This middle-aged man is naturally Inner Mongolia Tower.

When he first took off, his speed seemed to be very slow, but just after he floated away from the small shuttle, he suddenly accelerated, and in an instant he had broken more than fifty meters between him and Chu Nan. distance, punch towards Chu Nan.

This fist seems to be bland, but with the blow of this fist, Chu Nan immediately felt that the terrifying space energy in the surrounding space had been disturbed, as if it was instantly absorbed into his fist. Above the fist, although there is no light of Inner Breath on this fist, the formidable power contained in it will only be more terrifying.

Chu Nan knew that this fist must not be hard-connected, and instantly judged the speed, angle and other data of this fist in his mind, but when he wanted to dodge, he found that the surrounding space was from all directions There was tremendous pressure, and it was extremely difficult for his body to move at all.

After he analyzed that the source of these pressures was the pressure of space energy, when he tried to find a gap to dodge, he was already a little too late to dodge.

Seeing that Chu Nan was about to be directly hit by this fist, Angel Beili, who had been standing beside Chu Nan, snorted and slammed into Inner Monta with a punch.

Nemonta issued a lightly exclaimed , and was forced to close her fists and slapped Angel Belli with her backhand.

Chu Nan instantly felt that the pressure on his body was greatly reduced, and with a flick of his body, he had escaped from the pressure gap of space energy.

However, when she looked to the side, Angelique was already in danger, her body movement was extremely slow, and it was obvious that she could not avoid this palm.

Chu Nan didn't hesitate, took a deep breath, took a step forward, flung his arms forward, flipped his wrists, and the powerful Inner Breath that combined various cultivation techniques instantly launched with all his strength, and shot it out with one palm. It was the March slaying of the Divine Palm after his in-depth revision.

Originally, Chu Nan has the ability to drive space energy with Inner Breath. The revised March Divine Palm itself has this ability. Now the two are combined, and after one palm is shot, it is even more powerful.

The space energy in the surrounding space is fully driven, not only the palm is exquisite, but the formidable power contained in it is extremely terrifying.

Inner Mongolia Tower frowned, let out a louder snort again, was forced to withdraw the palm that hit Angel Beili, turned her body, turned her left palm into a fist, and met Chu Nan directly. This palm shot.

Chu Nan had already calculated all the movement trajectories of Inner Mongolia Tower, and wanted to avoid his counterattack and continue to threaten the opponent, but found that after Inner Mongolia Tower throws a punch, the surrounding space energy is motivated by it, The palm of his hand was greatly affected in an instant.

If he wants to avoid it, the space energy brought out by this palm will definitely be completely motivated by the opponent, then the formidable power of this palm will be greatly reduced, and maybe it will not be a threat to the opponent at all.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Angel Beili's silhouette flashing, Chu Nan's mind changed, and the palm was shot without any change.


The fists and palms intersected, and a huge roar sounded like a thunderbolt, shocking the surrounding villagers and the big men of the sand eagle to step back. .

The terrifying space energy gathers the equally terrifying powerful Inner Breath madly used from Inner Tower's fist, Chu Nan's right arm sends out a miserable ka-cha sound, spurt a mouthful of blood, involuntarily ground Stagger backwards.

But it was the first time they had been hit hard.

However, the Inner Mongolia Tower was also slightly shaken by Chu Nan's palm, so he couldn't immediately pursue it.

And at this time, Angelique on the side had already punched towards him again.

This fist also carries powerful space energy, which makes Inner Monta also have to take it seriously.

But he is a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist after all. Although Angelababy's fist was somewhat unexpected, he was still easily blocked by him.

Another palm slapped An Qibeili until she vomited blood and backed away, the contemptuous look on Neimanta's face was put away, looking towards the two of them, coldly snorted and said: "I didn't expect that I would be able to do it once. I met two super genius Martial Artists. You two already possessed the strength of fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist at a young age, which is already very good, and unexpectedly, they have already realized the use of space energy. Just give you some more time , I must be able to break through Zhouyu Tianguan and become the same Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist as me. But unfortunately, who made you meet me now?"

After finishing speaking, the smile on Nemonta's face It became extremely ferocious, the body moved, the palms flew, and Chu Nan and Angel Beili were enveloped at the same time.

Chu Nan and Angel Beili instantly felt that the space energy in the surrounding space seemed to fall into the control of Inner Mongolia Tower at the same time, making it very difficult for them to even move, and even more so. Needless to say, continue to mobilize space energy to counterattack.

Fortunately, one of the two has incomparably powerful data capabilities and can make the most accurate judgment on the situation in an instant. Very familiar, no stranger to this environment.

And both of them have experience with Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist many times, so they are experienced and don't seem to be in a hurry.

In addition to the special cultivation technique of two people, even if they are injured occasionally, they can recover immediately, and even serious injuries such as fractures can be quickly recovered in battle, so the lasting battle strength is amazing.

In the end, with the tacit understanding that the two had cultivated together for a long time, they fought back and forth with Nemonta.

Although it is still unilaterally at a disadvantage, there is no sign of defeat for a while.

Of course, the two of them had absolutely no chance of making a mistake.

After a stalemate like this for a while, it was Nei Mengta's carelessness, and Chu Nan even pinpointed a gap and slapped him in the chest, forcing him to take two steps back.

However, the Inner Mongolia Tower immediately pushed out both palms and forced the two back, and then the body moved and flew into the air.

After hovering and floating about ten meters above their heads, Nemonta lowered her head and looked towards them, loudly said: "I admit, you two surprised me."

Chu Nan and Angelina looked at each other, frowned.

This is where the Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist is the most scoundrel about their Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists.

Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist can fly into the air at any time, but even if they jump with all their strength, they can only jump more than ten meters high at most. It is even more impossible that they also have complete combat capability in the air, so naturally they cannot. Jump up and fight with Nemonta.

In this way, Inner Mongolia Tower can fight and retreat, and simply remain invincible.

Of course, under normal circumstances, the two of them Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist can actually go back and forth with a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist, which is enough to be proud of.

However, it is obviously not a fair duel now, but a life-and-death fight, and there is no point in going back and forth.

Besides, is it really possible to go back and forth?

After the Inner Mongolia Tower in the air finished speaking, they raised their hands, and the two immediately felt that the space energy in the surrounding space seemed to be evacuated all at once, frantically flocking to the Inner Mongolia Tower in midair.

Affected by the energy of the space, the surrounding space seemed to become unstable, the oscillating ripples kept flashing, and a hurricane suddenly appeared on the flat ground, blowing up countless sand and gravel, and it was all in an instant. This piece seems to be caught in a ghost.

The energy of the space in Neimonta's raised hands continued to gather, and his hands gradually glowed, as if two small suns were suddenly born from their hands.

"But you are nothing but Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists after all. Now let me tell you how big the gap is between us!"

accompanying Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist The words that fell, the whereabouts of both of his hands, and the two groups of rays of light fell like lightning with an extremely terrifying aura.

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