The flames fiercely hit the front left of the fuel locomotive. The violent explosion and the strong flames instantly covered the voices of everyone in the vehicle and blocked everyone's sight.

“crash-bang lah——”

The terrifying blast wave smashed the glass on the left side and front of the fuel locomotive, and the driver who was driving the locomotive He reacted quickly, but only had time to slam the steering wheel to the right, and then slammed on the brakes with one foot.

The passengers in the car leaned violently due to the violent movements of the locomotive, and many of them simply rolled down from their seats.

When the locomotive stopped suddenly, there was another round of violent impact, which immediately caused a scream of hiding the sky and covering the earth.

Chu Nan and Angelina certainly wouldn't take such a small shock in their eyes. Chu Nan immediately protected Du Lika, who was addicted to the game, and waited until the locomotive stopped. Looking forward, I saw two smaller, but equally outdated, rear-mounted floor-to-ceiling fuel locomotives. In the museum, the locomotives that should be called "small trucks" rushed over at high speed from the front left.

A moment later, the two small trucks stopped in front of the locomotive, and seven big men armed with old-fashioned weapons and small submachine guns jumped from the back, and separated two to block in front of the locomotive, and the other five took a kick. Kicked the door and rushed up.

"Be honest and don't move! Otherwise, don't blame Lao Tzu's gun for not having eyes!"

A big man with a disgusting tumor on his forehead raised his hand The gun roared, and the passengers in the car suddenly shiver coldly up.

"Oh my God, it's the Sand Eagles!"

"It's really the Sand Eagles..."

"No way, how could you bump into them? , it's over!"


Several of the passengers apparently recognized the identities of these big men and shouted in panic.

Hearing that he was called out of status, the big man with a tumor not only had no scruples, but proudly laughed heartily.

"If you know that we are sand eagles, then you must be more obedient. You must also know that we sand eagles are not good at killing people. If anyone dares to move, you will all die!"

After threatening the passenger with words, he waved his hand, and several other big men behind him unceremoniously searched the passengers one by one.

At first, there was a passenger who was a little awkward and reluctant, but was hit directly on the head with the butt of a gun, and his head was smashed, there's no resistance.

In this way, other passengers will no longer dare to resist, and will obediently let the other party search their bodies.

When a female passenger was searched, the big man who searched her sneered, and suddenly pulled her hands, tore her upper clothes completely, and most of her skin was completely exposed.

The female passenger screamed. She wanted to hide, but there was nowhere to hide, and she didn't dare to hide. She could only huddle in her seat, shaking while the big man continued to pull her clothes.

Chu Nan frowned, turned his head and glanced at Angelique, pointed to Du Lika who was held in her arms by her, and then pointed to himself.

Angie Belle knew the nodded and quietly stepped aside, leaving a more convenient space for Chu Nan to move.



The big man tore the female passenger's clothes again, and the female passenger couldn't help but let out a scream again , At the moment that attracted the attention of many people, Chu Nan Inner Breath quickly launched, and the ghost-like figure disappeared in place.

next moment, he has appeared by the side of the tumor-bearing man, punching him away.

This tumor-bearing man has some martial arts foundation, and he can still respond.

However, after all, he was too far from Chu Nan. Even if he reacted, it was too late. Chu Nan unceremoniously punched him in the lower abdomen, instantly a mouthful of blood spurted, and his body was involuntarily. The ground bowed.

Chu Nan grabbed the gun in his hand and threw it out from a distance. A little further under his feet, he came to the big man who was still harassing the female passenger. He kicked and hit his lower body. key.

The big man let out a scream of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry. He was kicked up by Chu Nan, and hit the roof of the motorcycle heavily, smashing the hard roof made of alloy. forcibly knocked out a huge human figure, then fell, and with a clatter, fell like a puddle of mud in front of the female passenger, causing her to let out an even more terrifying scream.

Just as the screams came out, Chu Nan's silhouette had disappeared again.

“peng peng——”

Two big men were knocked into the air by Chu Nan respectively.

At this time, the last big man in the car reacted. Without saying a word, he raised his hand and turned to Chu Nan "da da da" to fire a shuttle of bullets.

With Chu Nan's reaction, of course, he could easily avoid all the bullets, but he instantly judged that if he dodged by himself, the bullets would definitely hit several passengers behind him, so he simply didn't do it. Any evasion, even in order to stop all the bullets, deliberately moved his body, so that all the bullets were shot on his body.

"puff puff puff puff-"

The muffled sound of a series of bullets hitting the body came, and the only remaining big man was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

"Haha, boy, dare to resist our sand eagle, you are looking for..."

Before he finished speaking, the wild laughter on his face immediately turned into horror.

Chu Nan shook his body, one after another bullet fell from him and hit the floor of the locomotive with a loud noise. There was no sign of being injured at all.

"It's actually an Inner Breath Grade expert..."

The rest of the big man muttered to himself, and then he was forcibly kicked out of the car window by Chu Nan and fell on the ground. More than ten meters away, there was no sound.

After solving the five big men in the car, Chu Nan kept moving, turned around, and jumped out from the front window that was smashed by the blast wave, and solved the problem in three or two times. The two big men stopped in front of the car, and then their eyes fell on the two small trucks parked there.

There were two big men on the pickup truck, who looked like drivers. They probably saw Chu Nan's terrifying. The moment he turned his eyes, he actually started the pickup truck and split into two. He fled away in the direction, looking like he wanted a well-trained look.

Chu Nan coldly snorted, with just a few steps, he caught up with the nearest pickup truck, jumped up, and moved to the side of the cab, grabbed the driver's neck, and said coldly. Open your mouth.


The driver did not dare to resist, so he stopped obediently.

Chu Nan stretched out his hand and pulled him out of the cab, knocking him unconscious with a punch.

Looking back, I saw that another pickup truck had run to two hundred meters away.

"Want to run?"

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes, took in the data about the escaping trajectory of the pickup, and completed the calculation in his mind in an instant, then stretched out his hand beside him. I broke off a piece of iron from the small truck that I was in, transported the Inner Breath and kneaded it into an iron ball for explanation, and then glanced at the small train in the distance. fling.

The iron ball turned into a bolt of lightning, hitting the head of the pickup with great precision in an instant.


The engine compartment of the small train suddenly burst into flames, and then the explosion sounded, and the small train immediately lost its acceleration and slowly stopped. .

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