
The thunderous sound resounded in the air again.

Inner Monta flew backwards, and didn't stabilize its figure again until it had withdrawn more than fifty meters away, stopped in mid-air, and sneered at Angel Beili on the opposite side.

"Hey, little girl, I don't know what the hell you're using a cultivation technique that can actually give you the ability to temporarily compete with me, but obviously, you're already dying!"

Angelbely took a deep breath to calm down her breathing as much as possible. The Inner Breath, which had become slightly chaotic because of the reckless fight just now, also re-regulated her breath to stabilize, and at the same time used her life The flames worked hard to heal the internal injuries that were actually very serious in the body.

Although she used the burst of life to temporarily have the ability to break the order and compete with Inner Mongolia, it does not mean that she has the possibility of defeating Inner Mongolia.

In fact, if it wasn't for the mere thought of procrastinating, she probably wouldn't have been able to hold on for so long.

"Who said I can't do it anymore?" Angelina took a deep breath and stared at Inner Mongolia Tower with a look of dissatisfaction.

She is not an idiot. Now that Nemonta is willing to stop talking to her, she is of course more willing to accompany her and waste time.

Although she has been consuming a lot of life force in order to maintain her life bursting state, if she is just chatting, the consumption speed will be much slower after all.

"I still have a lot of great cultivation techniques that I haven't used yet. When I use them, you'll be dead!"

Hearing Angelique's words, Innermonta Instead of laughing, he frowned slightly.

Of course he doesn't believe that Angelina really has any super-powerful cultivation technique that can beat him in one fell swoop, but the little girl in front of him has already brought him so many surprises that he has no choice but to. Be cautious.

If this little girl really hides some killer move, even if he doesn't have to worry about falling into the sewer, he still has to be somewhat careful to avoid being hurt by the opponent's counterattack before he dies.

After passing this idea in my mind, Neimunta suddenly felt a sense of shame.

"Damn it, I dignified a powerful Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, to be afraid of being hurt by such a teenage little girl, it's a shame!"

Thinking Here, Inner Mengta was slightly angry, the Inner Breath circulated, and the figure flew over, punching towards Angel Beili.

This fist stimulates the huge space energy in the surrounding space. When it is clearly dozens of meters away from Angel Beili, it has already brought out an incomparably terrifying power, making the entire surrounding space seem to be affected. A strong wind blew out of thin air, making Angel Belle's clothes rattle.

Angie Beili took a deep breath and sighed inwardly.

She knew very well that she would not last long.

Due to the large consumption of life force, the most obvious impact on her is that the speed of her internal injury recovery is not as fast as before.

When she just used Life Burst, under the action of the powerful life force, even if she suffered any internal injuries during the battle, she would be able to completely recover completely in the blink of an eye.

And now, the internal injury she suffered in the fight just now shows little sign of improvement. It is obvious that life force is no longer enough to support.

If this goes on, she can only withstand a few attacks from Nemonta at most.

"Chu Nan, you have to speed up."

Angie Belli recited a sentence in her heart, took a deep breath, gathered the few Inner Breath in her body, and her life force exploded with all her strength , immediately mobilized all the space energy in the surrounding space, all of them were integrated into the palm of the hand, and one palm greeted the Inner Mongolia Tower.

Seeing that the two fists are about to collide with each other again, the mutation protrudes.

The large amount of space energy in the surrounding space that was originally motivated by the two suddenly seemed to become restless and became extremely active, and even the space energy that the two of them had gathered near the fists appeared. The signs of getting out of control made it a lot harder for them to maintain this fist and this palm at all.

After a while, the space energy in the entire space vibrated violently, and then it seemed to have received some strong attraction, rushing wildly in the same direction.

The two looked in shock towards the direction of the space energy pouring in.

It is Chu Nan.


Comprehended the truth that the body is the universe, Chu Nan only felt the light before his eyes.

In just a moment, he had already disrupted the more than ten space energy circulation channels that had been formed in his body, and the dozen or so inner small universes that were about to take shape had also completely dissipated.

However, this does not mean that he failed to hit the Zhouyu Tianguan this time. Next, he re-mobilized the Inner Breath, and instantly flooded all the meridians in his body, including every set of peripheral meridians.

However, this time is different from before. When he was running Inner Breath, he deliberately strengthened the connection of Inner Breath on the dozens of nodes connected to the small universe before, so that he integrated Nine Revolutions For the first time, the Core Technique and the other thirty-five special cultivation techniques of Inner Breath cultivation techniques truly make all Inner Breath work in synchrony.

As a result, he immediately felt the Inner Breath all over his body truly form a whole.

Then he continued to strengthen the Inner Breath, trying to maintain the cycle of these Inner Breaths, but instead of focusing on the main meridian and secondary meridian, it focused on the hundreds of thousands of peripheral meridians in the body, The primary and secondary meridians simply become channels that provide Inner Breath to these distal meridians.

Maintaining and observing the operation of Inner Breath in hundreds of thousands of peripheral meridians at the same time is naturally impossible for ordinary Martial Artists, but it is not difficult for ordinary Chu Nan lightbrain brains.

When the Inner Breath in the peripheral meridian runs to the limit, Chu Nan thoughts move, the Inner Breath penetrates from every peripheral meridian, penetrates into every corner of the body, and then penetrates the body surface. .

Actually, Chu Nan had already done this action when he just opened up the meridian of the distal end, and he had already felt the existence of space energy at that time.

But at that time, because the cultivation technique had not yet been achieved, the Inner Breath was not strong enough, so it could not last for too long.

And now, with the support of the cultivation technique of the Great Accomplishment after the perfect fusion, with the support of the powerful Inner Breath enough to reach fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist Chengdu, he can easily maintain all the distal meridian The filling Inner Breath.

The next moment, Chu Nan felt the "scenes" of what he had done before,

When the Inner Breath came out of the body, he once again felt the familiar things in the surrounding space. space energy.

And this time, because every part of the body is filled with Inner Breath, he feels as if he has lost himself in a sea full of space energy, surrounded by space energy everywhere, let him The feeling is more direct and fulfilling than ever before.

Then Chu Nan thoughts move, the space energy in the whole body space is attracted without hindrance, and then enters the body through every part of the body surface.

Although it seems to be similar to the previous situation of Chu Nan attracting space energy, in fact, this time Chu Nan is dominated by the Inner Breath in the peripheral meridian, so when the space energy enters the body, it is more It penetrated deeply into every inch of Chu Nan's body.

Under Chu Nan's deliberate guidance, the space energy soon formed a perfect cycle through hundreds of thousands of meridians in Chu Nan's body, bringing every tiniest place in his body to the fore. into this cycle.

It wasn't obvious at first, but as the cycle repeated many times, Chu Nan gradually felt that his entire body had become part of the cycle.

Afterwards, the Inner Breath has been perfectly fused with the space energy, and his physical body will not cause any obstacles to the flow of space energy at all.

I don't know how many times I kept cycling at a high speed. Chu Nan suddenly felt that after another cycle, the last bit of influence on the flow of space energy in the body completely disappeared.


A large amount of space energy in the surrounding space poured into Chu Nan’s body crazily, and his fleshly body seemed to have turned into a black hole in an instant. Crazy, it can even be said that it absorbs the surrounding space energy terribly.

Chu Nan immediately felt that his entire body was undergoing rapid and obvious changes, as if every cell had been changing.

This process is not long. Soon, the crazy influx of space energy flows out of Chu Nan's body through circulation again, as if it just went in for a circle.

However, Chu Nan is very clear that after this lap, he has become completely different.

Now, there is no gap between his physical body and the space energy in the surrounding space, as if his physical body is a part of these space energies, and the space energy can be unhindered in his flesh. * Flows back and forth in the body, and then flows back into the space without hindrance.

Chu Nan understands that now, he has really managed to build his body into an inner small universe, so that the connection between him and the space energy is extremely smooth, and it can even be said to be completely fused together.

Thoughts move, the Inner Breath circulated, and a large amount of space energy around him was immediately manipulated and circulated at will with his thoughts and Inner Breath. Chu Nan just moved his thoughts, and the body that was sitting on the ground was actually It just floated up directly, and then slowly rose into the air.

Become the universe, flesh *body Voidbreak.

Tianguan, broken!


Finally broke through Eternal Universe, which means Chu Nan finally entered a higher level and became a superman...

Well, becoming a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist means that Chu Nan has stepped into a new realm. People who come into contact with him in the future will encounter different things. The plot really unfolds, and the excitement is still to come.

So... let's get some tickets~

In addition, there will be a big ban and push tomorrow, so it will break out for two consecutive days, so stay tuned.

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