Inner Mongolia's face sank again.

Although he had already broken through the Eternal Sky Gate more than ten years ago and became a powerful Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, but after so many years of cultivating with all his strength, he has only barely managed to break through to the Second Rank Voidbreak Grade.

He knows that his innate talent will end here, and no matter how hard he works, he will probably become a more powerful Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist in this life.

This is the pain in his heart all the time, but now it was revealed in person by Chu Nan, a boy under 20 years old.

Thinking that Chu Nan is only 20 years old this year, he has already broken through Zhouyu Tianguan and became a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and then thinks that the little girl just now has no idea what magical cultivation technique she used, but she is actually able to have it. With the ability to compete with himself, Neimengta felt a sense of shame and anger in his heart.

A talented Martial Artist like these two guys is the guy he hates the most in his life!

"Boy, you are courting death!" Inner Munta snorted lowly, raised his palm, the space energy gathered frantically, and then punched towards Chu Nan.

However, next moment, he felt that the space energy in the surrounding space moved at the same time, and all of them converged towards Chu Nan in the blink of an eye, forming a huge circle around Chu Nan in the blink of an eye. , as if a huge barrier composed of space energy had formed around his body.

Inner Mongolia Tower was horrified.

How is this possible!

This kid has only just broken through the Eternal Universe Heaven Pass. He clearly broke through in such a hurry. Why does he have such a terrifying strength control over space energy?

This is not at all the space energy that a beginner Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist who has just broken through the Zhouyu Tianguan can mobilize!

Even, this has completely exceeded the limit that he can handle as a Second Rank Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist!

How could this kid become so powerful when he just broke through the Eternal Universe?

next moment, Chu Nan seemed to shoot it with a random palm, and the terrifying space energy circulated around him for nine cycles, and finally completely merged into the palm of his hand.

The entire space seemed to be compressed in his palm at this moment. In just a blink of an eye, he had already broken a distance of more than 30 meters and flew to the Inner Mongolia Tower. A palm shot.

The Inner Mongolia Tower was startled, and he knew that he couldn't resist this palm just by feeling. However, he wanted to dodge, but found that the surrounding space seemed to be locked, making him unavoidable. Even moving his fingers seemed extremely laborious, and he could only barely raise his arms to block in front of him.


Chu Nan's palm slapped Nemonta's chest directly before he raised his arm.

The crazy Inner Breath poured into Inner Tower's chest with even more terrifying space energy. He seemed to have installed a bomb in his chest. With a bang, the entire upper body exploded into pieces, and then It was directly torn into pieces by the crazy space energy and turned into fly ash.

Inner Monta's head lost the support of his body and was knocked far away by the huge impact.

At that moment, the last thought came into his mind.

"This could he be so strong..."

Then his consciousness dissipated, his head flew far away like a football and disappeared into wasteland.

Chu Nan withdrew his hand and looked down at the lower body of Inner Monta, which also fell directly because of the loss of connection, and found that his mood was surprisingly calm.

He didn't kill anyone.

In order to protect Chu Xiaoxi, he had already killed two people with his own hands.

And just now, in order to protect the villagers, he also personally killed many robbers together with Angel Beili.

However, the people he killed before were not like Nemonta, who had his entire upper body blown away by him, leaving only his head and legs.

With such a bizarre way of dying, he originally thought that he would be somewhat disgusting, but now he finds that let alone disgust, he doesn't even feel the slightest bit special.

"Could it be that the real me is actually quite cold-blooded?" Chu Nan couldn't help but think of his previous thought when he killed the turned man to protect Chu Xiaoxi.

Then he laughed, shook his head, and threw the thought away again from his mind.

This is nothing to consider.

Whether it's the transformed man or the current Inner Mongolia Tower, they're threatening the lives of those they care about, as well as their own lives.

Since it's either you die or I live, killing the other party is obviously the only option for you and the people you care about to live, and it's not worth thinking about it at all.

Thinking of the person he cares about, Chu Nan turned his head, his eyes fell on the ground, his thoughts moved, the Inner Breath was activated naturally, and the surrounding space energy was naturally mobilized, driving his entire body to move towards An. Qibeili flew past.

"Chu Nan big brother, Angelique elder sister... She's so hot!" Du Lika, who had been holding Angelique, exclaimed as soon as she landed.

Chu Nan heart startled, squatted down quickly, touched Angel Beili's forehead with his hand, and found that it was surprisingly hot.

I touched other places and found that not only her forehead, but her whole body was hot at all, and the temperature was abnormally high, which was obviously not a good sign.

Chu Nan thought about it for a while and immediately understood.

Obviously, Angelababy was in a very dangerous situation because her life force was too weak in the battle just now.

If it is an ordinary injury, Chu Nan can also use the flame of life to help her heal, but now she is over-consuming life force, and Chu Nan is helpless.

Thinking about it, he immediately made a decision.

If you want to bring Angelique back, it's obviously not possible to stay here. You can only go back to Carnival Night City immediately and go to the best hospital for diagnosis and treatment.

Even if the hospital can't do anything about it, at least he can use his personal terminal to connect to the pan-galactic network on the night of the carnival, so that he can contact Oviere Venerable.

As Angel Belle's Master, the highest cultivator of the Flame of Life, she definitely knows how to deal with this situation.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan didn't hesitate, picked up Angelique and was ready to leave.

"Chu Nan big brother, are you leaving?" Du Lika asked again just after getting up.

Chu Nan startled, his eyes fell on Du Lika's face, and he found that the panic on her face had not subsided at this time. Obviously, the impact of what just happened on her is still there.

I then turned my eyes to the faces of the other villagers around, and found that they were all in shock.

Chu Nan fell silent.

He could have left with Angel Beili, but these people, including Du Lika, would probably suffer the cruel revenge of Sand Eagle, and in the end, I was afraid that none of them would be able to. survive.

Those people were living here in hardships, but at least they are still alive and well, but now they are suffering from catastrophes because of Angelababy and his arrival. If you just leave them alone, don't An Qi When Beili woke up, she was bound to feel extremely regretful, and Chu Nan felt guilty too.

Hesitating for a while, Chu Nan put down Angelina and walked to a middle-aged man who had lost his left arm not far from him.

When Angelique was chatting with this group of people before, Chu Nan noticed that this middle-aged man asked the most questions and seemed to be the leader of the group.

Chu Nan looked directly at him, said solemnly: "Follow me, or you will die here."

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