
As soon as Angelina opened her mouth, the Inner Mongolia Tower in the air was thrown down by another white light, she could only jump immediately Get up, get up first.


Angie Beili was bombed and flew back upside down and fell beside Chu Nan, she didn't even have time to wipe the blood oozing from the corner of her mouth, He asked Chu Nan in surprise: "Are you crazy? You actually want to choose breakthrough Eternal Universe at this time?"

"No, I'm not crazy." Chu Nan shook his head slowly, His expression was calm and his eyes firmed. "I know what I'm doing. If the two of us are still at our current level, there is no way to beat this guy. But if I break through Eternal Sky Pass and become a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, I believe I will beat this guy. The strength of the universe."

"But you obviously haven't found a suitable inner small universe construction method?" Angelina was still full of surprise, her eyes widened and said: "If you choose to break through now , it's not a perfect pass. You will always be affected by this problem in the future, and the Master made it clear to you last time."

"Of course I hope to be able to pass the level perfectly, but Now... there's no chance."

Chu Nan shook the head, a little under his feet, and flew up diagonally, just in midair to stop the ball of light from the Inner Mongolia Tower and threw it to the villagers in other directions.

Although he barely resisted it, the terrifying space energy contained in the ball of light still shook his internal organs strongly, so he suffered serious internal injuries and could not help but spit a mouthful of blood. .

Angie Belli had already used the flame of life to heal the injury she had just suffered. Seeing Chu Nan falling, she ran over and put her palm on Chu Nan, and planned to use the flame of life. Yan helps Chu Nan to heal together.

Chu Nan waved his hand and rejected her.

"Leave Inner Breath for a while to deal with Inner Breath."

Angelbely grabbed Chu Nan and asked eagerly, "You really plan to take it now. Breakthrough? Think about it clearly, you can't regret breaking through Zhou Yutian!!"

Chu Nan glanced at her and smiled slightly.

“There is an old saying among us Chinese people, called a real man who does not do what he has to do. If it were normal times, of course, I would try my best to find an opportunity to make myself perfect, but now , look around..."

Chu Nan raised his finger and pointed to the side, Angelique looked in the direction of his finger, and saw dozens of villagers around him covering their heads and Sneaked away like a rat, each and every one of them had an extremely anxious expression on their faces.

Although there are dozens of houses for them to hide in, these dilapidated cabins may not be able to completely resist the basic wind and rain, and how can they resist the power of the terrifying space energy gathered in the Inner Mongolia Tower attack.

Angie Belle's eyes flashed, just to see Du Lika hiding in a corner, squatting on the ground, holding her head with both hands, her small body curled up, trembling non-stop, Clearly in utter fear.

"If we can't defeat Inner Monta, then we don't need to say much about our fate. Durika and these villagers will inevitably be killed. For them, and for ourselves, I have to think about everything. The only way is to kill this Inner Mongolia Tower. And the only way I can think of now is to immediately break through the Eternal Sky Pass!"


Angie Beiligang As soon as he opened his mouth, Chu Nan suddenly jumped up again, blocking another attack from Inner Mongolia Tower.

"Haha, boy, I think you can block it a few more times!" Seeing Chu Nan fall like a kite with a broken string, the Inner Mongolia Tower in the air burst into laughter. "When you can't stop it, I'll kill these damn untouchables one by one in front of you! Oh, that little girl came with you, right? I'll catch you, make you keep your eyes open, in front of you Play her well to death! haha...haha..."


Chu Nan fell directly beside Angelique, shaking, almost Couldn't even stand.

Angebeli quickly reached out to grab him, and the flame of life activated.

But as soon as Inner Breath came out, Chu Nan shook his hand and broke free from her hand.

"Save your Inner Breath for a while to stop this bastard." Chu Nan said solemnly.

"But...but do you really want to choose to break through now?" Angelique only felt that she had grown up so much, her mood had never been so complicated, and she had never been so confused.

She knew very well that Chu Nan had a point.

But she is more aware that if Chu Nan chooses to break through now, he may lose all the opportunities that Martial Artist dreamed of perfect breakthrough.

He has gone through a lot of difficulties, and finally he has a near-perfect body and a cultivation technique that is also close to perfect. universe's solution, thus a perfect breakthrough in the universe.

But now, is he going to give up because of this?

"Angie Belle, remember when you told me about what happened on Leviathan before, how much shadow you said that it left you?" Qi Beili's hesitation, Chu Nan continued: "You failed to save those people at the time, so now you still have a shadow in your heart, if I don't want to do everything possible to save these people around me now, I will be like you. ."

Angebely's eyes swept across the faces of the people around who lost one's head out of fear, took a deep breath, and her eyes became firm.

"If that's the case, then it should be me, not you. After all, you came here because of me, and they were the people I wanted to save in the first place. "

"Are you sure that your breakthrough will be successful now?" Chu Nan asked rhetorically.

Angie Beili started suddenly, opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Although Angelique became the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist earlier than Chu Nan, but because of the special cultivation technique of the flame of life, and Oweili's Venerable until now, I hope she can break through it perfectly. Therefore, the way of cultivating her has always followed the principle of meticulous craftsmanship. In fact, the distance to breakthrough Zhou Yutianguan is farther than Chu Nan.

Let her choose breakthrough now, the chances of success may not be very high.

If you just break through now, Chu Nan may be much more successful than any Martial Artist because of his perfect body and cultivation technique.

It can even be said that now Chu Nan already has all the conditions for breaking through the Eternal Universe, and all he needs to choose is just a way to break through.

"Then... I'll just move the Master out?" Angelababy's heart moved. "If he knew that my Master was a Star Level Martial Artist, he would definitely be shy."

"It's useless." Chu Nan sighed, shaking his head slowly. "He has a feud with us now, if he now knows that your Master is a Star Level Martial Artist, then I can guarantee that his choice must be to kill everyone here and silence, to ensure that this news will never spread. Do you believe it?"

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