
Two beams of light fell at the same time, making two extremely terrifying roars, as if two formidable power terrifying bombs exploded .

The huge air wave accompanied by the flying sand running stone splashed by the densely packed, forced the surrounding villagers and robbers to retreat again.

It wasn't until they all retreated more than ten meters away that the air wave finally disappeared, the gravel fell, and the scene returned to calm.

Everyone looked at the center of the explosion in amazement, and found that two deep pits with a diameter of more than ten meters had already appeared in the originally flat place.

And in the pit, Chu Nan and Angelina fell to the ground completely motionless, as if they had died in the past.

Inner Mongolia Tower slowly fell from the sky, looked down at the two people in the pit, looked the head, and let out a contemptuous sneer.

"Even if you are all rarely seen geniuses, you are nothing more than Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. If you want to fight with me as a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, that's a long way off!"

With that, he turned around and waved at the robbers behind him.

"You little ones, since you've come out, it can't be in vain. Go and kill those who are short of arms and legs. If they are still intact, they will be caught and sold. As for those women, Just let you be happy today."

The robbers immediately burst into cheers and rushed towards the group of stunned villagers.

Those villagers suddenly shouted loudly, but most of them are not able-bodied people, and they have no weapons, so they are naturally powerless to resist.

Seeing that the villagers were about to be brutally murdered, mutation protruded.

Originally lying motionless in the pit, like Chu Nan and Angel Beili who had already died, suddenly jumped up together and moved to the left and right in an extremely tacit tacit understanding. Tower attack.

Chu Nan shot with one palm, it is the revised March slaying Divine Palm.

This palm has transported the Inner Breath that combines various cultivation techniques to the ninth turn in advance. The terrifying Inner Breath drives more terrifying space energy, making the space shaken and disturbed by this palm. Up, the formidable power is naturally extremely terrifying.

And Angelique over there throws a punch, although it doesn't seem to be as terrifying as Chu Nan's palm, but the space around the fist seems to be torn apart, and black cracks appear, among which the terrifying power can be imagined.

Inner Monta thought that the two of them must have been killed on the spot under their full strength attack just now, but did not expect that the two of them not only did not die, but could launch such a terrifying attack at the same time, completely unprepared, it was too late to completely Mobilizing space energy, naturally, there is no way to immediately carry out the sharpest counterattack.

But he is a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist after all. In this case, he can still react in time. It's just that his thoughts move and Inner Breath circulate. Under the influence of the small universe, the energy of the space around him is blown. The natural flow has already affected the space around the body, making Chu Nan's palm and Angel's fist formidable power instantly weakened a lot.

However, he still couldn't completely neutralize the formidable power of the two's attacks. In addition, the two's palm and this fist move were extremely delicate, so he had nowhere to dodge. Everyone hits directly.


Chu Nan slapped Neimengta's waist with a palm, but Angel Belli's fist hit Neimengta's chest directly.

Inner Mongolia Tower was shocked, spurt a mouthful of blood, and didn't have time to counterattack, stepped down a little, and flew out backwards, then drew an arc, and flew into the air again.

Chu Nan and Angel Beili raised their heads and looked towards the Inner Mongolia Tower, which flew higher this time, and felt helpless.

The blow just now was a trap they carefully set, but they still failed to seriously injure or even kill Inner Mongolia Tower in one fell swoop, giving him a chance to fly into the air again.

They are not Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists, and they don't have powerful anti-air weapons now, so it's almost impossible to pose any threat to Inner Monta.

But the two of them didn't have time to be depressed. Taking advantage of the gap between Nemonta's breathing and healing in the air, the two exchanged glances, one left and one right, and rushed to the robbers respectively.

Although the two of them were seriously injured in the attack from Nemonta just now, under the action of the flame of life, the injuries of the two have almost recovered completely, and naturally it does not affect their actions.

Although they are not the opponents of Inner Mongolia Tower, they have no difficulty in dealing with these robbers with mediocre martial skills.

The two shot at the same time, only to hear the muffled sound of "peng~ peng~ peng~ ——", and the robbers were all thrown away by them without any resistance.

This time, in order to ensure safety, Chu Nan did not act as mercilessly as he did against the robbers in the bus before, but directly attacked.

The robbers who were knocked into the air by him were all directly attacked at their vital parts. Even if they didn't die immediately, they were all seriously injured and had little chance of surviving.

He thought he had attacked hard enough, but when he looked back at Angelique, he found that all the robbers she had attacked had their necks twisted to one side, obviously dead. Can't die anymore.

This not only shows that Angelina is very ruthless, but also shows that she is far more professional than Chu Nan in killing.

Chu Nan couldn't help being astonished.

Angie Beili is two years younger than him, why is murder so skilled and professional?

How in the world did Overy Venerable bring her up?

But now is clearly not the time to ponder these questions.

Although the two have dealt with the robbers who threatened the villagers, the biggest threat still exists.

Inner Munta in midair had finished adjusting his breath at this time. He stared at Chu Nan and Angel Belle below with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Very well, you two dare to hurt me? I must tell you not to have the will to live, and impossible to ask for death!"

Then laughed.

"But before that, I'll play a little game with you guys."

After speaking, he raised his hand, the space energy gathered, and a group of white light condensed in his palm, With a flick of his hand, the white light was thrown in the direction of the villagers below.

Chu Nan and Angelina startled.

Those villagers have long been frightened and dumbfounded by what happened one after another.

And even if they knew, they couldn't dodge it at all.

If they are directly hit by this white light that gathers a lot of space energy, they will surely die, and even the bones will not be left!

Chu Nan and Angel Beili didn't even think about it, they both launched the Inner Breath together, their feet pressed hard, and their bodies flicked, blocking the white light.


With a loud explosion, Chu Nan and Angelique Baili used the Inner Breath to block the white light, but they were caught by the explosion. Qi Qi fell to the ground.

At this moment, the Inner Mongolia Tower in the air has thrown down another white light.

The direction from which the group of white light was sent was closer to Chu Nan. He didn't have time to think about it, so he could only lean up and block the white light in the air.

The terrifying space energy exploded wildly. Although Chu Nan's perception and control of space energy is far better than that of ordinary fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist and the cultivation technique is the Great Accomplishment, but he After all, it wasn't a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, and blocking this attack would immediately hit him hard.

Fortunately, he has the flame of life that incorporates the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath, and he can recover most of his injuries in an instant.

The next white light came down, Angel Belli didn't wait for Chu Nan to make a move, and jumped up first.


She was also knocked down again.

"Haha, two little fellows, I want to see how long you can block it!"

Inner Mongolia Tower in the air burst into laughter, the space energy kept gathering, and the light group rushed The villagers below kept falling.

Chu Nan and Angelina could only keep jumping up and trying to resist.

After a while, the two of them were covered in bruises and bruises, and even the clothes on their bodies could not be protected and became dilapidated.


Chu Nan blocked another attack and landed beside Angel Beili, took a breath, and grabbed her.

"Wait a minute."

"en?" Angelina astonished looked towards him.

“How many times can you block in a row?” Chu Nan pointed to the sky and asked.

Angelbely wondered why Chu Nan asked this question, but she still thought about it and replied, "About seven or eight times, and I should not be able to do it more than ten times."

"Up to ten times?" Chu Nan looked up at the Inner Mongolia Tower, nodded, which was gathering space energy in the sky, ready to launch the next attack. "Okay, that's almost enough. Listen, it's up to you to block everything from now on."

Angie Belle was even more surprised.

She certainly wouldn't suspect that Chu Nan wanted her to fend off the attack alone and run away by herself, but she was just wondering what Chu Nan wanted to do.

"What are you going to do?" she couldn't help asking.

Chu Nan stared at the Inner Mongolia Tower in the air, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"To kill this guy, it's not enough to just rely on our two Inner Breath Grades. So... I plan to break through Zhouyutianguan now and become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist."

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