When thinking about building an inner small universe, Chu Nan's thinking always stayed on the various cultivation techniques he had mastered, thinking about what kind of cultivation technique he should use. To connect all the meridians who have been through the whole body together, so as to achieve the perfect use of his current perfect body and cultivation technique conditions.

However, this idea fails every time, because there has never been such a cultivation technique, which can connect all meridians in the whole body, let alone make the space energy flow in every corner of the body at the same time. , so he could have a similar cultivation technique as a reference at all.

Now in this urgent situation, Chu Nan's mind is divided light flashed, but suddenly an extremely bold idea pops up.

Since this problem cannot be solved by borrowing the old inner small universe construction solution, it is obvious that we can only come up with a completely new solution.

And the solution based on any kind of cultivation technique routine can't solve the problem, so just don't care about those cultivation technique routines.

Angie Beili, Feng Mingxi and the others all told Chu Nan that constructing an inner small universe is a very personal issue, and others can't provide much experience.

Now that his own situation is different from others, the inner small universe scheme he built must be completely different.

The solution that Chu Nan thinks of now is actually speaking of which is very simple - since one cultivation technique routine cannot be solved, then try combining multiple cultivation techniques.

This solution is not unusual.

When solving the meridian problem that his cultivation technique could not make perfect use of all the meridians in the whole body, Chu Nan's approach was to combine the various cultivation techniques he had mastered, and finally the fusion was successful, the cultivation technique Great Accomplishment, which is now based on the Nine Revolutions Core Technique, is actually a special cultivation technique that incorporates another thirty-five Inner Breath cultivation technique.

And now if you want to build a perfect inner small universe, obviously you should follow this line of thinking.

Time is pressing, Chu Nan has no time to hesitate at all.

After the aura flashed, he immediately began to activate the Inner Breath all over his body, following the trajectory of his current cultivation technique while circulating the meridian throughout his body.

Space energy follows the trajectory of his cultivation technique, and gradually merges into Inner Breath and becomes one.

From a purely theoretical point of view, for a Martial Artist with sufficient physical body and cultivation technique foundation, it is actually very simple to build an inner small universe, all you need to do is to guide the space When the energy circulates in the body along the Inner Breath, deliberately adjust the way the Inner Breath operates, so that the space energy and the flesh body can be fused, so that the flesh body can fully adapt to the operation of pure space energy, thus forming a fixed space energy circulation channel , even if it forms a fixed inner small universe.

This is of course no problem for Chu Nan, who has a perfect body and cultivation technique, so he told Angelique with great certainty that he would break through right now, here Zhouyu Tianguan.

He was very sure of it, and Angelbely knew it too.

Angelbely's concern is that Chu Nan chooses breakthrough when there is no perfect solution, resulting in not being able to break the level perfectly.

However, Chu Nan has now thought of this solution, but it is still possible to break the level perfectly.

Chu Nan felt very fortunate when he felt that the space energy was running smoothly in the body without encountering any obstacles.

Fortunately, with his own efforts and the help of many people, especially with the help of Elvie's research, he finally achieved a perfect body, otherwise he wants to try this extremely complicated and need to use To construct the inner small universe in every part of the body, you will face countless unimaginable physical obstacles, and it is absolutely extremely difficult to succeed.

After changing the Inner Breath mode and leading the space energy to make a circle in all the meridians in the body, Chu Nan has already felt that the space energy up and down the whole body has formed countless large and small circulation channels in the body, and then The whole body meridian is included through each node.

This is the solution he has in mind now.

According to his previous experience of integrating the Nine Revolutions Core Technique and other thirty-five Inner Breath cultivation techniques, he completely followed the method of the original Cultivation Technique and divided the body into additional Inner Breath circulation areas, forming A variety of space energy circulation channels have been developed.

In other words, multiple inner small universes have now been constructed within him!

For other Martial Artists, this can be said to be something that is fundamentally impossible, even imaginable.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan's incomparably powerful data ability, he could control the precise flow of the Inner Breath anywhere in each meridian with incomparable precision, and could clearly feel the space energy in any of the tiniest cells in the body. In the reaction after the transfer, he absolutely cannot maintain so many space energy circulation channels at the same time.

The situation in his body can be said to be countless times more dangerous than walking a tightrope.

Because once there is an imbalance in the Inner Breath, the energy of the space will get out of control.

And as long as there is one out of control, this fragile balance will be broken in an instant, affecting the entire structure.

The final result is that the circulatory space energy is completely out of control and the structure is completely collapsed, so the result of waiting for Chu Nan is not only the failure to build the inner small universe, the failure of the breakthrough of the universe, but also the failure of the breakthrough. It may be that the Inner Breath of the whole body is out of control, directly smashing all the meridians in the body, and even the most subtle peripheral meridian cannot escape.

In this case, Chu Nan is already half dead without the need for Inner Mongolia to take action.

Although the risk is huge, at this time, Chu Nan cannot afford to back down.

He continues to keep the Inner Breath going and cautiously keeping the space energy going.

As the space energy circulates in the body over and over again, it circulates in every meridian over and over again, and then through the meridian, it deeply affects every bone, every muscle, and every internal organ, directly affecting Every cell in the body, Chu Nan felt that his body was gradually changing.

With the gradual stabilization of the space energy circulation channel and the gradual stabilization of the more than ten inner small universes, the space energy entering his body from the outer space becomes smoother and smoother, and the speed of the circulation is getting faster and faster. , and unlike the initial perception of space energy, it will be very difficult to guide space energy into the body.

Feeling the thoughts move, the space energy will move along with it, and Chu Nan has a clear comprehension in his heart.

In fact, the process of building an inner small universe and breaking through the universe is a process of further improving the quality of Martial Artist.

During this process, the Martial Artist's body and inner breath will undergo essential changes, so that Martial Artist's perception of space energy is more direct, and it can be more easily manipulated. This makes it easier to manipulate the process of space energy.

After understanding this, Chu Nan "looked" at the more than ten different space energy circulation channels in his body that were connected together, and suddenly felt that there were loopholes and dissonance everywhere.

Then he thought of what it would look like when he successfully integrated the Nine Revolutions Core Technique and the thirty-five Inner Breath cultivation techniques, and completely understood.

What circulation channel, what Inner Breath cultivation technique, what inner small universe... are all just the experience summed up by predecessors, but the so-called purpose has only one, that is to directly enhance the essence of Martial Artist, let the Martial Artist's body can be completely integrated into the space energy, and it's just a better control of the space energy.

In this case, why bother to construct an inner small universe with a fixed shape?

This is an alternative solution for those martial artists who are limited by the cultivation technique.

However, he is simply not limited by the cultivation technique now, so why bother to limit himself?

What time, Chu Nan only felt that his thoughts were very accessible, and the last question that had been hovering in his mind was disappeared, the whole person seemed to be opened up, and he felt very refreshing.

Since my whole body can connect with space energy everywhere, then my whole body can form an inner small universe, why should I stick to those simple circulation channels in the Inner Breath cultivation technique?

I am here, connecting with the space, how can there be any distinction between the inner and outer small universe?

The body is the universe!

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