Chu Nan was stunned.

"How do you know?"

"I'm well-informed." Dong Fang replied proudly, then explained: "Well, I heard someone say anger by accident. Your Nebula Academy Martial Artist branch will go to the Sapphire Star Domain for a practical trial during this time. I wanted to ask you if you have been there, but now it seems that there is no need to ask."

"Well...this test All of our freshmen participated in the training, and I was no exception." All Chu Nan's ordeals agreed with Dong Fang's judgment. "But why do you suddenly ask this?"

"The reason is very simple, because..." Dong Fang lengthened his voice deliberately and made a full gesture. "I'm going to Leppler Star soon."

"Huh?" Chu Nan was even more surprised. "Why did you brat come here? What are you doing here?"

"Come on, it's like the Sapphire Star Domain is your home." Dong Fang cursed. "I'm here because I have a business and a job. Our Ceres Security Company is going to escort a shipment to the Sapphire Star Domain, and the first stop will definitely stop at Leppler Star. How about it? Can you take time to meet?"

"Really?" Chu Nan was instantly overjoyed. "Are you really coming? Very good! When will you arrive?"

"According to the plan, it should be three days later, when the time comes, are you still on Leipler?" Dong Fang asked road.

"I'm here, we're going to stay here for ten days, you come and we'll find a place to get together." Chu Nan rubbed his hands excitedly. "I haven't seen each other in real life for over half a year. It's great to meet here. But then again, can you just get out of your job..."

"che, I But their leader...cough, I'm also a small leader, isn't it easy to find a reason to sneak out?" Dong Fang curled one's lip disdainfully. "Anyway, I'll contact you when I arrive, you brat don't slip too far when the time comes, so that I can't get in touch. Let me tell you, the Sapphire Star Domain only has pan-galactic network coverage in large cities on a few planets. , even if you bring a personal terminal in other places, it is useless."

"Really?" Chu Nan was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he found that it was mentioned in the information given to them by Academy before. at this point.

Because of the chaos in the Sapphire Star Domain, the most important thing is that there is no unified and stable regime, which makes it difficult to establish a complete pan-galactic network here. Get out of these big cities.

"Anyway, obediently and honestly wash my ass and wait for me!" Dong Fang dropped a sentence at Chu Nan, waved his hand, and then turned off the communication.

"Wash you big..." Chu Nan didn't finish a word, but the virtual screen had turned into darkness, and he was so angry that he gnash the teeth. "Damn it, waiting for you brat to come and see if you don't take care of you for a while, it's really itchy!"

After scolding, Chu Nan's mouth raised a smile involuntarily.

Since leaving Western Cloud Academy, he and Dong Fang have only been able to communicate remotely through the pan-galactic network, and now it is a very pleasant thing to have the opportunity to meet in reality.

"In three days?"

Chu Nan calculated the arrangements for the three days in the heart, washed happily, and finally determined that he should have time to spare Come, he fell asleep with a smile on his lips.


Angie Belli kicked out and hit the opponent's waist.

The opponent immediately flew out like a cannonball and slammed into the barbed wire around the venue. Amidst the cries, he fell directly off the field, motionless, apparently fainted.

"Ohhhhhh oh... let's cheer for the victors! Beautiful fighter from the Earth Commonwealth! Our favorite Goddess Angel! Let's give her another victory with a big round of applause! ”

Thunder-like cheers and applause were instantly remembered outside the arena, and many audience members whistled directly to Angelique, and the excited and frenzied expressions on their faces made everyone’s faces change. twist up.

Angie Belli ignored the reactions of the surrounding audience, but glanced at the opponent who was lying on the sidelines, jumped up, and pierced through the big hole that the opponent hit just now. Go out, land on the opponent's side, squat down, put your hand on the opponent's back, the flame of life is activated, and a ray of white light envelopes the opponent.

Seeing her action, the audience who were cheering and cheering just now all quieted down, and the surroundings of the huge fighting field instantly became extremely silent.

After a while, under the action of the flame of life, the opponent suddenly shook, coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then opened his eyes, he turned over and jumped up.

"Oh oh oh..." the narrator shouted loudly again. "We've seen something magical again! Miss Angie sends her love to her opponent again! We see that Iron Fist is now fully recovered and he's like a normal human being! Oh my God, this It's simply Divine Vestige! Miss Angel, she is an angel from the Earth Federation!"

This narrator obviously has a certain understanding of the culture of the Earth Federation, and actually knows that Angel's pronunciation is in Another layer of meaning commonly represented in the Earth Federation.


The audience burst into cheers much more violently than before.

I don't know who called "angel" first, and then a group of people shouted together, and the tidy sound shook the roof.

The opponent who was kicked by Angelique just now looked around blankly, then smiled bitterly and extended the hand to Angelique.

"Miss Angel, you are so powerful at such a young age, you will definitely become a very powerful Martial Artist in the future."

After sincerely wishing Angel Belle, the name has The opponent with an extremely strong physique turned around and left.

"Oh, did you see it? Even a violent Iron Fist was influenced by our angel Miss Angel! He actually stretched out his hand to Miss Angel! He has already knelt down and bowed. At the feet of the angels!"

The narrator did not forget to continue stirring up the emotions of the audience at this time.

Angie Belle didn't pay much attention to it. Seeing her opponent leave, she waved to the people in the audience, causing a burst of more violent cheers, and then left the fighting arena.

As soon as she returned to the preparation room, her manager, Gross, immediately came up with a smile.

"Angel, when are you going to schedule the next match? Or do you want to rest today?"

If it's another thug, Gross just needs to confirm him No injuries, that would definitely set the game up immediately until the last bit of value would be drained from him and he would be completely useless.

However, in the face of Angel Beili, she didn't dare to do it, and she didn't even dare to give birth to such a thought.

Of course it's not because she's too young, or because she's a rare female fighter, but because Angel Belle has already created a new record in the underground arena in just a few games. Very loud name.

It only took one night, and now she already has the incomparably eye-catching title of "Angel", and her fame is even comparable to that of many old-fashioned arena stars.

In her, more considerable value can be unearthed. Of course, Gross will not be so short-sighted to squeeze her out so quickly.

Of course, there is another very important reason for apart from this.

Although Angelina is young and her personality seems to be very carefree, she doesn't seem to care much about many things, but she is not stupid, and even knows the rules of the underground fighting circle of Leppler very well , and her strength is very strong, if Gross really dares to do anything that makes her dissatisfied, Gross has no doubt that she will be punished extremely terrifyingly.

She saw with her own eyes Angel Beili beat a local ruffian who dared to molest her to the point of breaking her whole body, and then healed her whole body with her amazing cultivation technique. Well, the whole body is broken again...

Every time she thinks of Angelique's calm face and even a hint of excitement and joy in her eyes, Gross shudders.

So in front of Angelique, she hardly dared to make any tricks.

"Let's rest today. Give me a stronger opponent tomorrow. Today's opponent is too weak."

Angela didn't expect Gross Countless complicated thoughts were spinning in her head. She bluntly put forward her opinion to Gross, and after getting a definite answer, she waved her hands and left the underground fighting arena.

As soon as I walked out the door, I found that the bright sun had fallen outside, but it was already morning.

She couldn't help being stunned.

Last night, I had a blast, but I forgot the time. I didn't think the whole night had passed.

"I don't know what's going on with Chu Nan?" Angelina thought for a while and felt that Chu Nan should be resting at this time, so she gave up the idea of sending a message to Chu Nan and turned around. Walk in the direction of the hotel.

Just walking out of the street where the underground fighting arena is located, a little girl about eight or nine years old suddenly walked up to her with a basket of flowers.

"elder sister, do you want to buy flowers? The flowers I just picked today are very fresh. You smell them, they are very fragrant..."

Angiebei Li laughed, was about to wave her hand to refuse, but suddenly her body shook slightly, she lowered her head and looked towards the little girl who sold flowers, her eyes locked tightly on her face.

The little girl was obviously frightened by An Qibeili's actions. She instinctively wanted to run away, but she was reluctant to give up this guest she finally met. Her body trembled slightly, she was afraid, but she was still strong. She stood on the spot and tried her best to hand the flower in her hand to Angelababy.

"Sister...elder you want to buy flowers?"

Angie Belli stared blankly at the little girl, and after a while, she suddenly squatted down He lowered his body, looked directly into her eyes, and asked in a slightly trembling voice, " are Durika, right?"

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