Chu Nan Shi Shiran jumped over several times, took the driver who had already been mixed in because of the explosion, and threw it in front of the fuel locomotive, where he was released with other robbers. together.

Including the two drivers, there were nine robbers in total. Now, including the big man with a tumor, only three of them are still awake, but they have been terrified by Chu Nan long ago. What Nan asked, they answered honestly.

After interrogating them for a while, Chu Nan roughly understood the reason.

It turns out that these guys are indeed members of an organization called "Sand Eagles" that the passengers just mentioned.

This "sand eagle" is actually a very common bandit organization on the Leppler star, but because it is located around the biggest city Carnival Night City, it has developed relatively better and has the most power. , in the carnival night are some famous.

It can even be deduced from some of the answers of the tumor-bearing man that Sand Eagle simply has a close relationship with some high-level people in Carnival Night City.

This also makes sense.

After all, they have grabbed a lot of things, I am afraid they have to go to the city to get rid of it, and some necessary materials can only be obtained through the city.

As for the fact that they came to rob the passenger locomotive, there was no special reason, it was purely their "routine", but this time they were unlucky, and they happened to meet Chu Nan and Angelina. Li, the two talented Inner Breath Grade Martial Artists, were in the car, so they fell.

"Boy, you'd better let us go now, or we Sand Eagle will never end with you." Speaking of this, the big tumor-bearing man seemed to suddenly remember something, and suddenly became hard. "You let us go, we'll be honest this time, everyone goes their separate ways and has nothing to do with each other. But if you dare to do something superfluous, our sand eagle will definitely let you not only find it in this wasteland. Even if I go back to the carnival night, I'll be dead!"

"oh?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows. "It's no wonder you are so arrogant and fearless. But that's right, there are no policemen on this broken planet, and no one cares about you at all."

"hmph, it's good to know." Seeing Chu Nan, he seemed to flinch. Meaning, the big man with the tumor is even more proud. "Looking at your appearance, it should be a passenger from another planet, so you have to abide by our rules and don't make trouble easily. Otherwise, you will definitely be extremely unlucky."

Looking for a long time The tumor on the big man's face that was even more disgusting because of the smug smile, Chu Nan was deeply frowned.

In his original intention, these guys are doing a lot of evil, die without regret.

But he had to admit that the tumor-bearing man made a lot of sense.

If you offend these guys here, he and Angelique will pat their butts and leave, forgive them, and they won't be able to run to the Earth Federation, a thousand light years away, to retaliate against them. , but now the people in this car are not so easy to escape.

The most important thing is that Du Lika and her fellow villagers all live on this wasteland. If they are found, there will be a big problem.

After pondering for a while, Chu Nan straightened up and pointed to the tumor-bearing man nodded: "Okay, I'll let you go."

The tumor-bearing man was immediately overjoyed, enduring the pain to stand Get up.

"Boy, you're smart."


Chu Nan smiled slightly, throws a punch, and knocked out the big man with the tumor , and then punched out the other two robbers who were still sober.

After disposing of these guys, Chu Nan returned to the car and found that Elvie had used the flame of life to heal all the passengers who were injured in the collision just now, along with the driver. Come over, then laughed, gave her a thumbs up as a compliment, then came to the driver.

"How is it? Can I still drive?"

The driver was still in shock at this time, but he also knew that Chu Nan was the hero who took them out of the hands of the robbers this time. When he asked, he tried it immediately, and then started the locomotive smoothly.

"Yes, I can drive..."

"Then let's go quickly, we can't stay here for long, if those guys have any backup, it will be dangerous." Chu Nan road.

"Yes, yes, hurry up and hurry up."

The driver repeatedly stepped on the accelerator, and the locomotive rushed out, even Chu Nan couldn't help himself. With a jerk, the other passengers were completely unprepared and staggered.

Chu Nan frowned, didn't bother to scold the driver, came to Angel Beili, looked down, and found that Du Lika, who was sitting beside her, didn't show up after going through such a thrilling situation just now. What looked scared, but looked at himself with excitement and curiosity.

"Dulika, aren't you afraid?"

Dulika shook her head: "No, this kind of thing happens often. Every time those robbers watch I'm still young, so I don't care, I'm fine."

Chu Nan and Angelique looked at each other and were speechless at the same time.

What kind of environment did this Du Lika live in since she was a child? She actually regarded the thrilling scene of guns coming and going as her daily life.

"Du Lika, do you want to leave here and have a better life?" Angelique couldn't help asking Du Lika.

"I think so." Durica answered nodded without the slightest hesitation, but then her face became bitter again. "But I don't want to leave Uncle Aunt and big brother elder sister, everyone treats me very well..."

"What if we all leave together?" Angelique asked again.

"Everyone together?" Durica was obviously taken aback. "How do you all leave together?"

"I'll ask you another question. Tell me, if someone is willing to take you and all those people in the village away for a better life, no Do you think everyone would be willing to stay here and work so hard every day?"

After asking this sentence, Angelique looked at Du Lika nervously, for fear that she would give a denial s answer.

Du Lika frowned, thought seriously for a while, and shook her head, her expression a little dazed.

"I don't know... If everyone is willing to leave, then I am also willing to leave with you, but everyone is unwilling to leave, and I am not willing to..."

"Okay. Well, I get it." Angelique sighed and patted Du Lika's head, knowing that if she asked Du Lika about this matter, she wouldn't be able to find the answer, so she could only discuss it with those people when she got there.

Chu Nan ignored the conversation between Angelique and Du Lika, and just kept looking at the environment outside the car, recording all the data passing by in his mind.

After a while, he turned to Angelique and said, "It's almost there."

Angelbe was nodded, took Du Lika back in her arms, and lowered her voice. He said to her, "Don't be afraid for a while."

Du Lika blinked, somewhat unfathomable mystery, but still obediently nodded, un'ed.

Seeing that the two were ready, Chu Nan opened the car window next to him, and when he moved, he jumped out of the car window.

As soon as she landed steadily, Angelina had already jumped down with Du Lika in her arms, and slowly turned two circles in the air to dissolve the impact, and then she slowly fell. on the ground.

As soon as the two landed, they kept running for a while in the opposite direction of the locomotive, and in a short while they disappeared into the vast wasteland.

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