(With such a good number of chapters, I’m sorry for the audience if I don’t take the opportunity to pull a wave of monthly passes...)


Chu Nan wanted to shake his head in denial, but when he saw the look on Boss Taman's face, his heart moved, his thoughts turned, his eyes became cold, coldly snorted and said: "You know what you have done yourself."

This sentence is obviously deceiving.

Actually, Chu Nan came to Leipler Star for the first time today, and it was the first time he came to Carnival Night City. How could he have any conflict with this Taman boss and the little gang he was in?

However, he believed that with the behavior of this Boss Taman and the little hooligans under him, he must have done a lot of bad things at ordinary times. Saying this, he would definitely have doubts in his heart.

Sure enough, when he heard Chu Nan's words, Boss Taman's expression changed immediately, he couldn't help but take a step back and stared at Chu Nan: "Boy, you dare to be right with us, Dade, That's courting death!"

These words were stern, and anyone could see that Chu Nan sneered, just a little under his feet, had already rushed in front of Boss Taman and kicked him out.

The boss of Taman started and wanted to dodge, but his strength was far inferior, and now he was severely injured by Chu Nan, how could he escape.


Chu Nan's foot is not biased, just in front of the arms raised by Boss Taman to block his chest, and put him in front of him. The left arm was directly kicked off, and the whole person was also directly kicked out by the terrifying force attached to this foot, flying across the entire street, hitting a wall across the street, and fell to the ground, unable to move.

Seeing how powerful Chu Nan was, the hooligans and the few people who were still watching the fun were all stunned.

Boss Taman is already a serious and vicious person in this area. He didn't expect that in front of this youngster, he would be powerless to fight back, and he was beaten so miserably in three or two blows.

Chu Nan walked slowly across the street and came to Boss Taman, who was slumped on the ground.

At this time, Boss Taman's left arm was broken, his chest was sunken, apparently several ribs were broken, the corners of his mouth and chest were full of blood, and his expression was tired. Still reluctantly lifts the head and stares at Chu Nan with a fierce light in his eyes.

"Little...boy, you...you dare to provoke us...we are the Dade Club, you...you're dead..."

"Oh? Really? "Chu Nan looked at the still stubborn Boss Taman with some amusing, and looked the head. "You are not qualified to say this, go and inform your boss that at this time tomorrow, I will be waiting for him at the tavern."

After dropping these words, Chu Nan glanced back at the rascals .

The little hooligans were startled and took two steps back involuntarily.

Even the scarred man, who could only sit on the ground because of his broken leg, was so frightened by Chu Nan that he tapped his hands on the ground and stepped back.

Chu Nan cracked his mouth, laughed, shook his head, and turned straight away.

In the tavern behind him, Father Huskman frowned slightly as he watched Chu Nan leave.

Thinking about it for a while, he asked the young host beside him: "Dade Club seems to have recruited a new expert recently?"

“en! I came here last week, and on the first day I came here, I beat the number one expert An Hula of the fire bird gang to death. The fire bird gang was already fighting with the Dade Club. Those two blocks ahead have now all given up."

"oh?" Father Haskeman was a little surprised. "I remember... Anhura is supposed to be fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade?"

"Yes, he broke through to fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade last year. So everyone said, that wearer Dehui's new number one expert can beat Anhula to death. Maybe he is already a Voidbreak Grade expert who has broken through Zhouyu Tianguan! This kid dares to provoke Dadehui at this time, he will die It's over!"

"Voidbreak Grade?" Papa Haskeman couldn't help shouting the head, sighed. "It's a pity, I was quite optimistic about this kid. I didn't expect him to take the initiative to court death now."

Hearing Father Haskeman say this, the young host was a little unconvinced.

"What if this kid can even handle the Voidbreak Grade expert?"

Daddy Huskman glared at him: "Do you believe it?"

The young host immediately shook his head in frustration.

Even if the kid just now showed that he has a very good martial skill, but he is so young, no matter how talented he is, he can still break through the universe and compete with the Voidbreak Grade expert.

Now that he offends the Dade Society so much, he is really courting death.

At this point, Chu Nan had disappeared into the shadows on the street corner. Father Haskeman glanced in that direction, thought for a while, and put Chu Nan out of his mind.

In his opinion, the current Chu Nan is clearly a dead person.


Chu Nan walked into the hotel room with a smile on his face, walked briskly, and looked energetic when the personal terminal on his wrist suddenly came. communication request.

Looking down, Chu Nan was stunned.

This communication is not from Angelique as he expected, but from Dong Fang!

Chu Nan quickly chose to connect, saw a face appear on the virtual screen, and immediately cursed loudly.

"Damn it! Dong Fang you brat actually remembered to send me a message? I thought you were dead!"

After a sentence, Chu Nan was stunned to find out , the face that appeared on the virtual screen...not Dong Fang at all.

This is embarrassing...

Chu Nan grinned, scratching his head a little sorry.

"That... who are you? How come you use Dong Fang's communication number?"

I immediately realized that it was wrong.

The personal terminal is directly connected to the personal DNA password, and will not accept the instructions of another person at all except for the operations carried out by oneself.

In other words... the guy in front of me is Dong Fang.

This guy who can appear on the virtual screen has a standard stature, a square face, and can even be called handsome, no matter how he has nothing to do with the fat pig-like guy Dong Fang.

But if you look carefully, Chu Nan finds that this guy's facial features are really very similar to Dong Fang.

"Does Dong Fang have a brother?"

While doubts arose in Chu Nan's heart, the man on the virtual screen had already spoken.

"Damn, it's clearly you brat who hasn't sent me a message for a long time, okay? How dare you turn around and sue the villain first? Damn it, I think you're dead!"

This guy opened his mouth and Chu Nan immediately determined that he was Dong Fang!


Chu Nan carefully glanced at Dong Fang on the virtual screen several times, still unable to believe his eyes.

Is this guy with such a standard body really Dong Fang?

Seeing the expression in Chu Nan's eyes, Dong Fang couldn't understand what he was thinking, he turned around, and deliberately put on an enchanting pose, said with a laugh: "How is it? Aren't you frightened by me?"

Chu Nan couldn't help but nodded: "Yes, I was really frightened. Why did you lose so much weight all of a sudden? Could it be that you lost your love? Last time we The communication was only two or three months ago. At that time, you were still like a pig like when you were at the Academy. How did you become so thin in such a short period of time?"

"Love you." Dong Fang cursed. "Women who cry every day and want to have sex with me can go to your house from here believing or not? I'm insisting on exercising and scientific methods to lose weight reasonably and healthily. How can a muscle stick like you understand?"

Chu Nan laughed: "Speaking of a muscle stick, I only saw a real muscle stick a few days ago, and my comparison with him is almost like a firewood stick. By the way, why did you suddenly think of it to me today? Did you send a message? Is there anything wrong?"

"I can't chat with you if I have nothing to do?" Dong Fang scolded. "Of course, I did see you today. I ask you, are you on Leppler now?"

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