be no one in the village."

"I see."

The little man called Lumore was carrying With both hands and feet, he took a step forward, clearly stepping on the void, but it was like stepping on a solid step. As he stepped forward, his body slowly rose into the sky, and he walked to the entire village. over the sky.

After looking down for a while, he raised his right hand and pressed it down slowly.


An invisible wave of air fell with his palm, crushing the dozen or so houses below that had not been destroyed at the same time, and the entire village. In an instant it turned into ruins.

After doing this, his eyes suddenly fell on the ground, lightly exclaimed, and he didn't see any movement, and his body instantly came to the ground.

beckoned, the two human legs on the ground automatically flew to his hands.

He glanced at it, his eyelids jumped suddenly, and two severe lights shot out from his eyes, as if two light bulbs suddenly lit up, penetrating the dense darkness around him.

"hmph! Inner Monta, this idiot, actually died without even leaving a complete body. It's really sad." Lu Moore shook the head and waved his hand beside him. "Search for me! They can't run far!"


The big men around all complied and spread out.

After a while, various search feedback reports came back.

From the analysis of various signs, the people in this small village left together about four to five hours ago. Judging from the traces left, they should be heading towards the Northeast Carnival Night City. He fled in the direction, and it can be calculated that he did not carry any means of transportation, because even a small truck next to the grove was not taken away.

"hmph, want to escape with such a large group of people in this wasteland? Dreaming!" Lu Moore waved his hand again. "Follow me!"

The big men complied again, and Lu Moore was about to set off, but one of his men suddenly stumbled over from a distance.

Lumore frowned: "What are you panicking about?"

The subordinate held a round object in both hands, ran straight to Lumore, and touched the object in his hand like a treasure. in front of Lumore.

"Lu... Boss Lu Moore, this... this is..."

Lu Moore took a look, his eyes suddenly condensed.

This round thing is actually a human head!

And this head clearly belongs to Inner Mongolia Tower!

Looking at the horrified expression on the face of the human head, Lu Moore narrowed his eyes, slightly frowned.

Although he has always looked down on Inner Monta, he must admit that Inner Monta's strength is not much weaker than him.

Judging from his current expression, he seemed to have experienced something very incredible, even terrifying, before he died, so much so that he couldn't rest his eyes until now.

"Could it be that the two little fellows mentioned in the previous report have such powerful strength? Or is there actually hidden experts in this unremarkable village?"

After a moment of contemplation, Lu Moor reached out and moved to the side.

A subordinate closest to him approached.

Lu Moore hummed softly against his ear: "Send a communication to the headquarters, saying that there may be unknown experts among the enemy, and we need reinforcements here."

The The subordinates looked at Lu Moore in amazement: "Lord Lu Moore, this..."

"Stop talking nonsense, go quickly!" Lu Moore said sharply.

The subordinate did not dare to ask any more questions, complied quickly, and got into a small low-altitude shuttle.

Lu Moore looked towards the northeast direction, thought about it, and waved his hand again.

"Go, follow."

After a while, three small low-altitude shuttles and five large fuel freight locomotives started together, again with rumbling sound to wasteland in the northeast direction He galloped away and disappeared into the vast darkness in a short while.

When they were far away, the peaceful wasteland ground suddenly throbbed again.

This time, it was not the two three-lipped short-legged mice that emerged from the soil and gravel, but a dark silhouette.

Silhouette raised her head, looked towards the direction where the small low-altitude shuttle and the large fuel cargo locomotive disappeared, her eyes full of doubts.

"Strange... Who is so courageous? He actually dared to kill the leader of Sand Eagle?"

Although the voice was deliberately lowered, it could be heard that this shadowy figure , is actually a young girl.

After muttering, the shadow body moved and quickly chased in the direction where the entire group of Lumore disappeared.

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