Chu Nan woke up early.

With the gradual improvement of the martial skill cultivation base, especially the improvement of the cultivation of the Inner Breath cultivation technique, and the combination of the flame of life and the high-frequency vibration of the Inner Breath becoming more and more perfect, his current energy is getting more and more perfect. The better it is, the faster you recover your energy, which has the effect of taking less and less time to sleep.

It was already in the early morning of Leppler's local time when he was lying in bed yesterday, but when he woke up, it wasn't even daylight yet.

He was already used to this kind of situation, so he simply stayed in the room and started cultivation technique.

Since he successfully fused all the Inner Breath cultivation techniques he had mastered before, Chu Nan now spends a little longer on each cultivation than before.

This is normal, after all, his current cultivation technique has been able to successfully mobilize the Inner Breath to flow through all the meridians in the body, even every single distal meridian.

This trip is naturally countless times more complicated than ordinary Martial Artist cultivation, and it is also many times more responsible than when he simply cultivated Nine Revolutions Core Technique Fifth Layer.

Of course, at first, he was not very proficient. Now that he is gradually proficient, the time of his cultivation technique is gradually shortened, the efficiency is improved, and the integration of various cultivation techniques has become more Perfect.

With the integration of cultivation techniques getting better and better, Chu Nan can clearly feel it, and his perception of space energy is getting clearer and clearer.

Before this, he could only perceive and induce space energy by maintaining the Inner Breath in a high-frequency vibration state on the body surface.

And now with the integration of the cultivation technique with the Great Accomplishment, the intensity of his Inner Breath has jumped significantly, and it is already comparable to the fifth-rank Inner Breath Grade Martial Artist. The Inner Breath itself is strong enough to induce space energy.

And now he can mobilize the Inner Breath in all the meridians in the body at the same time. Once activated, the space energy can enter the body through every part of the body, and can flow through every meridian throughout the body. Even the tiniest corner will not be missed.

Feeling the energy of space flowing all over the body under the traction of the Inner Breath, Chu Nan frowned deeply while being happy.

It is good that space energy can flow freely in the body, but it brings him a very important problem.

How should the inner small universe be constructed?

Chu Nan asked Angela, many people, and even Feng Mingxi about the construction of the inner small universe, and he also checked a lot of relevant information, but came to a common conclusion, that is The construction of the inner small universe completely depends on the cultivation technique and physical characteristics of each Martial Artist's own cultivation, so each Martial Artist is different.

And like Chu Nan, who has a near-perfect physical body and can really spread the Inner Breath all over the body and guide the space energy to run without hindrance in the whole body, it is unique, so he does not have any successful connection at all. experience for reference.

All the previous Martial Artists constructed their inner small universe based on their own cultivation technique of Inner Breath cultivation technique as a template. However, Chu Nan's current cultivation technique incorporates a variety of Inner Breath cultivation techniques , although the main body is still Nine Revolutions Core Technique, but if it is still built according to this template, it will be a great waste.

So he still has to come up with an inner small universe plan that can be used perfectly. It can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is due.

This is also the reason why he did not choose to break through even though he already had the conditions for breaking through the Eternal Universe Gate.

Like what Angelique Beili and Feng Mingxi pursued, he also hopes to pass the test perfectly and leave no regrets in the future.

The space energy was simultaneously integrated into the Inner Breath of the whole body, and after driving the whole body to operate for a few weeks, Chu Nan soon felt the space energy in the surrounding space pouring in at a faster speed, and then He decisively stopped cultivation.

He knew that if he continued to cultivate, he would soon face the Eternal Heaven Pass.

And he doesn't want to break through when he's not ready.

"Anyway, for me, it's only a matter of time before breaking through the Eternal Sky Pass, and there is no difficulty. If Mu Yutong and Norman find out, will they feel that there is something wrong with their eyes? What?"

Chu Nan had an interesting thought in his mind and couldn't help smiling slightly.

If he had a grudge against Mu Yutong and Norman, the two Star Level Martial Artists before, now he is completely relieved.

If it wasn't for the two Star Level Martial Artists who caused him such a lot of pressure, he probably wouldn't have been trying to cultivate and try all kinds of things for nearly a year. He will not prepare for breakthrough Eternal Sky Pass in such a good state.

Chu Nan would even thank them both for speaking of which.

"When I break through Zhou Yutian, I must go to Mu Yutong and startle him."

Chu Nan stopped the cultivation, opened his eyes, laughed, and turned his head to look Towards the window, I found that the stars had risen from the horizon, and the sky was getting brighter, so I jumped up from the bed.

Leaving the room, cultivated the external martial skill, did morning exercises, returned to the house and washed up, and was about to go out when a communication request came from the personal terminal.

This time, Chu Nan thought it was another communication from Dong Fang, but when he looked down, it was Angelina.

"Hey Angelababy, good morning. How's it going? How was your fight last night?"

Angie Belle, who appeared on the virtual screen, was uncharacteristically excited Excited, as soon as he saw Chu Nan, he immediately shouted.

"Chu Nan, do you know who I met?"

"Who?" Chu Nan frowned, wondering. "Do you still meet acquaintances here?"

Angelbely said that she had been to the Sapphire Star Domain many times before with Ovérie Venerable, so theoretically, she might meet to acquaintances.

It's just that the theoretical probability is too low, and why is she so excited?

"Look!" Angelababy stretched out her hand and pulled to the side, pulling a little girl about eight or nine years old to the camera of the virtual screen as if offering a treasure. "This is Du Lika. Du Lika, the guy opposite is Chu Nan, who is my best friend. Come and say hello to him."

The little boy called Du Lika The girl looked at Chu Nan timidly, and for a while hesitantly raised her hand and waved at Chu Nan.

"Hello Chu Nan big brother..."

"Oh, hello." Chu Nan replied dumbly, and then asked Angelique: "Hey, Angelique, where did you kidnap such a little girl? Even if there are no police here, you're breaking the law!"

"Bah, where do you want to go? ." Angel Beili spat Chu Nan. "Remember when I said something happened on Leviathan? Durica was a Little Sister I knew at the time. I never thought she would come to Leppler now."

"Huh?" Chu Nan looked towards Du Lika in amazement.

Angelbely had a very rare expression of sadness and remorse when she mentioned what happened on Leviathan, which shows how deeply impressed she was by what happened there.

I can't believe that she would meet an acquaintance from that time here, and she is still a little girl who is not even ten years old. This is really a fortuitous encounter.

"Hey, Chu Nan, I'm going to visit her house with Du Lika while I have nothing to do during the day. Do you want to go with me?"

"Why did you ask me to come with you?" Chu Nan was a little strange.

"I..." Angel Beili suddenly became awkward, hesitated for a while, and then lowered her voice: "Going alone, I always feel a little... a little strange, so I hope Can someone accompany me. I can't think of anyone other than you."

Seeing the complex expression with a hint of sadness on Angelina's face, Chu Nan sighed in his heart, nodded: "Okay, I'll accompany you. Where are you now?"

Angie Belle immediately regained her sunny smile.

"We are..."

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