Watching Chu Nan slowly fly up into the air, Angel Belle and Nemonta were both shocked.

Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist breakthrough Zhouyu Tianguan became Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, which is actually an improvement in the essence of life, which means that it has entered the superhuman stage and is no longer the same as the ordinary person.

Therefore, when breaking through the universe, due to the interaction between the physical body and the space energy, various natural phenomena usually occur.

But the natural phenomenon that Chu Nan created just now actually made all the space energy in the surrounding large space pour into his body frantically, as if there was a flood discharge opening in his body, so that Space energy pours in like a flood.

However, after a while, the large amount of space energy that had just poured into his body turned back into a flood of floodwaters.

With this retraction, almost all the space energy in the entire space surged frantically at any time, and even the entire space became almost unstable, making Angel Beili and Neimonta two people. It was almost impossible to keep flying in mid-air.

These natural phenomena are really unheard-of.

What shocked them even more was that when martial artists were breaking through the universe, they would try their best to build their inner small universe and polish their bodies as much as possible. Spend as much time as you can on breakthrough to get a better post-breakthrough state.

However, from the time Chu Nan showed signs of breaking through to the moment he succeeded in breaking through, it only took a few minutes before and after, which was amazingly fast.

A look of sadness crossed Angel Belle's face.

She knew very well that Chu Nan chose to break through the Eternal Sky Pass now in order to be able to deal with the Inner Mongolia Tower.

And now, in order to break the level as soon as possible, so that she can spend less time in front of the Inner Mongolia Tower, the time Chu Nan spends in the breakthrough has been shortened as much as possible, so the level is not perfect. only more imperfect.

As a result, the quality of Chu Nan breakthrough Zhouyutianguan can be imagined.

I thought that Chu Nan was brought here because he brought him here, which led to this kind of thing, and was forced to choose this breakthrough Eternal Universe. Since then, the road of Martial Artist has been greatly affected, An Qi Beili felt a deep guilt for Chu Nan in her heart.

"If only I were a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist now, I wouldn't need Chu Nan to pay such a high price..."

Angie Belle looked at the slowly flying Chu Nan, who came over, had a rare sense of daze and powerlessness in his eyes.

Through childhood, although she ran around the galaxy with Oviere Venerable and experienced all kinds of hardships, but under the careful care of Oviere Venerable, she never felt any dazed and powerless.

Only one time left a deep impression on her, and even had a psychological shadow, what happened on Leviathan three years ago.

But those people on Leviathan are just with her strangers coming together by chance. Although they are familiar with each other, they are not very close.

But Chu Nan is completely different.

Although the time she and Chu Nan knew each other was not enough to add up to a few months, the two easily became close and became her first true friend.

In her heart, Chu Nan has already become a special person.

And now, she can only watch Chu Nan suffer such a huge loss for her that almost all Martial Artists are unwilling to bear.

It can even be said that with the perfect body and cultivation technique, Chu Nan could have been the most perfect Martial Artist ever to break through the universe, but now all hope is ruined.

Such a loss is impossible for any Martial Artist to accept.

But Chu Nan chose to do it without hesitation.

And, this is his own choice.

Watching Chu Nan fly to her side, Angelina only felt that the thoughts in her mind were unprecedentedly complicated, and she didn't even know what expression to use to face him.

He opened his mouth, as if there were a thousand words he wanted to say, but in the end it turned into three simple words.

"I'm sorry..."

Chu Nan looked stunned and looked up and down at Angel Beili.

"I'm sorry? I'm sorry?"

Angie Belli sighed in a low voice, "If I didn't have to bring you, you wouldn't have to worry about breaking through Zhou Yutian. It's closed. You have to break through in such a hurry, I'm afraid..."

"I'm afraid of what?" Chu Nan turned around in his mind, and instantly understood Angel Beili's thoughts, and smiled at her and winked at her. Eye. "Who told you that you can't break the level in a hurry?"

"Ah?" Angelique lifts the head and looks at Chu Nan in surprise. "Could it be that you can still pass the level perfectly like this?"

"Why not?" Chu Nan laughed, turned his head and glanced at Inner Mongolia Tower who was looking suspiciously in the distance, patted An Qi On Beili's shoulder, she said softly: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about this. You have worked hard, now have a good rest, and then leave it to me."

Although Angel Beili She is still very suspicious of what Chu Nan said just now, "perfectly breaking the level", but she consumed a lot of life force in the battle with Nemonta just now, and now she has reached the limit. Hearing Chu Nan's words, she suddenly felt relaxed. , The whole body softened in an instant, and as soon as he closed his eyes, he fainted.

Chu Nan hurriedly reached out and hugged her, fell to the ground, cautiously placed her beside Du Lika, told Du Lika to "look at her well", and then flew back into the sky, facing her directly. Inner Mongolia Tower.

Nemonta kept squinting and watching Chu Nan's movements quietly, and when he flew up again, he looked at him up and down, said solemnly: "Boy, if I read it right, you Did you just break through the Zhouyu Tianguan?"

This is nothing to hide, Chu Nanp nods and replied: "That's right.

Inner Mongolia Taha gave a cold voice. Said: "Your courtship is not small, you dare to choose at this time breakthrough Eternal Universe Tianguan, are you not afraid of failure of breakthrough?"

"If it is unsuccessful, will you let us go?" Chu Nan asked back.

Inner Monta was silent for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

"No, no matter whether you succeed or not, you still have that little girl, and everyone here is dead today. If you dare to rebel against our sand eagle like this, then there is no possibility of surviving. "

"So, since it's all death, why don't I take a gamble?" Chu Nan shrugged, spreading his hands. "Look, I've succeeded in breaking through now."

Neimonta's gloomy face, staring at Chu Nan, as if to see through his body completely, sneered said: "Boy, don't think you have broken through Zhou Yu. Tianguan, you can defeat me. You are at most just a guy who just broke through Zhouyu Tianguan, but I have become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist more than ten years ago. Do you think, how big is the gap between us? "

Chu Nan didn't show any surprise on his face, but smiled slightly, and asked back, "Then may I ask, what grade of Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist are you now?"

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