"Hey, Chu Nan, please drive slowly, you see Du Lika is about to fly just now!"

Angelberry's complaint It didn't arouse any approval from Du Lika sitting next to her, but Du Lika let out a burst of happy laughter, and hit her back forcefully.

Seeing the excited look on Du Lika's face, Angelina could only helplessly roll her eyes and said nothing more.

Now they are sitting in a small truck, galloping at high speed towards the "village" that Durica said.

Since there are no formal roads in this wasteland, this small truck is an old and broken car that should have been eliminated for hundreds of years. Naturally, there is no comfort, so Running all the way down, the degree of bumps can be imagined.

This is of course not a problem for Chu Nan and Du Lika who are in charge of driving, but it must be a problem for Du Lika.

However, because it was her first time to ride this kind of minivan, Du Lika felt very novel and fun along the way, but she didn't think there was any problem, and she was even very excited, always cheering excitedly.

As for this pickup, of course, it was one of those robbers who drove over just now.

Chu Nan and Angelique jumped out of the bus with Du Lika in their arms, then turned back and ran to the place where they were hijacked just now. Before the robbers woke up, they took the rest The still-good pickup was snatched up.

Although no one has driven it before, Chu Nan quickly mastered the driving method with the memory of his previous visits to the museum, as well as his strong physical ability and data ability. It goes above 80 km/h.

According to the vaguely accurate map provided by Durica, the three of them were speeding towards the village where Durica was located, and they were now very close to their destination.

The reason why they came back and grabbed another pickup instead of continuing to take the bus was that Chu Nan and Angelique decided not to follow that group of people for the sake of safety.

This not only prevents those people from being implicated by the possible revenge of the sand eagle, but also makes it more difficult to grasp their whereabouts.

"Hey, Durika, look around, is there anything familiar?" Chu Nan asked back.

Because the accuracy of Durika's map is too low, so they can't directly follow the map to reach the destination village, so now they can only be roughly correct in the direction, and ultimately rely on Durika to help them find the right direction.

Du Lika stuck her head out of the car window, looked left and right for a while, and suddenly pointed to the front and shouted excitedly.

"Over there, over there! Do you see that red hill? There is a forest over there, and over there is where we live!"

"Oh?" Chu Nan was overjoyed when he heard that he had finally reached his destination, turned the steering wheel, and ran towards the red hill at the far right front.

It didn't take long for the pickup truck to carry the three people to bypass the hill. Seeing the woods behind the hill, Chu Nan drove the pickup truck into the woods, got out of the car, and walked through the woods. , and saw dozens of huts scattered outside the woods.

A few people were gathering outside the hut at this time, and they seemed to be discussing something.

Du Lika glanced at it, cheered, and rushed over.

Those people turned their heads in amazement when they heard the voice.

Angebeli's eyes swept across the faces of the group of people, and the previously restless expression instantly became excited.

"Oh my God, it's really... it's really them..."

Chu Nan smiled slightly and pushed her behind.

"Go, they're waiting for you."

Angie Belle gritted her teeth, and after a while, she seemed to have made up her mind and walked away past, and then under the gaze of the unfathomable mystery of the crowd.

"Okay...long time no see, I'm Angelina, do you remember me?"


one The small low-altitude shuttle landed on wasteland, and the air waves ejected from below brought a large piece of dust and fine gravel fiercely to the face and body of the tummy man and eight other companions, causing them to cry out in pain, but not. Dare to move, stand obediently in the same place, and put on a look of acknowledgment.

Before the shuttle stopped, a middle-aged man in his 40s jumped out of the hatch, came to the face paint of the gnarled man, and raised his feet.

“peng~ peng~ peng~ peng~ bang—”

The shadow of the legs flickered, and the gnarled man and his eight companions were all kicked out, and everyone was kicked vomited blood.

However, they didn't show the slightest dissatisfaction, but couldn't help but bring a hint of joy in their expressions.

Since the boss of Nemonta kicked them, it proves that the punishment is the end. For them, this is the lightest punishment they can think of.

"Damn it, a bunch of rubbish!" Inner Mongolia tower furiously shouted, pointing at the tumor-bearing man and the others, yelling: "Two cars, so many people, robbing a passenger car would turn out to be like this! Now! No one grabs it, and the car is gone, what face do you have to go back alive? Ah?"

There is not the slightest arrogance on the face of the tumor-bearing man at the moment, he tried his best to squeeze out a smile and leaned over He said in a low voice, "Boss Inner Mongolia, you really can't blame us. Who knew there would be such a small monster in that car, we really can't beat it..."

"Yes, Inner Mongolia Boss Tower, that little monster is too terrifying. I hit him so close with a round of bullets, and he didn't even break his skin." The robber who had shot Chu Nan a round of bullets in the car immediately responded immediately. "I think he should be an Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist at least, right?"

"Really?" Inner Munta glanced at him and beckons with the hand. "Come on, shoot a shuttle at me."

The robber was startled and waved his hands again and again: "How dare you..."

"Stop talking nonsense and let me You shoot you shoot." Nemonta scolded angrily. "Aren't you afraid that you can kill me?"

"Of course not. Boss Nemonta, you are a super expert, how could you be injured by a trifling bullet, I just..."

"Then you're still talking nonsense! Shoot quickly!"

The robber didn't dare to talk nonsense any more, he raised the small charge in his hand, and after a little hesitation, he was a shuttle at the Inner Mongolia Tower. Sweep past.

Nemonta stood still and didn't move, but before the bullets approached his body, it seemed to hit a transparent wall, completely motionless, and then puff puff puff all fell off .

Nemonta pointed to the bullet on the ground: "Did that kid block the bullet like that?"

The robber shook his head quickly.

"No no no, that kid is not like Unrivaled Divine Art like you, the boss of Nemonta. My bullets all hit him, but I just missed him."

"Very good." Nemonta nodded. "It seems that this kid is at most a high-level Inner Breath Grade, let's go, let's meet him."

The tumor-bearing man was stunned: "Boss, do you know where they are?"

Inner Mongolia tower coldly snorted: "As long as they don't run out of this wasteland, they can only jump in the palm of my hand!"

After saying that, he didn't see any movement, his body It actually slowly rose into the air and flew directly to the small low-altitude shuttle next to it, with a big hand.


Flesh Voidbreak.

This guy is actually a Voidbreak Grade Martial Artist!

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